1. 程式人生 > >deeplearning.ai課程筆記(1)


deep learning big guys

       看到這幾個深度學習領域領軍人物的名字出現在一起,還是在暑期課程自然語言處理課堂上,上圖中四個人的合照,內心觸動無比! 膜拜和激動之情不亞於當初看到物理學界的那張珍貴合照!就是這些牛人們,用知識,用想法改變了世界!


       聽說了牛人的名字,激動過後,不禁去想,他們各自做的是什麼,有哪些貢獻,我卻說不上來,翻看了自己從接觸這個領域以來看過的寥寥無幾的論文,四位大牛中,只拜讀過Yann LeCunn 的一篇《Gradient-based Learning Applied to Document》,更慚愧的是,現在也無法將內容簡要概述出來,模型更沒有理解到位。遂將大牛們的主頁附上,以求常看和激勵。

       合照上Andrew Ng老師還在百度任職,而於今年3月份離職百度後,在6月份首度公佈去向,帶著新的專案Deeplearning.ai迴歸.而於前不久,首度公佈deeplearning.ai課程正式登入Cousera。這個旨在是向全世界普及深度學習知識的課程,當然讓我這隻小白欣喜萬分,不多說了,開啟膜拜旅程,走進這個據說學完後可以創造amazing things的科技!

       first course (four weeks) : the foundations of neural networks;
be able to build a deep neural network to recognize
       second course

(three weeks):the practical aspects of deep learning;
hyperparameter tuning, regularization, how to diagnose price and variants and advance aptimization algorithms.black magic.
       third course (two weeks):how to structure your machine learning project
       forth course CNNs, how to build these models
       five course
sequence models(RNN、LSTM) apply them to natural language processing and other problems

Hello and welcome
deeplearning.ai  contents


1-1-1、Introduction to Deep Learning

    Hello and welcome. As you probably know, deep learning has already transformed traditional internet businesses like web search and advertising. But deep learning is also enabling brand new products and business and ways of helping people to be created. Everything ranging from better healthcare, where deep learning is getting really good at reading X-ray images to delivering personalized education, to precision agriculture, to even self driving cars and many others.
    If you want to learn the tools of deep learning and be able to apply them to build these amazing things, I want to help you get there. When you finish the sequence of courses on Coursera, called the specialization, you will be able to put deep learning ont your resume(履歷) with confidence.
    Over the next decade(十年), I think all of us have an opportunity to build an amazing world, amazing society, that is AI powers, and I hope that you will play a big role in the creation of this AI power scoiety. So that, let’s get started.
    I think that AI is the new electricity. Starting about 100 years ago, the electrification of our scoiety transformed every major industry, every ranging from transportation, manufacturing, to helthcare, to communications and many more.
     And today, we see a surprisingly clear path for AI to bring about an equally big transformation.
    And of course, the part of AI that is rising rapidly and driving a lot of these developments, is deep learning. So today, deep learning is one of the most highly sought after skills and technology worlds.
    And through this course and a few courses after this one, I want to help you to gain and master those skills. So here’s what you learn in this sequence of courses also called a specialization on Coursera.
     In the first course, you learn about the foundations of neural networks, you learn about neural networks and deep learning. This video that you’re watching is part of this first course which last four weeks in total. And each of the five courses in the specialization will be about two to four weeks, with most of them actually shorter than four weeks.
    But in this course,you’ll learn how to build a new network including a deep neural network and how to train it on data. And at the end of this course, you’ll be able to build a deep neural network to recognize, guess what? Cats, for some reason, there is a cat Neem runing around in deep learning. And so, following tradtion in this first course, we’ll build a cat recognizer.   Then in the second course, you learn about the practical aspects of deep learning. So you learn, now that you’ve built in your network, how to actually get it to perform well. So you learn about hyperparameter(超引數) tuning, regularization, how to diagnose price and variants and advance aptimization algorithms like momentum armrest pro(動量什麼???#待查#)) and the ad authorization algorithm(廣告授權演算法?#待查#). Sometimes it seems like there’s a lot of tuning, even some black magic(#待查#) and how you build a new network. So the second course which is just three weeks, will demystify(闡明) some of that black magic.
    In the third course which is just two weeks, you learn how to structure your machine learning project. It turns out that the strategy for building a machine learning system has changed in the era of deep learning. So for example, the way you switch your data into train, development or dev also called holdout cross-validation sets and test sets, has changed in the era of deep learning. So whether the new best practices are doing that and whether your training set and your test come from different distributions, that’s happening a lot more in the era of deep learning. So how do you deal with that? And if you’ve heard of end to end deep learning, you also learn more about that in this third course and see when you should use it and maybe when you shouldn’t. The material in this third course is relatively unique. I’m going to share of you a lot of the hard one lessons that I’ve learned, building and shipping(運送), quite a lot of deep learninng products. As far as I know, this is largely material that is not taught in most universities that have deep learning courses. But I really hope you to get your deep learning systems to work well.
    In the next course, we’ll then talk aboout convolutional neural networks, often abbreviated CNNs. Convolutional networks or convolutional neural networks are often applied to images. So you learn how to build these models in course four.
    Finally, in course five, you learn sequence models and how to apply them to natural language processing and other problems. So sequence models includes models like recurrent neural networks abbreviated RNNs and LSTM models, sense for a long short term memory models. You’ll learn what these terms mean in course five and be able to apply them to natural language processing problems. So you learn these models in course five and be able to apply them to sequence data. So for example, natural language is just a sequence of words, and you also understand how these models can be applied to speech recognition or to music generation, and other problems.
    So through these courses, you’ll learn the tools of deep learning, you’ll be able to apply them to build amazing things, and I hope many of you through this will also be able to advance your career. So that, lets get started. Please go on to the next video where we’ll talk about deep learning applied to supervised learning.




       看到這幾個深度學習領域領軍人物的名字出現在一起,還是在暑期課程自然語言處理課堂上,上圖中四個人的合照,內心觸動無比! 膜拜和激動之情不亞於當初看到物理學界的那張珍貴合照!就是這些牛人們,用知識,用想法改變了世界!        聽說了


本系列主要是我對吳恩達的deeplearning.ai課程的理解和記錄,完整的課程筆記已經有很多了,因此只記錄我認為重要的東西和自己的一些理解。   第一門課 神經網路和深度學習(Neural Networks and Deep Learning) 第一週:深度學習引言(Introductio

吳恩達Coursera深度學習課程 DeepLearning.ai 提煉筆記1-2-- 神經網路基礎

以下為在Coursera上吳恩達老師的DeepLearning.ai課程專案中,第一部分《神經網路和深度學習》第二週課程部分關鍵點的筆記。筆記並不包含全部小視訊課程的記錄,如需學習筆記中捨棄的內容請至Coursera 或者 網易雲課堂。同時在閱讀以下

Coursera深度學習課程 DeepLearning.ai 提煉筆記1-2-- 神經網路基礎

以下為在Coursera上吳恩達老師的DeepLearning.ai課程專案中,第一部分《神經網路和深度學習》第二週課程部分關鍵點的筆記。筆記並不包含全部小視訊課程的記錄,如需學習筆記中捨棄的內容請至Coursera 或者 網易雲課堂。同時在閱讀以下筆記之前,

吳恩達Coursera深度學習課程 DeepLearning.ai 提煉筆記1-3-- 淺層神經網路

以下為在Coursera上吳恩達老師的DeepLearning.ai課程專案中,第一部分《神經網路和深度學習》第三週課程“淺層神經網路”部分關鍵點的筆記。筆記並不包含全部小視訊課程的記錄,如需學習筆記中捨棄的內容請至Coursera 或者 網易雲課堂

吳恩達Coursera深度學習課程 DeepLearning.ai 提煉筆記1-4-- 深層神經網路

以下為在Coursera上吳恩達老師的DeepLearning.ai課程專案中,第一部分《神經網路和深度學習》第四周課程“深層神經網路”部分關鍵點的筆記。筆記並不包含全部小視訊課程的記錄,如需學習筆記中捨棄的內容請至 Coursera 或者 網易雲課

DeepLearning.ai學習筆記卷積神經網絡 -- week1 卷積神經網絡基礎知識介紹

除了 lock 還需要 情況 好處 計算公式 max 位置 網絡基礎 一、計算機視覺 如圖示,之前課程中介紹的都是64* 64 3的圖像,而一旦圖像質量增加,例如變成1000 1000 * 3的時候那麽此時的神經網絡的計算量會巨大,顯然這不現實。所以需要引入其他的方法來

DeepLearning.ai學習筆記卷積神經網絡 -- week2深度卷積神經網絡 實例探究

過濾 common 經典 上一個 問題 inline 最壞情況 ali method 一、為什麽要進行實例探究? 通過他人的實例可以更好的理解如何構建卷積神經網絡,本周課程主要會介紹如下網絡 LeNet-5 AlexNet VGG ResNet (有152層) Incep


第二週:神經網路的程式設計基礎(Basics of Neural Network programming) 1、邏輯迴歸的代價函式(Logistic Regression Cost Function) 邏輯迴歸需要注意的兩個點是,sigmoid函式和log損失函式。   sigmoid函


  第四周:深層神經網路(Deep Neural Networks) 1、深層神經網路(Deep L-layer neural network) 在打算使用深層神經網路之前,先去嘗試邏輯迴歸,嘗試一層然後兩層隱含層,把隱含層的數量看做是另一個可以自由選擇大小的超引數,然後再保留交叉驗證資料上評

【Python3實戰Spark大資料分析及排程】Spark Core 課程筆記1

目錄 架構 注意事項 Spark Core: Spark 核心進階 Spark 核心概念 Application User program built on Spark. Consists of a driver progr

Coursera吳恩達《卷積神經網路》課程筆記1-- 卷積神經網路基礎

《Convolutional Neural Networks》是Andrw Ng深度學習專項課程中的第四門課。這門課主要介紹卷積神經網路(CNN)的基本概念、模型和具體應用。該門課共有4周課時,所以我將分成4次筆記來總結,這是第一節筆記。 1. Compu

Coursera吳恩達《優化深度神經網路》課程筆記1-- 深度學習的實用層面

Andrew Ng的深度學習專項課程的第一門課《Neural Networks and Deep Learning》的5份筆記我已經整理完畢。迷路的小夥伴請見如下連結: 在接下來的幾次筆記中,我們將對第二門課《Improving Dee

吳恩達Andrew Ng《機器學習》課程筆記11周——機器學習簡介,單變數線性迴歸

吳恩達(Andrew Ng)在 Coursera 上開設的機器學習入門課《Machine Learning》: 目錄 一、引言 一、引言 1.1、機器學習(Machine Learni

吳恩達Coursera深度學習課程 DeepLearning.ai 提煉筆記5-1-- 迴圈神經網路

Ng最後一課釋出了,撒花!以下為吳恩達老師 DeepLearning.ai 課程專案中,第五部分《序列模型》第一週課程“迴圈神經網路”關鍵點的筆記。 同時我在知乎上開設了關於機器學習深度學習的專欄收錄下面的筆記,以方便大家在移動端的學習。歡迎關

吳恩達Coursera深度學習課程 DeepLearning.ai 提煉筆記5-3-- 序列模型和注意力機制

完結撒花!以下為吳恩達老師 DeepLearning.ai 課程專案中,第五部分《序列模型》第三週課程“序列模型和注意力機制”關鍵點的筆記。 同時我在知乎上開設了關於機器學習深度學習的專欄收錄下面的筆記,以方便大家在移動端的學習。歡迎關注我的知

吳恩達Coursera深度學習課程 DeepLearning.ai 提煉筆記4-2-- 深度卷積模型

以下為在Coursera上吳恩達老師的 DeepLearning.ai 課程專案中,第四部分《卷積神經網路》第二週課程“深度卷積模型”關鍵點的筆記。本次筆記幾乎涵蓋了所有視訊課程的內容。在閱讀以下筆記的同時,強烈建議學習吳恩達老師的視訊課程,視訊請至


這系列文章是我在學習吳恩達教授深度學習課程時為了加深自己理解,同時方便後來對內容進行回顧而做的筆記,其中難免有錯誤的理解和不太好的表述方式,歡迎各位大佬指正並提供建議。1、什麼是神經網路               在簡單的從房屋面積預測價格時,神經網路可以理解為將輸入的房屋

-DeepLearning.ai 學習筆記4-4

卷積神經網路 — 特殊應用:人臉識別和神經風格遷移 Part 1:人臉識別 1. 人臉驗證和人臉識別 人臉驗證(Verification): Input:圖片、名字/ID; Output:輸入的圖片是否是對應的人。 1 to 1 問題。 人臉識別(Reco


MIT6.S094課程: 用於深度學習的框架: Google:Tensorflow        Facebook:Torch       Intel:neon       Microsoft:CNTK    JS-ConvNet JS    Theano