1. 程式人生 > >NBU備份


red complete store sta grant 備份 win operation ant


2017/8/31 11:32:50 - begin Restore
2017/9/2 1:41:37 - 1 images required
2017/9/2 1:41:37 - media 0961L6 required
2017/9/2 1:41:37 - media 0966L6 required
2017/9/2 1:41:38 - restoring image bsb-front01_1498669201
2017/9/2 1:41:39 - Info bpbrm(pid=2996) bsb-front01 is the host to restore to
2017/9/2 1:41:39 - Info bpbrm(pid=2996) telling media manager to start restore on client
2017/9/2 1:41:42 - Info bpbrm(pid=4940) bsb-front01 is the host to restore to
2017/9/2 1:41:42 - connecting
2017/9/2 1:41:42 - requesting resource 0961L6
2017/9/2 1:41:42 - Info bpbrm(pid=4940) start tar32 on client
2017/9/2 1:41:42 - Info tar32(pid=20303) Restore started.
2017/9/2 1:41:42 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
2017/9/2 1:42:48 - awaiting resource 0961L6 Reason: Drives are in use, Media Server: win2008r2,
Robot Number: 1, Robot Type: TLD, Media ID: N/A, Drive Name: N/A,
Volume Pool: N/A, Storage Unit: N/A, Drive Scan Host: N/A

2017/9/2 1:42:53 - Info bptm(pid=6812) Waiting for mount of media id 0961L6 (copy 1) on server win2008r2.
2017/9/2 1:42:53 - started process bptm (6812)
2017/9/2 1:42:53 - mounting 0961L6
2017/9/2 1:42:53 - granted resource 0961L6
2017/9/2 1:42:53 - granted resource win2008r2001
2017/9/2 1:42:54 - Info bptm(pid=6812) INF - Waiting for mount of media id 0961L6 on server win2008r2 for reading.
2017/9/2 1:43:58 - mounted; mount time: 0:01:05
2017/9/2 1:43:58 - Info bptm(pid=6812) 0961L6
2017/9/2 1:43:59 - Info bptm(pid=6812) INF - Waiting for positioning of media id 0961L6 on server win2008r2 for reading.
2017/9/2 1:43:59 - positioning 0961L6 to file 2244
2017/9/2 1:46:15 - positioned 0961L6; position time: 0:02:16
2017/9/2 1:46:15 - begin reading
2017/9/2 14:16:49 - positioning 0961L6 to file 2245
2017/9/2 14:16:49 - positioned 0961L6; position time: 0:00:00
2017/9/3 4:09:08 - Info tar32(pid=20303) done. status: 0
2017/9/3 4:09:08 - Info tar32(pid=20303) done. status: 0 - the requested operation was successfully completed
2017/9/3 4:09:08 - end reading; read time: 26:22:53
2017/9/3 4:09:08 - Info bpbrm(pid=2996) child done, status 0
2017/9/3 4:09:08 - Info bpbrm(pid=2996) media manager for backup id bsb-front01_1498669201 exited with status 0: the requested operation was successfully completed
2017/9/3 4:09:09 - restored image bsb-front01_1498669201 - (the requested operation was successfully completed(0)); restore time 26:27:31
2017/9/3 4:09:12 - end Restore; elapsed time: 64:36:22
the requested operation was successfully completed(0)

