1. 程式人生 > 其它 >python的sort自定義排序


劍指 Offer 45. 把陣列排成最小的數


示例 1:
輸入: [10,2]
輸出: "102"
示例 2:

輸入: [3,30,34,5,9]
輸出: "3033459"

0 < nums.length <= 100

class Solution:
    def minNumber(self, nums: List[int]) -> str:
        def quick_sort(l, r):
            if l >= r: return
            i, j = l, r 
            while i < j:
                while strs[j] + strs[l] >= strs[l] + strs[j] and i < j: j -= 1
                while strs[i] + strs[l] <= strs[l] + strs[i] and i < j: i += 1
                strs[i], strs[j] = strs[j], strs[i]
            strs[i], strs[l] = strs[l], strs[i]
            quick_sort(l, i - 1)
            quick_sort(i + 1, r)
        strs = [str(num) for num in nums]
        quick_sort(0, len(strs) - 1)
        return ''.join(strs)
class Solution:
    def minNumber(self, nums: List[int]) -> str:
        def sort_rule(x, y):
            a, b = x + y, y + x
            if a > b: return 1
            elif a < b: return -1
            else: return 0
        strs = [str(num) for num in nums]
        return ''.join(strs)