1. 程式人生 > >Show HN: How to Launch Your Product from Early Idea to Revenue

Show HN: How to Launch Your Product from Early Idea to Revenue

Excellent write-up! Two things jumped out for me:

1. "Upvotes don’t give you anything unless they are from the people who are really interested in what you are offering."

Such a great point! Your goal isn't to game the upvote system, it's to get your product in front of interested people. All tactics you choose along the way have to keep this goal in mind, first and foremost.

2. This tip was fantastic: "If journalists don’t reply to your email 3–5 days after you pitch, it doesn’t mean they’re not going to cover you. I recommend sending a follow-up email in the evening of your launch — not the same pitch — with the result. You could even do it the next day so that you don’t bombard the journalist with the same press release over and over."

It sounds simple, but it's often overlooked. Follow up with journalists and media outlets (even if they didn't respond to your initial outreach) soon after your launch to brief them on your launch results.

Again, excellent post. Thanks for sharing it.