1. 程式人生 > >天才大猩猩可可去世,享年 46 歲

天才大猩猩可可去世,享年 46 歲

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《猩球崛起》中,大猩猩“凱撒”因為基因藥物變得異常聰明,當它開口說話的那一刻,大家都目瞪口呆。現實生活中,也有一位大猩猩擁有語言交流的能力。她叫可可,1971 年出生於美國舊金山動物園,從小被動物行為研究者、心理學家佩特森領養,學習掌握了 2000 多個手語,展現出了驚人的智力。近日,她於睡夢中安然離世,讓我們跟著 Daniel 老師一起通過《紐約時報》的新聞節選來回顧她的傳奇一生。


Koko, the gorilla, famous for using sign language, dies at 46

因使用手語而聞名的大猩猩可可 46 歲去世

Koko, the gorilla whose apparent

aptitude for sign language endeared her to fans around the world, died in her sleep on Tuesday morning, according to the Gorilla Foundation, which oversaw her care. She was 46.

大猩猩可可在手語方面有著顯著的天賦,這令她受到全世界粉絲的喜愛。據大猩猩基金會提供的消息,可可於周二清晨在睡夢中離世,享年 46 歲。

Koko was born Hanabi-ko, Japanese for "Fireworks Child," on July 4, 1971, at the San Francisco Zoo, according to the Gorilla Foundation. She became an instant celebrity in her youth thanks to an early facility with American Sign Language. That fame

was bolstered over the years as Koko, a western lowland gorilla, charmed entertainers like Fred Rogers and Robin Williams as well as their audiences.

大猩猩基金會表示,可可於 1971 年 7 月 4 日出生在舊金山動物園,並且生來就是"Hanabi-ko",在日語中它的意思是“花火之子”。得益於很早就顯露出的美國手語天賦,她在青少年時期迅速走紅。時過經年,可可這只西部低地大猩猩甚至令弗雷德·羅傑斯和羅賓·威廉姆斯這樣的藝人及其觀眾都為之著迷名聲



In 2001, Koko met Robin Williams, building/establishing an instant rapport with the actor and comedian. Williams spoke fondly of the experience in interviews and even joked about their encounter in a standup routine. After he died in 2014, Koko was reportedly crestfallen.

在 2001 年,可可見到了羅賓·威廉姆斯。她很快就和這位演員兼笑匠打成一片。在采訪中威廉姆斯提及這段經歷時甚是喜歡,甚至在脫口秀的固定表演環節調侃過他們的相遇。2014 年威廉姆斯離世之後,可可據說變得垂頭喪氣的。


Koko‘s language skills earned her a spot on the cover of National Geographic in 1978 and 1985, and she was the subject of many documentaries. By the time of her death, Koko’s vocabulary had ballooned to more than 2,000 words, according to the foundation.

1978 年和 1985 年,可可的語言能力為她掙來了國家地理雜誌的封面位置,同時她也是許多紀錄片的研究對象。基金會表示,在她離世的時候,她暴漲的詞匯量已經超過了 2000 個單詞。

"Koko touched the lives of millions as an ambassador for all gorillas and an icon for interspecies communication and empathy," the Gorilla Foundation said in a statement. "She was beloved and will be deeply missed."


註:beloved adj.鐘愛的,親愛的,n.心上人。

————— 文章來源 / 紐約時報 ?


aptitude /??pt?tu?d/ n. 天資,天賦

endear /?n?d?r/ v. 使喜愛,使愛慕 endear A to B:使A被B喜歡,愛慕。

oversee /?o?v?r?si?/ v. 監督,管理

facility /f??s?l?ti/ n. 天賦,才能;設施,機構

bolster /?bo?lst?r/ v. 增加,加強

lowland /?lo?l?nd/ adj. 低地的

rapport /r??p??r/ n. 融洽關系


There was little rapport between them.

She was able to establish a good rapportwith the children.

standup /?st?nd ?p/ adj. 站在觀眾面前表演的,脫口秀。

crestfallen /?krestf??l?n/ adj. 沮喪的,垂頭喪氣的

spot /spɑ?t/ n. 封面位置

balloon /b??lu?n/ v. 膨脹,漲大 e.g. I ate out of boredom and I just ballooned up.

interspecies /??nt?r?spi??i?z/ adj. 跨物種間的 inter-:之間的 international:各國之間的,國際的。

天才大猩猩可可去世,享年 46 歲