1. 程式人生 > >需求分析筆記 第二章- 需求確定

需求分析筆記 第二章- 需求確定


  • From business processes to solution envisioning
  • Functional and nonfunctional requirements
  • Requirements elicitation
    • traditional methods and modern methods
  • Requirements negotiation and validation
  • Requirements management
  • Requirements business model
    • system scope, business use case model, business glossary, business class model
  • Requirements document

1.From business processes to solution envisioning

IT solution
  • A business solution
  • Implementation of a business process
  • Sometimes an enabler of business innovation (推動革命)
  • An infrastructure service (基礎設施)
  • A commodity
  • IT solutions address (解決)business problems
BPMN - Business Process Modeling Notation
  • modeling business processes defined as activities that produce something of value to the organization or to its external stakeholders
  • 類似 UML activity diagrams ,OOM
  • Process
    • A process may contain other processes (subprocesses)
    • An atomic activity within a process is called a task
  • A process hierarchy diagram – not part of BPMN
    • A business process can be performed manually or an automated service
    • A process has at least one input flow and one output flow
    • When the process gains the control, it performs its activity, typically by transforming the input flow into the output flow
    • A process can be atomic or composite


  • BPMN flow objects
    • Flow objects:
      • Events
      • Activities
      • Gateways
    • Connecting objects
    • Pools (Swimlanes)
    • Artifacts !在這裡插入圖片描述 在這裡插入圖片描述

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Solution envisioning
  • a business value driven approach to delivering an IT service
  • Solution envisioning makes a close connection between business and IT stakeholders and integrates business strategy methods and software development capabilities
  • about the three “E-s” – efficiency, effectiveness, and edge
  • Three phases of solution envisioning process
    • Business capability exploration
      • a business IT solution can deliver specific results.
      • describes capability cases
    • Solution capability envisioning
      • capability case into a solution concept and at ensuring that the solution is agreed upon by the stakeholders
      • The solution concept takes the business context as input and produces future scenarios for new ways to work as output
    • Software capability design
      • Software capability design is an activity in software modeling
  • Implementation strategy and capability architecture
    • Custom development
    • Package-based development
    • Component-based development
  • 需求分析建立業務過程而不是IT過程。

2.Requirements elicitation

  • The least technical phase of system development
  • Demands social, communication and managerial skills
  • Delivers a (mostly narrative) definition of user requirements
  • define

    • System services → functional requirements
      • scope of the system
      • necessary business functions
      • required data structures
    • System constraints → nonfunctional requirements
      • regarding ‘look and feel’, performance, security, etc
      • also known as supplementary requirements
  • Nonfunctional requirements

    • Usability
      • ease of use , documentation and help, training, user interface, error handling
    • Reusability
      • ease of component reuse
    • Reliability
      • mean time between failures, graceful recovery, uninterrupted availability, accuracy of results
      • reliable = dependable (we can depend on it)
    • Performance
      • response time, transaction throughput, resource consumption, concurrency level
    • Efficiency
      • in terms of time and cost
    • Supportability
      • understandability + maintainability + scalability
    • Other constraints
      • policy decisions, legal issues, portability and interoperability demands, timeliness of product delivery


3 Requirements elicitation methods

Traditional methods of requirements elicitation
  • overview
    • Simple and cost effective
    • When clear objectives and low project risks
    • Include:
      • Interviewing customers and domain experts
      • Questionnaires
      • Observation
      • Study of documents and software systems
  • Interviewing customers and domain experts
    • With customers – mostly use case reqs
    • With domain experts – frequently a straight knowledge transfer
    • Structured (formal) interview
      • Open-ended questions (unanticipated responses)
      • Close-ended questions (a list of possible responses known)
    • Unstructured (informal) interview (no prepare questions)
    • Questions to be avoided
      • Opinionated questions (do we have to do things the way we do them?)
      • Biased questions (you are not going to do this, are you?)
      • Imposing questions (you do things this way, don’t you?)
    • Summary report of the interview should be sent to the interviewee within a day or two, along with a request for comments
  • Interview – kinds of questions
    • about specific details
      • five Ws: what, who, when, where, and why
    • about vision for the future
    • about alternative ideas
      • these may be questions to an interviewee and suggestions from the interviewer asking for opinions
    • about minimally acceptable solution to the problem
      • good usable systems are simple systems
    • about other sources of information
      • can discover important documents and other knowledge sources unknown before to the interviewer
    • soliciting diagrams
      • drawn by an interviewee to explain business processes may prove invaluable for understanding the requirements
  • Questionnaires
    • In addition to interviews
    • A passive technique
    • Close-ended questions
  • Observation
    • In addition to interviews (and possibly questionnaires)
    • Three forms
      • Passive
        • no interruption or direct inmvolvement
        • video camera may be used
      • Active
      • Explanatory
        • explaining what is done when observed
      • Should be carried for a prolonged time, at different times and at different workloads
      • People tend to behave differently when watched
  • Study of documents and software systems
    • Study of documents and software systems
    • Use case requirements
    • Domain knowledge requirements
Modern methods of requirements elicitation
  • overview
    • Offer better insights at higher cost and effort
    • When high project risks (unclear objectives, undocumented procedures, unstable requirements, eroded user expertise, inexperienced developers, insufficient user commitment, etc.)
    • Include:
      • Prototyping
      • Brainstorming
      • Joint Application Development (JAD)
      • Rapid Application Development (RAD)
  • Prototyping
    • ‘Quick and dirty’ solution to obtain feedback
    • Necessary in complex and innovative projects
    • Two kinds:
      • Throw-away prototype
        • targets requirement determination
      • Evolutionary prototype
        • targets the speed of product delivery
  • Brainstorming
    • to form new ideas or to find a solution to specific problem
    • not to solve a problem
  • JAD 聯合應用開發
  • RAD 快速應用開發
    • Evolutionary prototyping
    • CASE tools
    • Specialists with Advanced Tools (SWAT)
    • Interactive JAD
    • Timeboxing no ‘scope creep’, timeboxed project
    • Problems
      • suitable for smaller projects; too risky for larger developments

4 Requirements negotiation, validation and management

  • elicited requirements need to undergo careful negotiation and validation with all stakeholders
  • requirements identification and classification
  • requirements hierarchies
  • change management
  • requirements traceability
Requirements negotiation and validation
  • reason

    • overlap and conflict
      • requirements dependency matrix
    • may be ambiguous or unrealistic
    • may remain undiscovered
    • may be out of scope
  • frequently done in parallel with requirements elicitation

  • requirements dependency matrix

    • 需求標識並標號
    • 獨立,重疊 ,矛盾在這裡插入圖片描述
  • Requirements risks and priorities

    • Risk is a threat to the project plan
    • Risks determine project’s feasibility
    • Risk analysis identifies requirements that are likely to cause development difficulties
    • Prioritization is needed to allow easy rescoping of the project when faced with delays
    • Risk categories
      • Technical
      • Performance
      • Security
      • Database integrity
      • Development process
      • Political
      • Legal
      • Volatility
Requirements identification and classification
  • Natural language statements
    • The system shall schedule the next phone call to a customer upon telemarketer’s request.’
  • Identification and classification scheme
    • Unique identifier (automatically generated)
      • database generated, if possible
      • including version number, if possible
    • Sequential number with document hierarchy
      • the seventh requirement in the third section of the second chapter would be numbered 2.3.7
    • Sequential number with requirement’s category
      • where the categories of requirements can be: function requirement, data requirement, performance requirement, security requirement, etc
Requirements hierarchies
  • Requirements hierarchies
  • 1 ,1.1 ,1.1.1
Change management
  • A requirement may change, be removed, or a new requirement may be added
  • Downstream cost of change
  • Strong management policies needed to
    • document change requests,
    • to assess a change impact
    • and to effect the changes
  • Requirements changes should be stored and tracked by a software configuration management tool
Requirements traceability
  • A critically important part, of change management
  • A suspect trace – after change to any element in a traceability relationship

5. Requirements business model


a high-level visual representation of elicited, negotiated and validated requirements

  • 需求文件 :有什麼需求
  • 規格說明書:需求是什麼
  • 需求business model 不等於 UML 在這裡插入圖片描述
  • Context diagram 在這裡插入圖片描述 在這裡插入圖片描述
Business use case diagram
  • 不同於UML的use caes
  • 業務用例可能是系統完成,也可能是手工完成
  • 除了關聯,不使用UML中的關係
Business glossary
  • 詞彙表
  • Term
  • definition
Business class diagram
  • 關聯(asssociation), 泛化,聚合(aggregation)
  • association 特性:重數 和參與
  • aggregation是更強的assocatin

6. Requirements document

  • a tangible outcome of the requirements determination phase 在這裡插入圖片描述
Project preliminaries
  • Targets managers and decision makers
  • Begins with purpose and scope of the project
  • Makes a business case for the system
  • Identifies stakeholders
  • Offers initial ideas for the solution
    • including off-the-shelf solutions
    • off-the-shelf does not dispense with the need for RASD
  • Includes an overview of the rest of the document
System services

-definition of system services - what the system must accomplish

  • 核心部分,account for more than half of the entire document
  • Contains high-level requirements business models
    • Context diagram (the system scope)
    • Business use case diagram (function requirements)
    • Business class diagram (data requirements)
      • main attributes, but no operations
    • Business glossary moved to the Appendix
System constraints
  • Interface requirements
    • ‘look and feel’ only
  • Performance requirements
    • response times, but also reliability, availability, throughput indicators
  • Security requirements
    • access privileges
  • Operational requirements
    • hardware/software environment
  • Political and legal requirements
  • Other constraints
    • usability
    • maintainability
Project matters
  • Open issues
    • Future requirements
    • Current requirements to be implemented in the future – enhancements
    • Potential problems when the system is deployed
  • Preliminary schedule
    • Human and other resources
    • Planning charts (PERT, Gantt)
  • Preliminary budget
    • Project cost – range rather than figure
    • In some cases, better estimation possible (e.g. function point analysis)
  • Appendices
    • Glossary
      • Terms
      • Acronyms
      • Abbreviations
    • Documents and forms
      • Examples of completed (filled in) forms
    • References
      • To books and other published sources
      • Meetings’ minutes, memoranda, internal documents