1. 程式人生 > >C程式碼二值影象連通區域標記


之前寫過一個C++版本的二值影象連通區域標記函式,當時的直觀結果沒有問題,我也使用了很久,後來才發現其結果是錯的,I'm so sorry!

這裡貼出的是一個經過改進的二值影象連通區域標記函式,目前只支援4連通區域標記,要想做到8連通標記的話,最簡單的方法是先用[1 1 1]的核對輸入影象(的每一行)進行dilate。


#include <memory>

//Labling connected components in an image, where non-zero pixels are 
// deemed as foreground, and will be labeled with an positive integer
// while background pixels will be labled with zeros.
//Input and output are 2D matrices of size h-by-w.
//Return maxLabel. Output labels are continuously ranged between [0,maxLabel).
//Assume each pixel has 4 neighbors.
//yuxianguo, 2018/3/27
int bwLabel(const unsigned char *bw, int *label, int h, int w)
	memset(label, 0, h * w << 2);
	//(1) link label value "i" to its connected component (another label value);
	//(2) if link[i] == i, then it is a root.
	int maxComponents = (h * w >> 1) + 1; //max possible connected components
	int * const link = new int[maxComponents];
	int lb = 1, x, y, a, b, t, *p = label;
	link[0] = 0;
	//first row
	if(bw[0]) {
		p[0] = lb;
		link[lb] = lb;
	for(x = 1; x < w; x++) if(bw[x]) {
		if(p[x - 1])
			p[x] = p[x - 1];
		else {
			p[x] = lb;
			link[lb] = lb;
	bw += w, p += w;
	//rest rows
	for(y = 1; y < h; y++, bw += w, p += w) {
		if(bw[0]) {
				p[0] = p[-w];
			else {
				p[0] = lb;
				link[lb] = lb;
		for(x = 1; x < w; x++) if(bw[x]) {
			a = p[x - 1], b = p[x - w]; //left & top
			if(a) {
				if(a == b)
					p[x] = a;
				else {
					//find root of a
					t = a;
					while(a != link[a])
						a = link[a];
					p[x] = link[t] = a;
					if(b) {
						//find root of b
						t = b;
						while(b != link[b])
							b = link[b];
						link[t] = b;
						//link b to a or link a to b, both fine
						if(a < b) link[b] = a; else link[a] = b;
			else if(b) {
				//find root of b
				t = b;
				while(b != link[b])
					b = link[b];
				p[x] = link[t] = b;
			else {
				//generate a new component
				p[x] = lb;
				link[lb] = lb;

	//Rearrange the labels with continuous numbers
	t = 1;
	for(x = 1; x < lb; x++)
		if(x == link[x]) {
			link[x] = -t; //using negative values to denote roots
	for(x = 1; x < lb; x++) {
		//find the root of x
		y = x;
		while(link[y] >= 0)
			y = link[y];
		//set the value of label x
		link[x] = link[y];
	//Negative to positive
	for(x = 1; x < lb; x++)
		link[x] = -link[x];

	//Replace existing label values by the corresponding root label values
	p = label;
	for(y = 0; y < h; y++, p += w)
		for(x = 0; x < w; x++)
			p[x] = link[p[x]];

	delete[] link;
	return t; //num components (maxLabel + 1)


for n = 1:15
    h = randi(400) + 50;
    w = randi(400) + 50;
    I = uint8(rand(h, w) * 255);
    I(rand(h, w) < 0.5) = 0;
    % extreme case #1:
    %I(:) = 0; I(1:2:end,2:2:end) = 1; I(2:2:end,1:2:end) = 1;
    % extreme case #2:
    %I(:) = 0; I(1:2:end,1:2:end) = 1; I(2:2:end,2:2:end) = 1;
    yusave(I,'I'); % save data to local file
    % call c++ program
    A = ld('A'); % load result from local file
    L1 = bwlabel(I,4);
    L2 = bwlabel(A,4);
    S1 = regionprops(L1,'area');
    S1 = sort([S1.Area]);
    m = max(L2(:));
    S2 = zeros(1,m);
    for k = 1:m
        S2(k) = nnz(A==k);
    S2 = sort(S2);
