1. 程式人生 > >SQLite的VACUUM命令


PRAGMA auto_vacuum

The VACUUM command rebuilds the entire database. There are several reasons an application might do this:
1. Unless SQLite is running in “auto_vacuum=FULL” mode, when a large amount of data is deleted from the database file it leaves behind empty space, or “free” database pages. This means the
database file might be larger than strictly necessary. Running VACUUM to rebuild the database reclaims this space and reduces the size of the database file.
2. Frequent inserts, updates, and deletes can cause the database file to become fragmented – where data for a single table or index is scattered around the database file. Running VACUUM ensures
that each table and index is largely stored contiguously within the database file. In some cases, VACUUM may also reduce the number of partially filled pages in the database, reducing the size of the database file further.
3. Normally, the database page_size and whether or not the database supports auto_vacuum must be configured before the
database file is actually created. However, when not in write-ahead log mode, the page_size and/or auto_vacuum properties of an existing database may be changed by using the page_size and/or pragma auto_vacuum pragmas and then immediately VACUUMing the database.
When in write-ahead log mode, only the auto_vacuum support property can be changed using VACUUM.
(譯文:通常情況下,資料庫的page_size和資料庫是否支援auto_vacuum(這些配置)都要在資料庫檔案實際建立之前進行配置。然而,如果SQLite不是執行在“寫前日誌(write-ahead log)”模式下,一個已經存在(已經建立)的資料庫(檔案)的page_size和/或auto_vacuum屬性,可以使用page_size和/或auto_vacuum編譯指示進行修改,然後立即清掃資料庫。如果SQLite是執行在“寫前日誌”模式下,則只有(是否支援)auto_vacuum屬性可以通過VACUUM命令進行修改。)
VACUUM only works on the main database. It is not possible to VACUUM an attached database file.
The VACUUM command works by copying the contents of the database into a temporary database file and then overwriting the original with the contents of the temporary file. When overwriting
the original, a rollback journal or write-ahead log WAL file is used just as it would be for any other database transaction. This means that when VACUUMing a database, as much as twice the size of the original database file is required in free disk space.
The VACUUM command may change the ROWIDs of entries in any tables that do not have an explicit INTEGER PRIMARY KEY.
(譯文:VACUUM命令可能會改變資料庫表的行ID(ROWIDs),假如這個表沒有一個顯示的整形主鍵(INTEGER PRIMARY KEY)的話。)
A VACUUM will fail if there is an open transaction, or if there are one or more active SQL statements when it is run.
As of SQLite version 3.1, an alternative to using the VACUUM command to reclaim space after data has been deleted is auto-vacuum mode, enabled using the auto_vacuum pragma. When auto_vacuum
is enabled for a database free pages may be reclaimed after deleting data, causing the file to shrink, without rebuilding the entire database using VACUUM. However, using auto_vacuum can lead to extra database file fragmentation. And auto_vacuum does not compact
partially filled pages of the database as VACUUM does.

若當前有活動事務,該命令無法起作用。對於in-memory資料庫,該命令無效。在SQLite3.1中,可以通過使用auto-vacuum模式作為VACUUM命令的一個替代,使用 auto_vacuum pragma開啟該模式。
使用VACUUM命令可以在刪除資料後使資料庫檔案減小,在SQLIte3以後有一個替代的辦法是使用PRAGMA auto_vacuum。
PRAGMA auto_vacuum;
PRAGMA auto_vacuum = 0 | 1;
另外,“auto-vacuuming must be turned on before any tables are created. It is not possible to enable or disable auto-vacuum after a table has been created”。大概意思是,當有表建立後就不能對auto-vacuum進行更改。