1. 程式人生 > >[Swift]LeetCode164. 最大間距 | Maximum Gap

[Swift]LeetCode164. 最大間距 | Maximum Gap

Given an unsorted array, find the maximum difference between the successive elements in its sorted form.

Return 0 if the array contains less than 2 elements.

Example 1:

Input: [3,6,9,1]
Output: 3
Explanation: The sorted form of the array is [1,3,6,9], either
             (3,6) or (6,9) has the maximum difference 3.

Example 2:

Input: [10]
Output: 0
Explanation: The array contains less than 2 elements, therefore return 0.


  • You may assume all elements in the array are non-negative integers and fit in the 32-bit signed integer range.
  • Try to solve it in linear time/space.


如果陣列元素個數小於 2,則返回 0。

示例 1:

輸入: [3,6,9,1]
輸出: 3
解釋: 排序後的陣列是 [1,3,6,9], 其中相鄰元素 (3,6) 和 (6,9) 之間都存在最大差值 3。

示例 2:

輸入: [10]
輸出: 0
解釋: 陣列元素個數小於 2,因此返回 0。


  • 你可以假設陣列中所有元素都是非負整數,且數值在 32 位有符號整數範圍內。
  • 請嘗試線上性時間複雜度和空間複雜度的條件下解決此問題。


 1 class Solution {
 2     func maximumGap(_ nums: [Int]) -> Int {
3 if nums.count < 2 { 4 return 0 5 } 6 var minNums = INTPTR_MAX 7 var maxNums = 0 8 for i in nums { 9 if i < minNums { 10 minNums = i 11 } 12 if i > maxNums { 13 maxNums = i 14 } 15 } 16 let gap = max(1,(maxNums - minNums) / (nums.count - 1)) 17 let bucketNum = (maxNums - minNums) / gap + 1 18 var bucketMax = [Int](repeating: 0, count: bucketNum) 19 var bucketMin = [Int](repeating: INTPTR_MAX, count: bucketNum) 20 var bucketUsed = [Bool](repeating: false, count: bucketNum) 21 for i in nums { 22 let n = (i - minNums) / gap 23 bucketUsed[n] = true 24 if i > bucketMax[n] { 25 bucketMax[n] = i 26 } 27 if i < bucketMin[n] { 28 bucketMin[n] = i 29 } 30 } 31 var maxGap = 0 32 var previousMax = minNums 33 for n in (0..<bucketNum) { 34 if bucketUsed[n] { 35 maxGap = max(maxGap, bucketMin[n] - previousMax) 36 previousMax = bucketMax[n] 37 } 38 } 39 return maxGap 40 } 41 }


 1 class Solution {
 2     func maximumGap(_ nums: [Int]) -> Int {
 3         var maxGap = 0
 4         if nums.count < 2 { return maxGap }
 6         var start = 0
 7         let sortedArray = nums.sorted()
 8         while (start < sortedArray.count - 1) {
 9             let diff = sortedArray[start + 1] - sortedArray[start]
10             maxGap = max(diff, maxGap)
11             start += 1
12         }
14         return maxGap
15     }
16 }


 1 class Solution {
 2     func maximumGap(_ nums: [Int]) -> Int {
 3         if nums.isEmpty || nums.count == 1 {return 0}
 4         var nums: [Int] = nums.sorted(by:<)
 5         var ret:Int = 0
 6         for i in 1..<nums.count
 7         {
 8             ret = max(ret, nums[i]-nums[i-1])
 9         }
10         return ret
11     }
12 }


 1 class Solution {
 2     func maximumGap(_ nums: [Int]) -> Int {
 3         if nums.count < 2 {
 4             return 0
 5         }
 6         var res = 0
 7         var maxn = 0
 8         var minn = Int.max
 9         for i in 0..<nums.count {
10             maxn = max(maxn, nums[i])
11             minn = min(minn, nums[i])
12         }
14         let n = (maxn - minn) / nums.count + 1
15         let buckets = (maxn - minn) / n + 1
16         var maxs = Array(repeating: minn-1, count: buckets)
17         var mins = Array(repeating: maxn+1, count: buckets)
18         for i in 0..<nums.count {
19             let index = (nums[i] - minn) / n
20             mins[index] = min(mins[index], nums[i])
21             maxs[index] = max(maxs[index], nums[i])
22         }
24         var i = 0
25         while i < buckets  {
26             while maxs[i] == minn - 1 {
27                 i+=1
28             }
29             var j = i+1
30             if j>=buckets {
31                 break
32             }
33             while mins[j] == maxn + 1 {
34                 j += 1
35             }
36             res = max(res,mins[j] - maxs[i])
38             i = j
39         }
41         return res
42     }
43 }