1. 程式人生 > >android 啟動新 app 的activity 新程序的建立

android 啟動新 app 的activity 新程序的建立

上面是說到 activity的啟動,看到程序啟動的地方就結束了。

  final ProcessRecord startProcessLocked(String processName, ApplicationInfo info,
            boolean knownToBeDead, int intentFlags, String hostingType, ComponentName hostingName,
            boolean allowWhileBooting, boolean isolated, int isolatedUid, boolean
keepIfLarge, String abiOverride, String entryPoint, String[] entryPointArgs, Runnable crashHandler) { long startTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime(); ProcessRecord app; //app ==null的時候,是全新啟動一個應用,上面的程式碼略過 if (app == null) { checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: creating new process record"
); //根據上面 啟動activity 讀到的 ApplicationInfo 建立相應的processinfo //在系統的pkglist中 註冊應用的packagename 等等,填寫相應的uid 之類的資訊。 app = newProcessRecordLocked(info, processName, isolated, isolatedUid); if (app == null) { Slog.w(TAG, "Failed making new process record for " + processName + "/"
+ info.uid + " isolated=" + isolated); return null; } //此時的crashHandler 還是null app.crashHandler = crashHandler; mProcessNames.put(processName, app.uid, app); if (isolated) { mIsolatedProcesses.put(app.uid, app); } checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: done creating new process record"); } else { // If this is a new package in the process, add the package to the list app.addPackage(info.packageName, info.versionCode, mProcessStats); checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: added package to existing proc"); } // If the system is not ready yet, then hold off on starting this // process until it is. if (!mProcessesReady && !isAllowedWhileBooting(info) && !allowWhileBooting) { if (!mProcessesOnHold.contains(app)) { mProcessesOnHold.add(app); } if (DEBUG_PROCESSES) Slog.v(TAG, "System not ready, putting on hold: " + app); checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: returning with proc on hold"); return app; } checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: stepping in to startProcess"); startProcessLocked( app, hostingType, hostingNameStr, abiOverride, entryPoint, entryPointArgs); checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: done starting proc!"); return (app.pid != 0) ? app : null; } 真正的啟動 startProcessLocked()

private final void startProcessLocked(ProcessRecord app, String hostingType,
String hostingNameStr, String abiOverride, String entryPoint, String[] entryPointArgs) {
long startTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
if (DEBUG_PROCESSES && mProcessesOnHold.contains(app)) Slog.v(TAG,
“startProcessLocked removing on hold: ” + app);


    try {
        int uid = app.uid;

//略過 給process 標記debug 標誌

//cpu 型別
String requiredAbi = (abiOverride != null) ? abiOverride : app.info.primaryCpuAbi;
if (requiredAbi == null) {
requiredAbi = Build.SUPPORTED_ABIS[0];

        String instructionSet = null;
        if (app.info.primaryCpuAbi != null) {
            instructionSet = VMRuntime.getInstructionSet(app.info.primaryCpuAbi);


        boolean isActivityProcess = (entryPoint == null);
        if (entryPoint == null) entryPoint = "android.app.ActivityThread";
        checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: asking zygote to start proc");

//這個就是大名鼎鼎的 孵化器了
//zygote process 大概描述一下,向zygote process傳送請求,申請一個新
//連同這activitythread 直接被創建出來process 直接執行main函式,主執行緒也被創建出來

        Process.ProcessStartResult startResult = Process.start(entryPoint,
                app.processName, uid, uid, gids, debugFlags, mountExternal,
                app.info.targetSdkVersion, app.info.seinfo, requiredAbi, instructionSet,
                app.info.dataDir, entryPointArgs);
        checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: returned from zygote!");

        if (app.isolated) {
            mBatteryStatsService.addIsolatedUid(app.uid, app.info.uid);
        mBatteryStatsService.noteProcessStart(app.processName, app.info.uid);
        checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: done updating battery stats");

                UserHandle.getUserId(uid), startResult.pid, uid,
                app.processName, hostingType,
                hostingNameStr != null ? hostingNameStr : "");

        if (app.persistent) {
            Watchdog.getInstance().processStarted(app.processName, startResult.pid);

        checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: building log message");
        StringBuilder buf = mStringBuilder;
        buf.append("Start proc ");
        UserHandle.formatUid(buf, uid);
        if (!isActivityProcess) {
            buf.append(" [");
        buf.append(" for ");
        if (hostingNameStr != null) {
            buf.append(" ");
        Slog.i(TAG, buf.toString());
        app.usingWrapper = startResult.usingWrapper;
        app.removed = false;
        app.killed = false;
        app.killedByAm = false;
        checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: starting to update pids map");
        synchronized (mPidsSelfLocked) {
            this.mPidsSelfLocked.put(startResult.pid, app);
            if (isActivityProcess) {
                Message msg = mHandler.obtainMessage(PROC_START_TIMEOUT_MSG);
                msg.obj = app;
                mHandler.sendMessageDelayed(msg, startResult.usingWrapper
        checkTime(startTime, "startProcess: done updating pids map");
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        // XXX do better error recovery.
        mBatteryStatsService.noteProcessFinish(app.processName, app.info.uid);
        if (app.isolated) {
            mBatteryStatsService.removeIsolatedUid(app.uid, app.info.uid);
        Slog.e(TAG, "Failure starting process " + app.processName, e);
