1. 程式人生 > >Opencv中jpeg編碼完整流程分析



從Java層開始,Opencv 2.4.13中imencode函式封裝在了Highgui類中,而3.0.0以後,Highgui類被取締,相關編解碼操作放在了ImgCodecs這個類裡面估計是為了Java和C++保持統一風格吧。這裡直接呼叫即可

Highgui.imencode(String ext, Mat img, MatOfByte buf)

Highgui.imencode(String ext, Mat img, MatOfByte buf, MatOfInt params)




    // C++:  bool imencode(String ext, Mat img, vector_uchar& buf, vector_int params = std::vector<int>())

   private static native boolean imencode_0(String ext, long img_nativeObj, long buf_mat_nativeObj, long params_mat_nativeObj);

   private static native boolean imencode_1(String ext, long img_nativeObj, long buf_mat_nativeObj);


JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_opencv_imgcodecs_Imgcodecs_imencode_10 (JNIEnv*, jclass, jstring, jlong, jlong, jlong);

JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_opencv_imgcodecs_Imgcodecs_imencode_10
  (JNIEnv* env, jclass , jstring ext, jlong img_nativeObj, jlong buf_mat_nativeObj, jlong params_mat_nativeObj)
    static const char method_name[] = "imgcodecs::imencode_10()";
    try {
        LOGD("%s", method_name);
        std::vector<uchar> buf;
        Mat& buf_mat = *((Mat*)buf_mat_nativeObj);
        std::vector<int> params;
        Mat& params_mat = *((Mat*)params_mat_nativeObj);
        Mat_to_vector_int( params_mat, params );
        const char* utf_ext = env->GetStringUTFChars(ext, 0); String n_ext( utf_ext ? utf_ext : "" ); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(ext, utf_ext);
        Mat& img = *((Mat*)img_nativeObj);
        bool _retval_ = cv::imencode( n_ext, img, buf, params );
        vector_uchar_to_Mat( buf, buf_mat );
        return _retval_;
    } catch(const std::exception &e) {
        throwJavaException(env, &e, method_name);
    } catch (...) {
        throwJavaException(env, 0, method_name);
    return 0;

JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_opencv_imgcodecs_Imgcodecs_imencode_11 (JNIEnv*, jclass, jstring, jlong, jlong);

JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_opencv_imgcodecs_Imgcodecs_imencode_11
  (JNIEnv* env, jclass , jstring ext, jlong img_nativeObj, jlong buf_mat_nativeObj)
    static const char method_name[] = "imgcodecs::imencode_11()";
    try {
        LOGD("%s", method_name);
        std::vector<uchar> buf;
        Mat& buf_mat = *((Mat*)buf_mat_nativeObj);
        const char* utf_ext = env->GetStringUTFChars(ext, 0); String n_ext( utf_ext ? utf_ext : "" ); env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(ext, utf_ext);
        Mat& img = *((Mat*)img_nativeObj);
        <span style="color:#FF0000;">bool _retval_ = cv::imencode( n_ext, img, buf );</span>
        vector_uchar_to_Mat( buf, buf_mat );
        return _retval_;
    } catch(const std::exception &e) {
        throwJavaException(env, &e, method_name);
    } catch (...) {
        throwJavaException(env, 0, method_name);
    return 0;


void Mat_to_vector_int(Mat& mat, std::vector<int>& v_int)
    CHECK_MAT(mat.type()==CV_32SC1 && mat.cols==1);
    v_int = (std::vector<int>) mat;

轉換過程相當簡單。。。其實這個原來Java中MatOfInt的類,儲存的其實就是一系列的32為signed int的值而已。。。這些data是可以直接進行型別轉換的


MatOfInt params = new MatOfInt(Imgcodecs.CV_IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY, 90);

public MatOfInt(int...a)


bool imencode( const String& ext, InputArray _image,
               std::vector<uchar>& buf, const std::vector<int>& params )
    Mat image = _image.getMat();

    int channels = image.channels();
    CV_Assert( channels == 1 || channels == 3 || channels == 4 );

    ImageEncoder encoder = findEncoder( ext );
    if( !encoder )
        CV_Error( CV_StsError, "could not find encoder for the specified extension" );

    if( !encoder->isFormatSupported(image.depth()) )
        CV_Assert( encoder->isFormatSupported(CV_8U) );
        Mat temp;
        image.convertTo(temp, CV_8U);
        image = temp;

    bool code;
    if( encoder->setDestination(buf) )
        code = encoder->write(image, params);
        CV_Assert( code );
        String filename = tempfile();
        code = encoder->setDestination(filename);
        CV_Assert( code );

        code = encoder->write(image, params);
        CV_Assert( code );

        FILE* f = fopen( filename.c_str(), "rb" );
        CV_Assert(f != 0);
        fseek( f, 0, SEEK_END );
        long pos = ftell(f);
        fseek( f, 0, SEEK_SET );
        buf.resize(fread( &buf[0], 1, buf.size(), f ));
    return code;

bool BaseImageEncoder::setDestination( std::vector<uchar>& buf )
    if( !m_buf_supported )
        return false;
    m_buf = &buf;
    m_filename = String();
    return true;

bool JpegEncoder::write( const Mat& img, const std::vector<int>& params )

    struct fileWrapper
        FILE* f;

        fileWrapper() : f(0) {}
        ~fileWrapper() { if(f) fclose(f); }
    volatile bool result = false;
    fileWrapper fw;
    int width = img.cols, height = img.rows;

    std::vector<uchar> out_buf(1 << 12);
    AutoBuffer<uchar> _buffer;
    uchar* buffer;

    struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
    JpegErrorMgr jerr;
    JpegDestination dest;

    cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr.pub);
    jerr.pub.error_exit = error_exit;

    if( !m_buf )
        fw.f = fopen( m_filename.c_str(), "wb" );
        if( !fw.f )
            goto _exit_;
        jpeg_stdio_dest( &cinfo, fw.f );
        dest.dst = m_buf;
        dest.buf = &out_buf;

        jpeg_buffer_dest( &cinfo, &dest );

        dest.pub.next_output_byte = &out_buf[0];
        dest.pub.free_in_buffer = out_buf.size();

    if( setjmp( jerr.setjmp_buffer ) == 0 )
        cinfo.image_width = width;
        cinfo.image_height = height;

        int _channels = img.channels();
        int channels = _channels > 1 ? 3 : 1;
        cinfo.input_components = channels;
        cinfo.in_color_space = channels > 1 ? JCS_RGB : JCS_GRAYSCALE;

        int quality = 95;
        int progressive = 0;
        int optimize = 0;
        int rst_interval = 0;
        int luma_quality = -1;
        int chroma_quality = -1;

        for( size_t i = 0; i < params.size(); i += 2 )
            if( params[i] == CV_IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY )
                quality = params[i+1];
                quality = MIN(MAX(quality, 0), 100);

            if( params[i] == CV_IMWRITE_JPEG_PROGRESSIVE )
                progressive = params[i+1];

            if( params[i] == CV_IMWRITE_JPEG_OPTIMIZE )
                optimize = params[i+1];

            if( params[i] == CV_IMWRITE_JPEG_LUMA_QUALITY )
                if (params[i+1] >= 0)
                    luma_quality = MIN(MAX(params[i+1], 0), 100);

                    quality = luma_quality;

                    if (chroma_quality < 0)
                        chroma_quality = luma_quality;

            if( params[i] == CV_IMWRITE_JPEG_CHROMA_QUALITY )
                if (params[i+1] >= 0)
                    chroma_quality = MIN(MAX(params[i+1], 0), 100);

            if( params[i] == CV_IMWRITE_JPEG_RST_INTERVAL )
                rst_interval = params[i+1];
                rst_interval = MIN(MAX(rst_interval, 0), 65535L);

        jpeg_set_defaults( &cinfo );
        cinfo.restart_interval = rst_interval;

        jpeg_set_quality( &cinfo, quality,
                          TRUE /* limit to baseline-JPEG values */ );
        if( progressive )
            jpeg_simple_progression( &cinfo );
        if( optimize )
            cinfo.optimize_coding = TRUE;

        if (luma_quality >= 0 && chroma_quality >= 0)
            cinfo.q_scale_factor[0] = jpeg_quality_scaling(luma_quality);
            cinfo.q_scale_factor[1] = jpeg_quality_scaling(chroma_quality);
            if ( luma_quality != chroma_quality )
                /* disable subsampling - ref. Libjpeg.txt */
                cinfo.comp_info[0].v_samp_factor = 1;
                cinfo.comp_info[0].h_samp_factor = 1;
                cinfo.comp_info[1].v_samp_factor = 1;
                cinfo.comp_info[1].h_samp_factor = 1;
            jpeg_default_qtables( &cinfo, TRUE );
#endif // #if JPEG_LIB_VERSION >= 70

        jpeg_start_compress( &cinfo, TRUE );

        if( channels > 1 )
        buffer = _buffer;

        for( int y = 0; y < height; y++ )
            uchar *data = img.data + img.step*y, *ptr = data;

            if( _channels == 3 )
                icvCvt_BGR2RGB_8u_C3R( data, 0, buffer, 0, cvSize(width,1) );
                ptr = buffer;
            else if( _channels == 4 )
                icvCvt_BGRA2BGR_8u_C4C3R( data, 0, buffer, 0, cvSize(width,1), 2 );
                ptr = buffer;

            jpeg_write_scanlines( &cinfo, &ptr, 1 );

        jpeg_finish_compress( &cinfo );
        result = true;


        char jmsg_buf[JMSG_LENGTH_MAX];
        jerr.pub.format_message((j_common_ptr)&cinfo, jmsg_buf);
        m_last_error = jmsg_buf;

    jpeg_destroy_compress( &cinfo );

    return result;





2,jpeg_start_compress( &cinfo, TRUE );

3,icvCvt_BGR2RGB_8u_C3R( data, 0, buffer, 0, cvSize(width,1) ); 或 icvCvt_BGRA2BGR_8u_C4C3R( data, 0, buffer, 0, cvSize(width,1), 2 );

4,jpeg_write_scanlines( &cinfo, &ptr, 1 );

5,jpeg_finish_compress( &cinfo );




struct jpeg_compress_struct {
  jpeg_common_fields;		/* Fields shared with jpeg_decompress_struct */

  /* Destination for compressed data */
  struct jpeg_destination_mgr * dest;

  /* Description of source image --- these fields must be filled in by
   * outer application before starting compression.  in_color_space must
   * be correct before you can even call jpeg_set_defaults().

  JDIMENSION image_width;	/* input image width */
  JDIMENSION image_height;	/* input image height */
  int input_components;		/* # of color components in input image */
  J_COLOR_SPACE in_color_space;	/* colorspace of input image */

  double input_gamma;		/* image gamma of input image */

  /* Compression parameters --- these fields must be set before calling
   * jpeg_start_compress().  We recommend calling jpeg_set_defaults() to
   * initialize everything to reasonable defaults, then changing anything
   * the application specifically wants to change.  That way you won't get
   * burnt when new parameters are added.  Also note that there are several
   * helper routines to simplify changing parameters.

  unsigned int scale_num, scale_denom; /* fraction by which to scale image */

  JDIMENSION jpeg_width;	/* scaled JPEG image width */
  JDIMENSION jpeg_height;	/* scaled JPEG image height */
  /* Dimensions of actual JPEG image that will be written to file,
   * derived from input dimensions by scaling factors above.
   * These fields are computed by jpeg_start_compress().
   * You can also use jpeg_calc_jpeg_dimensions() to determine these values
   * in advance of calling jpeg_start_compress().

  int data_precision;		/* bits of precision in image data */

  int num_components;		/* # of color components in JPEG image */
  J_COLOR_SPACE jpeg_color_space; /* colorspace of JPEG image */

  jpeg_component_info * comp_info;
  /* comp_info[i] describes component that appears i'th in SOF */

  JQUANT_TBL * quant_tbl_ptrs[NUM_QUANT_TBLS];
  int q_scale_factor[NUM_QUANT_TBLS];
  /* ptrs to coefficient quantization tables, or NULL if not defined,
   * and corresponding scale factors (percentage, initialized 100).

  JHUFF_TBL * dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[NUM_HUFF_TBLS];
  JHUFF_TBL * ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[NUM_HUFF_TBLS];
  /* ptrs to Huffman coding tables, or NULL if not defined */

  UINT8 arith_dc_L[NUM_ARITH_TBLS]; /* L values for DC arith-coding tables */
  UINT8 arith_dc_U[NUM_ARITH_TBLS]; /* U values for DC arith-coding tables */
  UINT8 arith_ac_K[NUM_ARITH_TBLS]; /* Kx values for AC arith-coding tables */

  int num_scans;		/* # of entries in scan_info array */
  const jpeg_scan_info * scan_info; /* script for multi-scan file, or NULL */
  /* The default value of scan_info is NULL, which causes a single-scan
   * sequential JPEG file to be emitted.  To create a multi-scan file,
   * set num_scans and scan_info to point to an array of scan definitions.

  boolean raw_data_in;		/* TRUE=caller supplies downsampled data */
  boolean arith_code;		/* TRUE=arithmetic coding, FALSE=Huffman */
  boolean optimize_coding;	/* TRUE=optimize entropy encoding parms */
  boolean CCIR601_sampling;	/* TRUE=first samples are cosited */
  boolean do_fancy_downsampling; /* TRUE=apply fancy downsampling */
  int smoothing_factor;		/* 1..100, or 0 for no input smoothing */
  J_DCT_METHOD dct_method;	/* DCT algorithm selector */

  /* The restart interval can be specified in absolute MCUs by setting
   * restart_interval, or in MCU rows by setting restart_in_rows
   * (in which case the correct restart_interval will be figured
   * for each scan).
  unsigned int restart_interval; /* MCUs per restart, or 0 for no restart */
  int restart_in_rows;		/* if > 0, MCU rows per restart interval */

  /* Parameters controlling emission of special markers. */

  boolean write_JFIF_header;	/* should a JFIF marker be written? */
  UINT8 JFIF_major_version;	/* What to write for the JFIF version number */
  UINT8 JFIF_minor_version;
  /* These three values are not used by the JPEG code, merely copied */
  /* into the JFIF APP0 marker.  density_unit can be 0 for unknown, */
  /* 1 for dots/inch, or 2 for dots/cm.  Note that the pixel aspect */
  /* ratio is defined by X_density/Y_density even when density_unit=0. */
  UINT8 density_unit;		/* JFIF code for pixel size units */
  UINT16 X_density;		/* Horizontal pixel density */
  UINT16 Y_density;		/* Vertical pixel density */
  boolean write_Adobe_marker;	/* should an Adobe marker be written? */

  J_COLOR_TRANSFORM color_transform;
  /* Color transform identifier, writes LSE marker if nonzero */

  /* State variable: index of next scanline to be written to
   * jpeg_write_scanlines().  Application may use this to control its
   * processing loop, e.g., "while (next_scanline < image_height)".

  JDIMENSION next_scanline;	/* 0 .. image_height-1  */

  /* Remaining fields are known throughout compressor, but generally
   * should not be touched by a surrounding application.

   * These fields are computed during compression startup
  boolean progressive_mode;	/* TRUE if scan script uses progressive mode */
  int max_h_samp_factor;	/* largest h_samp_factor */
  int max_v_samp_factor;	/* largest v_samp_factor */

  int min_DCT_h_scaled_size;	/* smallest DCT_h_scaled_size of any component */
  int min_DCT_v_scaled_size;	/* smallest DCT_v_scaled_size of any component */

  JDIMENSION total_iMCU_rows;	/* # of iMCU rows to be input to coef ctlr */
  /* The coefficient controller receives data in units of MCU rows as defined
   * for fully interleaved scans (whether the JPEG file is interleaved or not).
   * There are v_samp_factor * DCTSIZE sample rows of each component in an
   * "iMCU" (interleaved MCU) row.

   * These fields are valid during any one scan.
   * They describe the components and MCUs actually appearing in the scan.
  int comps_in_scan;		/* # of JPEG components in this scan */
  jpeg_component_info * cur_comp_info[MAX_COMPS_IN_SCAN];
  /* *cur_comp_info[i] describes component that appears i'th in SOS */

  JDIMENSION MCUs_per_row;	/* # of MCUs across the image */
  JDIMENSION MCU_rows_in_scan;	/* # of MCU rows in the image */

  int blocks_in_MCU;		/* # of DCT blocks per MCU */
  int MCU_membership[C_MAX_BLOCKS_IN_MCU];
  /* MCU_membership[i] is index in cur_comp_info of component owning */
  /* i'th block in an MCU */

  int Ss, Se, Ah, Al;		/* progressive JPEG parameters for scan */

  int block_size;		/* the basic DCT block size: 1..16 */
  const int * natural_order;	/* natural-order position array */
  int lim_Se;			/* min( Se, DCTSIZE2-1 ) */

   * Links to compression subobjects (methods and private variables of modules)
  struct jpeg_comp_master * master;
  struct jpeg_c_main_controller * main;
  struct jpeg_c_prep_controller * prep;
  struct jpeg_c_coef_controller * coef;
  struct jpeg_marker_writer * marker;
  struct jpeg_color_converter * cconvert;
  struct jpeg_downsampler * downsample;
  struct jpeg_forward_dct * fdct;
  struct jpeg_entropy_encoder * entropy;
  jpeg_scan_info * script_space; /* workspace for jpeg_simple_progression */
  int script_space_size;


typedef struct jpeg_common_struct * j_common_ptr;

/* Routines that are to be used by both halves of the library are declared
 * to receive a pointer to this structure.  There are no actual instances of
 * jpeg_common_struct, only of jpeg_compress_struct and jpeg_decompress_struct.
struct jpeg_common_struct {
  jpeg_common_fields;        /* Fields common to both master struct types */
  /* Additional fields follow in an actual jpeg_compress_struct or
   * jpeg_decompress_struct.  All three structs must agree on these
   * initial fields!  (This would be a lot cleaner in C++.)

#define jpeg_common_fields \
  struct jpeg_error_mgr * err;    /* Error handler module */\
  struct jpeg_memory_mgr * mem;    /* Memory manager module */\
  struct jpeg_progress_mgr * progress; /* Progress monitor, or NULL if none */\
  void * client_data;        /* Available for use by application */\
  boolean is_decompressor;    /* So common code can tell which is which */\
  int global_state        /* For checking call sequence validity */


/* a function called through method pointers: */
#define METHODDEF(type)		static type
/* a function used only in its module: */
#define LOCAL(type)		static type
/* a function referenced thru EXTERNs: */
#define GLOBAL(type)		type
/* a reference to a GLOBAL function: */
#define EXTERN(type)		extern type



<pre name="code" class="cpp">#define jpeg_create_compress(cinfo) \
    jpeg_CreateCompress((cinfo), JPEG_LIB_VERSION, \
                        (size_t) sizeof(struct jpeg_compress_struct))

#define jpeg_CreateCompress    jCreaCompressEXTERN(void) jpeg_CreateCompress JPP((j_compress_ptr cinfo, int version, size_t structsize));

<pre name="code" class="cpp">/*
 * Initialization of a JPEG compression object.
 * The error manager must already be set up (in case memory manager fails).

jpeg_CreateCompress (j_compress_ptr cinfo, int version, size_t structsize)
  int i;

  /* Guard against version mismatches between library and caller. */
  cinfo->mem = NULL;		/* so jpeg_destroy knows mem mgr not called */
  if (version != JPEG_LIB_VERSION)
  if (structsize != SIZEOF(struct jpeg_compress_struct))
             (int) SIZEOF(struct jpeg_compress_struct), (int) structsize);

  /* For debugging purposes, we zero the whole master structure.
   * But the application has already set the err pointer, and may have set
   * client_data, so we have to save and restore those fields.
   * Note: if application hasn't set client_data, tools like Purify may
   * complain here.
    struct jpeg_error_mgr * err = cinfo->err;
    void * client_data = cinfo->client_data; /* ignore Purify complaint here */
    MEMZERO(cinfo, SIZEOF(struct jpeg_compress_struct));
    cinfo->err = err;
    cinfo->client_data = client_data;
  cinfo->is_decompressor = FALSE;

  /* Initialize a memory manager instance for this object */
  jinit_memory_mgr((j_common_ptr) cinfo);

  /* Zero out pointers to permanent structures. */
  cinfo->progress = NULL;
  cinfo->dest = NULL;

  cinfo->comp_info = NULL;

  for (i = 0; i < NUM_QUANT_TBLS; i++) {
    cinfo->quant_tbl_ptrs[i] = NULL;
    cinfo->q_scale_factor[i] = 100;

  for (i = 0; i < NUM_HUFF_TBLS; i++) {
    cinfo->dc_huff_tbl_ptrs[i] = NULL;
    cinfo->ac_huff_tbl_ptrs[i] = NULL;

  /* Must do it here for emit_dqt in case jpeg_write_tables is used */
  cinfo->block_size = DCTSIZE;
  cinfo->natural_order = jpeg_natural_order;
  cinfo->lim_Se = DCTSIZE2-1;

  cinfo->script_space = NULL;

  cinfo->input_gamma = 1.0;	/* in case application forgets */

  /* OK, I'm ready */
  cinfo->global_state = CSTATE_START;

jpeg_start_compress (j_compress_ptr cinfo, boolean write_all_tables)
  if (cinfo->global_state != CSTATE_START)
    ERREXIT1(cinfo, JERR_BAD_STATE, cinfo->global_state);

  if (write_all_tables)
    jpeg_suppress_tables(cinfo, FALSE);	/* mark all tables to be written */

  /* (Re)initialize error mgr and destination modules */
  (*cinfo->err->reset_error_mgr) ((j_common_ptr) cinfo);
  (*cinfo->dest->init_destination) (cinfo);
  /* Perform master selection of active modules */
  /* Set up for the first pass */
  (*cinfo->master->prepare_for_pass) (cinfo);
  /* Ready for application to drive first pass through jpeg_write_scanlines
   * or jpeg_write_raw_data.
  cinfo->next_scanline = 0;
  cinfo->global_state = (cinfo->raw_data_in ? CSTATE_RAW_OK : CSTATE_SCANNING);

jpeg_start_compress中的邏輯也相當簡單,初始化error manager與編碼結果儲存模組,初始化編碼master,ready for jpeg_write_scanlines blabla,值得一提的是jinit_compress_master

jinit_compress_master (j_compress_ptr cinfo)
  /* Initialize master control (includes parameter checking/processing) */
  jinit_c_master_control(cinfo, FALSE /* full compression */);

  /* Preprocessing */
  if (! cinfo->raw_data_in) {
    jinit_c_prep_controller(cinfo, FALSE /* never need full buffer here */);
  /* Forward DCT */
  /* Entropy encoding: either Huffman or arithmetic coding. */
  if (cinfo->arith_code)
  else {

  /* Need a full-image coefficient buffer in any multi-pass mode. */
                (boolean) (cinfo->num_scans > 1 || cinfo->optimize_coding));
  jinit_c_main_controller(cinfo, FALSE /* never need full buffer here */);


  /* We can now tell the memory manager to allocate virtual arrays. */
  (*cinfo->mem->realize_virt_arrays) ((j_common_ptr) cinfo);

  /* Write the datastream header (SOI) immediately.
   * Frame and scan headers are postponed till later.
   * This lets application insert special markers after the SOI.
  (*cinfo->marker->write_file_header) (cinfo);

 * Write some scanlines of data to the JPEG compressor.
 * The return value will be the number of lines actually written.
 * This should be less than the supplied num_lines only in case that
 * the data destination module has requested suspension of the compressor,
 * or if more than image_height scanlines are passed in.
 * Note: we warn about excess calls to jpeg_write_scanlines() since
 * this likely signals an application programmer error.  However,
 * excess scanlines passed in the last valid call are *silently* ignored,
 * so that the application need not adjust num_lines for end-of-image
 * when using a multiple-scanline buffer.

jpeg_write_scanlines (j_compress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPARRAY scanlines,
                      JDIMENSION num_lines)
  JDIMENSION row_ctr, rows_left;

  if (cinfo->global_state != CSTATE_SCANNING)
    ERREXIT1(cinfo, JERR_BAD_STATE, cinfo->global_state);
  if (cinfo->next_scanline >= cinfo->image_height)

  /* Call progress monitor hook if present */
  if (cinfo->progress != NULL) {
    cinfo->progress->pass_counter = (long) cinfo->next_scanline;
    cinfo->progress->pass_limit = (long) cinfo->image_height;
    (*cinfo->progress->progress_monitor) ((j_common_ptr) cinfo);

  /* Give master control module another chance if this is first call to
   * jpeg_write_scanlines.  This lets output of the frame/scan headers be
   * delayed so that application can write COM, etc, markers between
   * jpeg_start_compress and jpeg_write_scanlines.
  if (cinfo->master->call_pass_startup)
    (*cinfo->master->pass_startup) (cinfo);

  /* Ignore any extra scanlines at bottom of image. */
  rows_left = cinfo->image_height - cinfo->next_scanline;
  if (num_lines > rows_left)
    num_lines = rows_left;

  row_ctr = 0;
  (*cinfo->main->process_data) (cinfo, scanlines, &row_ctr, num_lines);
  cinfo->next_scanline += row_ctr;
  return row_ctr;

z在jpeg_write_scanlines中,首先仍然是預處理和初始化的邏輯,主要需要注意的是process_data中的實現,在jpeg_start_compress --> jinit_compress_master --> jinit_c_main_controller 中 cinfo->main->start_pass = start_pass_main,而start_pass_main中則將cinfo->main->pub.process_data = process_data_simple_main;


 * Process some data.
 * This routine handles the simple pass-through mode,
 * where we have only a strip buffer.

process_data_simple_main (j_compress_ptr cinfo,
                          JSAMPARRAY input_buf, JDIMENSION *in_row_ctr,
                          JDIMENSION in_rows_avail)
  my_main_ptr mainp = (my_main_ptr) cinfo->main;

  while (mainp->cur_iMCU_row < cinfo->total_iMCU_rows) {
    /* Read input data if we haven't filled the main buffer yet */
    if (mainp->rowgroup_ctr < (JDIMENSION) cinfo->min_DCT_v_scaled_size)
      (*cinfo->prep->pre_process_data) (cinfo,
                                        input_buf, in_row_ctr, in_rows_avail,
                                        mainp->buffer, &mainp->rowgroup_ctr,
                                        (JDIMENSION) cinfo->min_DCT_v_scaled_size);

    /* If we don't have a full iMCU row buffered, return to application for
     * more data.  Note that preprocessor will always pad to fill the iMCU row
     * at the bottom of the image.
    if (mainp->rowgroup_ctr != (JDIMENSION) cinfo->min_DCT_v_scaled_size)

    /* Send the completed row to the compressor */
    if (! (*cinfo->coef->compress_data) (cinfo, mainp->buffer)) {
      /* If compressor did not consume the whole row, then we must need to
       * suspend processing and return to the application.  In this situation
       * we pretend we didn't yet consume the last input row; otherwise, if
       * it happened to be the last row of the image, the application would
       * think we were done.
      if (! mainp->suspended) {
        mainp->suspended = TRUE;
    /* We did finish the row.  Undo our little suspension hack if a previous
     * call suspended; then mark the main buffer empty.
    if (mainp->suspended) {
      mainp->suspended = FALSE;
    mainp->rowgroup_ctr = 0;

process_data中首先則是一個數據的預處理邏輯pre_process_data,在jpeg_start_compress --> jinit_compress_master -->jinit_c_prep_controller中,prep->pub.pre_process_data = pre_process_data;
 * Process some data in the simple no-context case.
 * Preprocessor output data is counted in "row groups".  A row group
 * is defined to be v_samp_factor sample rows of each component.
 * Downsampling will produce this much data from each max_v_samp_factor
 * input rows.

pre_process_data (j_compress_ptr cinfo,
                  JSAMPARRAY input_buf, JDIMENSION *in_row_ctr,
                  JDIMENSION in_rows_avail,
                  JSAMPIMAGE output_buf, JDIMENSION *out_row_group_ctr,
                  JDIMENSION out_row_groups_avail)
  my_prep_ptr prep = (my_prep_ptr) cinfo->prep;
  int numrows, ci;
  JDIMENSION inrows;
  jpeg_component_info * compptr;

  while (*in_row_ctr < in_rows_avail &&
         *out_row_group_ctr < out_row_groups_avail) {
    /* Do color conversion to fill the conversion buffer. */
    inrows = in_rows_avail - *in_row_ctr;
    numrows = cinfo->max_v_samp_factor - prep->next_buf_row;
    numrows = (int) MIN((JDIMENSION) numrows, inrows);
    (*cinfo->cconvert->color_convert) (cinfo, input_buf + *in_row_ctr,
                                       (JDIMENSION) prep->next_buf_row,
    *in_row_ctr += numrows;
    prep->next_buf_row += numrows;
    prep->rows_to_go -= numrows;
    /* If at bottom of image, pad to fill the conversion buffer. */
    if (prep->rows_to_go == 0 &&
        prep->next_buf_row < cinfo->max_v_samp_factor) {
      for (ci = 0; ci < cinfo->num_components; ci++) {
        expand_bottom_edge(prep->color_buf[ci], cinfo->image_width,
                           prep->next_buf_row, cinfo->max_v_samp_factor);
      prep->next_buf_row = cinfo->max_v_samp_factor;
    /* If we've filled the conversion buffer, empty it. */
    if (prep->next_buf_row == cinfo->max_v_samp_factor) {
      (*cinfo->downsample->downsample) (cinfo,
                                        prep->color_buf, (JDIMENSION) 0,
                                        output_buf, *out_row_group_ctr);
      prep->next_buf_row = 0;
    /* If at bottom of image, pad the output to a full iMCU height.
     * Note we assume the caller is providing a one-iMCU-height output buffer!
    if (prep->rows_to_go == 0 &&
        *out_row_group_ctr < out_row_groups_avail) {
      for (ci = 0, compptr = cinfo->comp_info; ci < cinfo->num_components;
           ci++, compptr++) {
        numrows = (compptr->v_samp_factor * compptr->DCT_v_scaled_size) /
                           compptr->width_in_blocks * compptr->DCT_h_scaled_size,
                           (int) (*out_row_group_ctr * numrows),
                           (int) (out_row_groups_avail * numrows));
      *out_row_group_ctr = out_row_groups_avail;
      break;			/* can exit outer loop without test */

pre_process_data中主要涉及的就是color_convert和expand_bottom_edge兩個邏輯,在jpeg_start_compress --> jinit_compress_master -->jinit_color_converter中,通過判斷輸入影象的color_space去選擇相關color轉換的邏輯,此時color_convert則對應了相關處理的邏輯;而expand_bottom_edge則通過擴充套件input的bottom來將output的height


接著是compress_data函式,jpeg_start_compress --> jinit_compress_master -->jinit_c_coef_controller中,cinfo->coef->pub.start_pass = start_pass_coef; 接著在start_pass_coef 中 coef->pub.compress_data = compress_data;可以得到compress_data的邏輯

 * Process some data in the single-pass case.
 * We process the equivalent of one fully interleaved MCU row ("iMCU" row)
 * per call, ie, v_samp_factor block rows for each component in the image.
 * Returns TRUE if the iMCU row is completed, FALSE if suspended.
 * NB: input_buf contains a plane for each component in image,
 * which we index according to the component's SOF position.

compress_data (j_compress_ptr cinfo, JSAMPIMAGE input_buf)
  my_coef_ptr coef = (my_coef_ptr) cinfo->coef;
  JDIMENSION MCU_col_num;	/* index of current MCU within row */
  JDIMENSION last_MCU_col = cinfo->MCUs_per_row - 1;
  JDIMENSION last_iMCU_row = cinfo->total_iMCU_rows - 1;
  int blkn, bi, ci, yindex, yoffset, blockcnt;
  JDIMENSION ypos, xpos;
  jpeg_component_info *compptr;
  forward_DCT_ptr forward_DCT;

  /* Loop to write as much as one whole iMCU row */
  for (yoffset = coef->MCU_vert_offset; yoffset < coef->MCU_rows_per_iMCU_row;
       yoffset++) {
    for (MCU_col_num = coef->mcu_ctr; MCU_col_num <= last_MCU_col;
         MCU_col_num++) {
      /* Determine where data comes from in input_buf and do the DCT thing.
       * Each call on forward_DCT processes a horizontal row of DCT blocks
       * as wide as an MCU; we rely on having allocated the MCU_buffer[] blocks
       * sequentially.  Dummy blocks at the right or bottom edge are filled in
       * specially.  The data in them does not matter for image reconstruction,
       * so we fill them with values that will encode to the smallest amount of
       * data, viz: all zeroes in the AC entries, DC entries equal to previous
       * block's DC value.  (Thanks to Thomas Kinsman for this idea.)
      blkn = 0;
      for (ci = 0; ci < cinfo->comps_in_scan; ci++) {
        compptr = cinfo->cur_comp_info[ci];
        forward_DCT = cinfo->fdct->forward_DCT[compptr->component_index];
        blockcnt = (MCU_col_num < last_MCU_col) ? compptr->MCU_width
                                                : compptr->last_col_width;
        xpos = MCU_col_num * compptr->MCU_sample_width;
        ypos = yoffset * compptr->DCT_v_scaled_size;
        /* ypos == (yoffset+yindex) * DCTSIZE */
        for (yindex = 0; yindex < compptr->MCU_height; yindex++) {
          if (coef->iMCU_row_num < last_iMCU_row ||
              yoffset+yindex < compptr->last_row_height) {
            (*forward_DCT) (cinfo, compptr,
                            ypos, xpos, (JDIMENSION) blockcnt);
            if (blockcnt < compptr->MCU_width) {
              /* Create some dummy blocks at the right edge of the image. */
              FMEMZERO((void FAR *) coef->MCU_buffer[blkn + blockcnt],
                       (compptr->MCU_width - blockcnt) * SIZEOF(JBLOCK));
              for (bi = blockcnt; bi < compptr->MCU_width; bi++) {
                coef->MCU_buffer[blkn+bi][0][0] = coef->MCU_buffer[blkn+bi-1][0][0];
          } else {
            /* Create a row of dummy blocks at the bottom of the image. */
            FMEMZERO((void FAR *) coef->MCU_buffer[blkn],
                     compptr->MCU_width * SIZEOF(JBLOCK));
            for (bi = 0; bi < compptr->MCU_width; bi++) {
              coef->MCU_buffer[blkn+bi][0][0] = coef->MCU_buffer[blkn-1][0][0];
          blkn += compptr->MCU_width;
          ypos += compptr->DCT_v_scaled_size;
      /* Try to write the MCU.  In event of a suspension failure, we will
       * re-DCT the MCU on restart (a bit inefficient, could be fixed...)
      if (! (*cinfo->entropy->encode_mcu) (cinfo, coef->MCU_buffer)) {
        /* Suspension forced; update state counters and exit */
        coef->MCU_vert_offset = yoffset;
        coef->mcu_ctr = MCU_col_num;
        return FALSE;
    /* Completed an MCU row, but perhaps not an iMCU row */
    coef->mcu_ctr = 0;
  /* Completed the iMCU row, advance counters for next one */
  return TRUE;
