1. 程式人生 > >What did you spend on cheese this year? Shoppers get to see their own buying data

What did you spend on cheese this year? Shoppers get to see their own buying data

Lots of retailers use big data to build relationships with customers. But Finnish retail giant S-Group has taken things a step further by giving individual shoppers access to detailed information on their own buying habits. Rather than just profile and then target customers with specific online and in-store promotions, S-Group has adopted a more open approach and created a platform for customers to access and analyze their personal purchase histories. Called Omatostot, or My Shopping, the online service is accessible to any of the 80 percent of Finnish households that hold a loyalty card with the retailer. Instead of merely providing a record of virtual receipts, Omatostot organizes past purchases across hundreds of product categories, allowing the curious consumer to see, for example, how much he or she spends on cheese, vegetables or even protein shakes.