1. 程式人生 > >LIC1430N The license could not be added to the nodelock file

LIC1430N The license could not be added to the nodelock file


[[email protected] ~]$ db2start
01/02/2001 00:47:38    0   0   SQL8000N  DB2START processing failed; a valid product license was not found. If you have licensed this product, ensure the license key is properly registered. You can register the license using the db2licm command. The license key can be obtained from your licensed product CD..

[email protected] ~]$ db2licm -l
Product name:                     "DB2 Enterprise Server Edition"
Expiry date:                      "03/31/2001 (Try & Buy)"
Product identifier:               "db2ese"
Version information:              "10.5"
Enforcement policy:               "Soft Stop"

Product name:                     "DB2 Advanced Workgroup Server Edition"
Expiry date:                      "03/31/2001 (Try & Buy)"
Product identifier:               "db2awse"
Version information:              "10.5"
Enforcement policy:               "Soft Stop"

Product name:                     "DB2 Workgroup Server Edition"
Expiry date:                      "03/31/2001 (Try & Buy)"
Product identifier:               "db2wse"
Version information:              "10.5"
Max amount of memory (GB):        "128"
Enforcement policy:               "Soft Stop"

[[email protected]

V10.5]# /opt/ibm/db2/V10.5/db2licm   -a  /soft/db2_v10.5/db2aese_tb.lic

LIC1430N  The license could not be added to the nodelock file because  the license date is greater than operating system date.
the license date is greater than operating system date.

User response:

Please check your certificate file to ensure that the license start date
precedes the current date (the date set on the operating system).

既然說license 時間和系統時間不對付。好吧,照你說的做,我把時間改到現在2015年,重新註冊一下license,竟然好了

[[email protected] adm]# date
Tue Jan  2 01:02:33 CST 2001
[[email protected] adm]# date -s "Tue May  5 09:30:25 CST 2015"
Tue May  5 09:30:25 CST 2015
[[email protected] adm]# date
Tue May  5 09:30:28 CST 2015
[[email protected] adm]# ./db2licm   -a  /soft/db2_v10.5/db2aese_tb.lic

LIC1402I  License added successfully.

LIC1426I  This product is now licensed for use as outlined in your License Agreement.  USE OF THE PRODUCT CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF THE IBM LICENSE AGREEMENT, LOCATED IN THE FOLLOWING DIRECTORY: "/opt/ibm/db2/V10.5/license/en_US.iso88591"


LIC1430N The license could not be added to the nodelock file

這幾個月一直用的好好的,早上來了啟一下例項,竟然報錯提示因為license問題無法成功啟動。 [[email protected] ~]$ db2start 01/02/2001 00:47:38    0   0   SQL8000N  DB2START pro

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變更 runtime win jdk nts nvi bsp 選擇 ould The JRE could not be found.Edit the server and change the JRE location. 在Windows->Preference

The JRE could not be found.Edit the server and change the JRE location.

之前更改了了一個較低的jdk的版本看了看一個專案的程式碼,不知所云,然後再改回來, 混亂之中只要啟動Tomcat就出現這種錯誤,還是無法找到JRE,最後如此解決: 在Windows->Preferences->Server->Runtime E

啟動報錯:The JRE could not be found. Edit the server and change the JRE location.

轉載內容,原文連結:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7f865faf0100uvev.html Tomcat報錯: The JRE could not be found. Edit the server and change the JRE

unable to read property list form file xxxx/Info.plist:The operation could not be completed

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Connections could not be acquired from the underlying databa

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VC6.0報錯:"Error spawning 'vcspawn.exe'. The build could not be performed"解決方法 (2011-05-05 10:14:50)

很長時間沒有使用VC6.0.今天有個程式需要在VC6.0下編譯,結果出現了這個報錯,在網上找了一通,按照他們的方法搞了一通也沒有解決,我畢竟身經百戰,自己思考了一下,還是解決了.做下面的一些工作,基本上可以解決: 1.設定系統環境變數:ComSpec=C:\Windows\System3

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"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin\java.exe" -ea -Didea.test.cyclic.buffer.size=1048576 -javaagent:D:\IDEA\lib\idea_rt.jar=61942:D:\IDEA\bin -Dfil

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java.sql.SQLException: Connections could not be acquired from the underlying database!

      使用C3P0訪問資料庫的時候會出現這樣的異常,大部分情況下是因為c3p0-config.xml裡面有錯誤。基本是因為properties元素後面內容沒有全部小寫。基本百度一下就可以解決。       我今天這個問題就比較奇葩,因為學習的時候使用的是eclipse

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