1. 程式人生 > >MACE原始碼解析【ARM卷積篇(二)】1*1卷積實現



3.depthWise 卷積中組成部分





// mace/mace/kernels/arm/conv_2d_neon_1x1.cc
#include "mace/kernels/arm/conv_2d_neon.h" #include "mace/kernels/gemm.h" namespace mace { namespace kernels { void Conv2dNeonK1x1S1(const float *input, const float *filter, const index_t batch, const index_t height, const
index_t width, const index_t in_channels, const index_t out_channels, float *output) { for (index_t b = 0; b < batch; ++b) { Gemm(filter, input + b * in_channels * height * width, 1, out_channels, in_channels, height * width, output + b * out_channels * height * width); } } } // namespace kernels
} // namespace mace

MACE中1*1卷積的程式碼如上,可以看到其實就是在每一個batch中呼叫了gemm矩陣乘法運算。這節簡單說明卷積操作是如何變成矩陣乘法的。假設輸入通道數為C1,輸出通道數為C2。則一般卷積核引數為C1xC2xkhxkw,因此卷積核大小為1*1時,卷積核就從四維變成了兩維矩陣K,大小為C1*C2。在單batch下,假設上一次輸入資料大小為 C1*H*W,把它reshape成一個C1*(H*W)的矩陣F,這樣多通道分別卷積再求和的過程就可以用這兩個矩陣乘積來表示:




 * Gemm does fast matrix multiplications with batch.
 * It is optimized for arm64-v8 and armeabi-v7a using neon.
 * We adopt two-level tiling to make better use of l1 cache and register.
 * For register tiling, function like GemmXYZ computes gemm for
 * matrix[X, Y] * matrix[Y, Z] with all data being able to fit in register.
 * For cache tiling, we try to compute one block of multiplication with
 * two input matrices and one output matrix fit in l1 cache.

MACE把大矩陣運算分為兩級的矩陣分塊乘法。第一級的實現名字都是GemmXYZ這種形式,表示大小為[X,Y]和[Y,Z]的矩陣相乘,主要的NEON優化也是在這些函式中。這一級的矩陣計算大小都很小,最大也就Gemm688,所以大部分情況下變數都可以保持在暫存器上,避免暫存器變數溢位到棧上帶來的時間開銷。這一級的分塊矩陣乘法運算稱為register tiling
第二級優化則是把若干register tiling組成一個block,保證一個block內的記憶體需求(2個矩陣輸入+1個矩陣輸出)不會超出L1 cache的大小,提高cache命中率。稱為cache tiling。MACE為了記憶體搬運優化做了兩級的分塊矩陣乘法。

register tiling

#define MACE_GEMM_PART_CAL_8(RC, RA, RAN)                      \
  c##RC = vmlaq_lane_f32(c##RC, b0, vget_low_f32(a##RA), 0);   \
  c##RC = vmlaq_lane_f32(c##RC, b1, vget_low_f32(a##RA), 1);   \
  c##RC = vmlaq_lane_f32(c##RC, b2, vget_high_f32(a##RA), 0);  \
  c##RC = vmlaq_lane_f32(c##RC, b3, vget_high_f32(a##RA), 1);  \
  c##RC = vmlaq_lane_f32(c##RC, b4, vget_low_f32(a##RAN), 0);  \
  c##RC = vmlaq_lane_f32(c##RC, b5, vget_low_f32(a##RAN), 1);  \
  c##RC = vmlaq_lane_f32(c##RC, b6, vget_high_f32(a##RAN), 0); \
  c##RC = vmlaq_lane_f32(c##RC, b7, vget_high_f32(a##RAN), 1);

#define MACE_GEMM_PART_CAL_4(RC)                              \
  c##RC = vmlaq_lane_f32(c##RC, b0, vget_low_f32(a##RC), 0);  \
  c##RC = vmlaq_lane_f32(c##RC, b1, vget_low_f32(a##RC), 1);  \
  c##RC = vmlaq_lane_f32(c##RC, b2, vget_high_f32(a##RC), 0); \
  c##RC = vmlaq_lane_f32(c##RC, b3, vget_high_f32(a##RC), 1);

子矩陣運算關鍵就是這兩個巨集,分別為8(4)個浮點向量和8(4)個標量的累乘和,,也就是我們矩陣運算中的基本操作。MACE_GEMM_PART_CAL_4(RC) 的一次呼叫實現的是1*4(A)和4*4(B)矩陣的乘法。

inline void Gemm144(const float *a_ptr,
                    const float *b_ptr,
                    const index_t stride_a,
                    const index_t stride_b,
                    const index_t stride_c,
                    float *c_ptr) {
#if defined(MACE_ENABLE_NEON)
  float32x4_t a0;
  float32x4_t b0, b1, b2, b3;
  float32x4_t c0;

  a0 = vld1q_f32(a_ptr);

  b0 = vld1q_f32(b_ptr);
  b1 = vld1q_f32(b_ptr + 1 * stride_b);
  b2 = vld1q_f32(b_ptr + 2 * stride_b);
  b3 = vld1q_f32(b_ptr + 3 * stride_b);

  c0 = vld1q_f32(c_ptr);


  vst1q_f32(c_ptr, c0);
  GemmBlock(a_ptr, b_ptr, 1, 4, 4, stride_a, stride_b, stride_c, c_ptr);


  MACE_GEMM_PART_CAL_8(0, 0, 1);
  MACE_GEMM_PART_CAL_8(1, 2, 3);
  MACE_GEMM_PART_CAL_8(2, 4, 5);
  MACE_GEMM_PART_CAL_8(3, 6, 7);
  MACE_GEMM_PART_CAL_8(4, 8, 9);
  MACE_GEMM_PART_CAL_8(5, 10, 11);
  MACE_GEMM_PART_CAL_8(6, 12, 13);
  MACE_GEMM_PART_CAL_8(7, 14, 15);


cache tiling

這一部分的主體在GemmTileGemm這兩個函式上。畢竟是工程程式碼,需要對邊界進行處理,對不同編譯和裝置環境進行優化。所以程式碼顯得比較龐雜。為了理清邏輯我把aarch64clang 巨集控制的部分程式碼刪除、並暫時把邊界處理的程式碼也給刪掉,現在程式碼看上去是這樣的:

GemmTile(const float *A,
                     const float *B,
                     const index_t height,
                     const index_t K,
                     const index_t width,
                     const index_t stride_a,
                     const index_t stride_b,
                     const index_t stride_c,
                     float *C) {
  index_t h = 0;
  index_t w = 0;
  index_t k = 0;
  int reg_height_tile = 8;
  int reg_K_tile = 8;

  for (h = 0; h < height - reg_height_tile + 1; h += reg_height_tile) {
    for (k = 0; k < K - reg_K_tile + 1; k += reg_K_tile) {
      const float *a_ptr = A + (h * stride_a + k);
      for (w = 0; w + 3 < width; w += 4) {
        const float *b_ptr = B + (k * stride_b + w);
        float *c_ptr = C + (h * stride_c + w);
        Gemm884(a_ptr, b_ptr, stride_a, stride_b, stride_c, c_ptr);


inline void GemmTile(const float *A,
                     const float *B,
                     const index_t height,
                     const index_t K,
                     const index_t width,
                     const index_t stride_a,
                     const index_t stride_b,
                     const index_t stride_c,
                     float *C) {
  index_t h = 0;
  index_t w = 0;
  index_t k = 0;
  int reg_height_tile = 6;
  int reg_K_tile = 4;

  for (h = 0; h < height - reg_height_tile + 1; h += reg_height_tile) {
    for (k = 0; k < K - reg_K_tile + 1; k += reg_K_tile) {
      const float *a_ptr = A + (h * stride_a + k);
      for (w = 0; w + 3 < width; w += 4) {
        const float *b_ptr = B + (k * stride_b + w);
        float *c_ptr = C + (h * stride_c + w);
        Gemm884(a_ptr, b_ptr, stride_a, stride_b, stride_c, c_ptr);
      if (w < width) {
          const float *b_ptr = B + (k * stride_b + w);
          float *c_ptr = C + (h * stride_c + w);
          GemmBlock(a_ptr, b_ptr, reg_height_tile, reg_K_tile, width - w,
              stride_a, stride_b, stride_c, c_ptr);
    if (k < K) {
        const float *a_ptr = A + (h * stride_a + k);
        const float *b_ptr = B + k * stride_b;
        float *c_ptr = C + h * stride_c;
        GemmBlock(a_ptr, b_ptr, reg_height_tile, K - k, width, stride_a, stride_b,
            stride_c, c_ptr);
  if (h < height) {
      index_t remain_h = height - h;
      for (k = 0; k < K - reg_K_tile; k += reg_K_tile) {
          const float *a_ptr = A + (h * stride_a + k);
          index_t w;
          for (w = 0; w + 3 < width; w += 4) {
              const float *b_ptr = B + (k * stride_b + w);
              float *c_ptr = C + (h * stride_c + w);
              GemmX44(a_ptr, b_ptr, stride_a, stride_b, stride_c, c_ptr, remain_h);
          if (w < width) {
              const float *b_ptr = B + (k * stride_b + w);
              float *c_ptr = C + (h * stride_c + w);
              GemmBlock(a_ptr, b_ptr, remain_h, reg_K_tile, width - w, stride_a,
                  stride_b, stride_c, c_ptr);
      if (k < K) {
          const float *a_ptr = A + (h * stride_a + k);
          const float *b_ptr = B + k * stride_b;
          float *c_ptr = C + h * stride_c;
          GemmBlock(a_ptr, b_ptr, remain_h, K - k, width, stride_a, stride_b,
              stride_c, c_ptr);




// A: height x K, B: K x width, C: height x width
void Gemm(const float *A,
    const float *B,
    const index_t batch,
    const index_t height,
    const index_t K,
    const index_t width,
    float *C,
    const bool transpose_a,
    const bool transpose_b) {
    memset(C, 0, sizeof(float)* batch * height * width);

    // It is better to use large block size if it fits for fast cache.
    // Assume l1 cache size is 32k, we load three blocks at a time (A, B, C),
    // the block size should be sqrt(32k / sizeof(T) / 3).
    // As number of input channels of convolution is normally power of 2, and
    // we have not optimized tiling remains, we use the following magic number
    const index_t block_size = 64;
    const index_t block_tile_height = RoundUpDiv(height, block_size);
    const index_t block_tile_width = RoundUpDiv(width, block_size);
    const index_t block_tile_k = RoundUpDiv(K, block_size);
    const index_t block_tile[3] = { block_tile_height, block_tile_width,
        block_tile_k };
    const index_t remain_height = height % block_size;
    const index_t remain_width = width % block_size;
    const index_t remain_k = K % block_size;
    const index_t remain[3] = { remain_height, remain_width, remain_k };

#pragma omp parallel for collapse(3)
    for (index_t n = 0; n < batch; ++n) {
        for (index_t bh = 0; bh < block_tile[0]; ++bh) {
            for (index_t bw = 0; bw < block_tile[1]; ++bw) {
                const float *a_base = A + n * height * K;
                const float *b_base = B + n * K * width;
                float *c_base = C + n * height * width;

                const index_t ih_begin = bh * block_size;
                const index_t ih_end =
                    bh * block_size +
                    (bh == block_tile[0] - 1 && remain[0] > 0 ? remain[0] : block_size);
                const index_t iw_begin = bw * block_size;
                const index_t iw_end =
                    bw * block_size +
                    (bw == block_tile[1] - 1 && remain[1] > 0 ? remain[1] : block_size);

                for (index_t bk = 0; bk < block_tile[2]; ++bk) {
                    const index_t ik_begin = bk * block_size;
                    const index_t ik_end =
                        bk * block_size + (bk == block_tile[2] - 1 && remain[2] > 0
                        ? remain[2]
                        : block_size);

                    Tensor trans_a;
                    Tensor trans_b;
                    const float *real_a = nullptr;
                    const float *real_b = nullptr;
                    float *real_c = c_base + (ih_begin * width + iw_begin);
                    index_t stride_a;
                    index_t stride_b;
                    index_t stride_c = width;

                    real_a = a_base + (ih_begin * K + ik_begin);
                    stride_a = K;

                    real_b = b_base + (ik_begin * width + iw_begin);
                    stride_b = width;

                    // inside block:
                    // calculate C[bh, bw] += A[bh, bk] * B[bk, bw] for one k
                    GemmTile(real_a, real_b, ih_end - ih_begin, ik_end - ik_begin,
                        iw_end - iw_begin, stride_a, stride_b, stride_c, real_c);
                }  // bk
            }    // bw
        }      // bh
    }        // n

主體依然是矩陣乘法的三層迴圈,只是這次基礎元素從一個register tiel計算變成了一個整個block計算,正如上面說的。這麼做是為了該block涉及的記憶體可以存在L1 cache中,減少計算時的cache miss。預設的block大小為64,此外Gemm把尾部不足64的部分丟給GemmTile去處理了。在迴圈的尾部傳入的block大小是可能不足64的。


  1. 本文介紹了MACE的1*1卷積實現,實際上是呼叫矩陣乘法來完成單個batch內的卷積操作。在其gemm演算法中,使用了兩級矩陣分塊乘法的方案。儘量避免暫存器變數溢位到棧上和cache miss這兩種情況。原始矩陣運算為了計算一個結果對輸入的訪存跨度是很大的(取整行和整列),cache miss和暫存器溢位是必然比較頻繁。
  2. 可以看到實現上不足步長部分,一是會導致邏輯分支,二是沒有NEON優化,所以網路設計的時候不管長寬還是通道數都儘量取4、64的整數倍,會得到更好的計算效能。



前言 本文來解析一下MACE中ARM程式碼的1*1卷積的實現。1*1卷積在CNN中是比較特殊的一種操作,不再強調領域操作,一般用到1*1卷積有以下幾種情況(相互之間不獨立) 1.單純的加強非線性對映,不強調領域CNN的特徵提取功能 2.bottleneck

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