1. 程式人生 > >正則表示式 分組命名 替換

正則表示式 分組命名 替換

源資料 :小明 13800138000 廣東省
目的結果:廣東省 13800138000 小明




${address}	${phone}    ${name}

sublime text 正則替換(非主流):

$+{address}	$+{phone}   $+{name}
Substitution Description
$number Includes the last substring matched by the capturing group that is identified by number, where number is a decimal value, in the replacement string. For more information, see Substituting a Numbered Group
${name} Includes the last substring matched by the named group that is designated by (? ) in the replacement string. For more information, see Substituting a Named Group
$$ Includes a single “$” literal in the replacement string. For more information, see Substituting a “$” Symbol.
$& Includes a copy of the entire match in the replacement string. For more information, see Substituting the Entire Match.
$` Includes all the text of the input string before the match in the replacement string. For more information, see Substituting the Text before the Match
$’ Includes all the text of the input string after the match in the replacement string. For more information, see Substituting the Text after the Match
$+ Includes the last group captured in the replacement string. For more information, see Substituting the Last Captured Group.
$_ Includes the entire input string in the replacement string. For more information, see Substituting the Entire Input String.


Substitution Description
$number 包括最後一子串匹配的捕獲組所識別的號碼,號碼是一個十進位制值,在替換字串。有關更多資訊,請參見替換組編號
${name} 包括最後一子串匹配所指定的命名分組(?< name >)。有關更多資訊,請參見替換一個命名組
$$ 包括一個“$”文字替換字串。有關更多資訊,請參見“$”符號代替。
$& 包括整個副本替換字串匹配。有關更多資訊,請參見替換整個匹配。
$` 包括所有的文字輸入字串替換字串的匹配之前。有關更多資訊,請參見替換之前的文字匹配。
$’ 包括所有的文字輸入字串替換字串的匹配之後。有關更多資訊,請參見替換後的文字匹配。
$+ 包括最後一批被替換字串。有關更多資訊,請參見替換最後捕獲組。
$_ 包括整個輸入字串替換字串。有關更多資訊,請參見替換整個輸入字串。