1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >SDN 實驗 4:Open vSwitch 實驗——Mininet 中使用 OVS 命令

SDN 實驗 4:Open vSwitch 實驗——Mininet 中使用 OVS 命令


  • Mininet 安裝之後,會連帶安裝 Open vSwitch,可以直接通過 Python 指令碼呼叫Open vSwitch 命令,從而直接控制 Open vSwitch,通過實驗瞭解呼叫控制的方法。


  • 在本實驗中,使用 Mininet 基於 Python 的指令碼,呼叫“ovs-vsctl”命令直接控制Open vSwitch。使用預設的交換機泛洪規則,設定更高的優先順序規則進行預先定義 IP 報文的轉發。在多個交換機中通過設定不同 TOS 值的資料包將通過不同的方式到達目的地址,驗證主機間的連通性及到達目的地址的時間。


1. 實驗環境

  • 安裝了 Ubuntu 18.04.5 Desktop amd64 的虛擬機器

2. 實驗步驟

(1)建立 ovsSingleBr.py 指令碼並執行

  • 實驗內容
    執行 ovsSingleBr.py,在沒有控制器的情況下,在Mininet 指令碼中通過呼叫 ovs 命令直接向 switch0 交換機下發流表,將入埠號為1/2/3 的資料包泛洪廣播,並對目的地址為 的資料包分別從1/2/3 埠轉發出去。之後測試 h0 ping h1,h0 ping h2,網路連通。

  • ovsSingleBr.py 對應拓撲

  • ovsSingleBr.py 對應程式碼
from mininet.net import Mininet
from mininet.node import Node
from mininet.link import Link
from mininet.log import  setLogLevel, info
def myNet():
    "Create network from scratch using Open vSwitch."
    info( "*** Creating nodes\n" )
    switch0 = Node( 's0', inNamespace=False )
    h0 = Node( 'h0' )
    h1 = Node( 'h1' )
    h2 = Node( 'h2' )
    info( "*** Creating links\n" )
    Link( h0, switch0)
    Link( h1, switch0)
    Link( h2, switch0)
    info( "*** Configuring hosts\n" )
    h0.setIP( '' )
    h1.setIP( '' )
    h2.setIP( '' )
    info( "*** Starting network using Open vSwitch\n" )
    switch0.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp0' )
    switch0.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-br dp0' )
    for intf in switch0.intfs.values():
        print intf
        print switch0.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-port dp0 %s' % intf )
    # Note: controller and switch are in root namespace, and we
    # can connect via loopback interface
    #switch0.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl set-controller dp0 tcp:' )
    print switch0.cmd(r'ovs-vsctl show')
    print switch0.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp0 idle_timeout=0,priority=1,in_port=1,actions=flood' ) 
    print switch0.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp0 idle_timeout=0,priority=1,in_port=2,actions=flood' )
    print switch0.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp0 idle_timeout=0,priority=1,in_port=3,actions=flood' )
    print switch0.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp0 idle_timeout=0,priority=10,ip,nw_dst=,actions=output:1' ) 
    print switch0.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp0 idle_timeout=0,priority=10,ip,nw_dst=,actions=output:2' ) 
    print switch0.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp0 idle_timeout=0,priority=10,ip,nw_dst=,actions=output:3')
    #switch0.cmd('tcpdump -i s0-eth0 -U -w aaa &')
    #h0.cmd('tcpdump -i h0-eth0 -U -w aaa &')
    info( "*** Running test\n" )
    h0.cmdPrint( 'ping -c 3 ' + h1.IP() )
    h0.cmdPrint( 'ping -c 3 ' + h2.IP() )
    #print switch0.cmd( 'ovs-ofctl show dp0' )    
    #print switch0.cmd( 'ovs-ofctl dump-tables  dp0' )
    #print switch0.cmd( 'ovs-ofctl dump-ports   dp0' )
    #print switch0.cmd( 'ovs-ofctl dump-flows  dp0' )
    #print switch0.cmd( 'ovs-ofctl dump-aggregate  dp0' )
    #print switch0.cmd( 'ovs-ofctl queue-stats dp0' )
    info( "*** Stopping network\n" )
    switch0.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp0' )
    info( '\n' )
if __name__ == '__main__':
    setLogLevel( 'info' )
    info( '*** Scratch network demo (kernel datapath)\n' )
  • 執行結果

(2)建立 ovsMultiBr.py 指令碼並執行

  • 實驗內容

在沒有控制器的情況下,在Mininet 指令碼中通過呼叫 ovs 命令給多個交換機下發流表,通過 h0 ping h1 操作測試驗證主機間的連通性,並通過-Q 引數設定不通的 tos 值檢視主機間的連通性。通過驗證發現,tos 值設定越大,時間使用越少。

  • ovsMultiBr.py 對應拓撲

  • ovsMultiBr.py 對應程式碼
from mininet.net import Mininet
from mininet.node import Node
from mininet.link import TCLink
from mininet.log import  setLogLevel, info
def myNet():
    "Create network from scratch using Open vSwitch."
    info( "*** Creating nodes\n" )
    switch0 = Node( 's0', inNamespace=False )
    switch1 = Node( 's1', inNamespace=False )
    switch2 = Node( 's2', inNamespace=False )
    switch3 = Node( 's3', inNamespace=False )
    switch4 = Node( 's4', inNamespace=False )
    h0 = Node( 'h0' )
    h1 = Node( 'h1' )
    info( "*** Creating links\n" )
    linkopts0=dict(bw=100, delay='1ms', loss=0)
    linkopts1=dict(bw=1, delay='100ms', loss=0)
    linkopts2=dict(bw=10, delay='50ms', loss=0)
    linkopts3=dict(bw=100, delay='1ms', loss=0)
    TCLink( h0, switch0, **linkopts0)
    TCLink( switch0, switch1, **linkopts0)
    TCLink( switch0, switch2, **linkopts0)
    TCLink( switch0, switch3, **linkopts0)
    TCLink( switch1, switch4, **linkopts1)
    TCLink( switch2, switch4, **linkopts2)
    TCLink( switch3, switch4, **linkopts3)
    TCLink( h1, switch4, **linkopts0)
    info( "*** Configuring hosts\n" )
    h0.setIP( '' )
    h1.setIP( '' )
    info( str( h0 ) + '\n' )
    info( str( h1 ) + '\n' )
    info( "*** Starting network using Open vSwitch\n" )
    switch0.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp0' )
    switch0.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-br dp0' )
    switch1.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp1' )
    switch1.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-br dp1' )
    switch2.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp2' )
    switch2.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-br dp2' )
    switch3.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp3' )
    switch3.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-br dp3' )
    switch4.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp4' )
    switch4.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-br dp4' )
    for intf in switch0.intfs.values():
        print intf
        print switch0.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-port dp0 %s' % intf )
    for intf in switch1.intfs.values():
        print intf
        print switch1.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-port dp1 %s' % intf )
    for intf in switch2.intfs.values():
        print intf
        print switch2.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-port dp2 %s' % intf )
    for intf in switch3.intfs.values():
        print intf
        print switch3.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-port dp3 %s' % intf )
    for intf in switch4.intfs.values():
        print intf
        print switch4.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-port dp4 %s' % intf )
    print switch1.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp1 idle_timeout=0,priority=1,in_port=1,actions=flood' )
    print switch1.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp1 idle_timeout=0,priority=1,in_port=1,actions=output:2' ) 
    print switch1.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp1 idle_timeout=0,priority=1,in_port=2,actions=output:1' )
    print switch2.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp2 idle_timeout=0,priority=1,in_port=1,actions=output:2' )
    print switch2.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp2 idle_timeout=0,priority=1,in_port=2,actions=output:1' )
    print switch3.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp3 idle_timeout=0,priority=1,in_port=1,actions=output:2' )    
    print switch3.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp3 idle_timeout=0,priority=1,in_port=2,actions=output:1' )
    print switch4.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp4 idle_timeout=0,priority=1,in_port=1,actions=output:4' )
    print switch4.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp4 idle_timeout=0,priority=1,in_port=2,actions=output:4' )
    print switch4.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp4 idle_timeout=0,priority=1,in_port=3,actions=output:4' )
    print switch4.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp4 idle_timeout=0,priority=1,in_port=4,actions=output:3' )
    #print switch0.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp0 idle_timeout=0,priority=10,ip,nw_dst=,actions=output:4')
    print switch0.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp0 idle_timeout=0,priority=10,ip,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0x10,actions=output:2') 
    print switch0.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp0 idle_timeout=0,priority=10,ip,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0x20,actions=output:3')
    print switch0.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp0 idle_timeout=0,priority=10,ip,nw_dst=,nw_tos=0x30,actions=output:4') 
    #print switch0.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl add-flow dp0 idle_timeout=0,priority=10,ip,nw_dst=,actions=output:1')
    #switch0.cmd('tcpdump -i s0-eth0 -U -w aaa &')
    #h0.cmd('tcpdump -i h0-eth0 -U -w aaa &')
    info( "*** Running test\n" )
    h0.cmdPrint( 'ping -Q 0x10 -c 3 ' + h1.IP() )
    h0.cmdPrint( 'ping -Q 0x20 -c 3 ' + h1.IP() )
    h0.cmdPrint( 'ping -Q 0x30 -c 3 ' + h1.IP() )
    #h1.cmdPrint('iperf -s -p 12345 -u &')
    #h0.cmdPrint('iperf -c ' + h1.IP() +' -u -b 10m -p 12345 -t 10 -i 1')
    #print switch0.cmd( 'ovs-ofctl show dp0' )    
    #print switch1.cmd( 'ovs-ofctl show dp1' )
    #print switch2.cmd( 'ovs-ofctl show dp2' )
    #print switch3.cmd( 'ovs-ofctl show dp3' )
    #print switch4.cmd( 'ovs-ofctl show dp4' )  
    #print switch0.cmd( 'ovs-ofctl dump-tables  dp0' )
    #print switch0.cmd( 'ovs-ofctl dump-ports   dp0' )
    #print switch0.cmd( 'ovs-ofctl dump-flows  dp0' )
    #print switch0.cmd( 'ovs-ofctl dump-aggregate  dp0' )
    #print switch0.cmd( 'ovs-ofctl queue-stats dp0' )
    #print "Testing video transmission between h1 and h2"
    #h1.cmd('./myrtg_svc -u > myrd &')
    #h0.cmd('./mystg_svc -trace st')
    info( "*** Stopping network\n" )
    switch0.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp0' )
    switch1.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp1' )
    switch2.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp2' )
    switch3.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp3' )
    switch4.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp4' )
    info( '\n' )
if __name__ == '__main__':
    setLogLevel( 'info' )
    info( '*** Scratch network demo (kernel datapath)\n' )
  • 執行結果

(3) 建立 vlanBr.py 指令碼並執行

  • 實驗內容

嘗試修改程式碼,利用 ovs 命令直接下發 VLAN 設定的流表項,最終測試 h0 和 h2 互通,h1 和 h3 互通,其餘主機均不通

  • vlanBr.py對應拓撲

  • vlanBr.py對應程式碼
from mininet.net import Mininet
from mininet.node import Node
from mininet.link import TCLink
from mininet.log import  setLogLevel, info
def myNet():
    "Create network from scratch using Open vSwitch."
    info( "*** Creating nodes\n" )
    switch0 = Node( 's0', inNamespace=False )
    switch1 = Node( 's1', inNamespace=False )
    h0 = Node( 'h0' )
    h1 = Node( 'h1' )
    h2 = Node( 'h2' )
    h3 = Node( 'h3' )
    info( "*** Creating links\n" )
    linkopts0=dict(bw=100, delay='1ms', loss=0)
    linkopts1=dict(bw=1, delay='100ms', loss=0)
    linkopts2=dict(bw=10, delay='50ms', loss=0)
    TCLink( switch0, switch1, **linkopts0)
    TCLink( h0, switch0, **linkopts1)
    TCLink( h2, switch1, **linkopts1)
    TCLink( h1, switch0, **linkopts2)
    TCLink( h3, switch1, **linkopts2)	
    info( "*** Configuring hosts\n" )
    h0.setIP( '' )
    h1.setIP( '' )
    h2.setIP( '' )
    h3.setIP( '' )
    info( str( h0 ) + '\n' )
    info( str( h1 ) + '\n' )
    info( str( h2 ) + '\n' )
    info( str( h3 ) + '\n' )
    info( "*** Starting network using Open vSwitch\n" )
    switch0.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp0' )
    switch0.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-br dp0' )
    switch1.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp1' )
    switch1.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-br dp1' )

    for intf in switch0.intfs.values():
        print intf
        print switch0.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-port dp0 %s' % intf )

    for intf in switch1.intfs.values():
        print intf
        print switch1.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl add-port dp1 %s' % intf )

    print switch0.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow dp0 priority=1,in_port=1,actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4096-\>vlan_vid,output:3' )
    print switch0.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow dp0 priority=1,in_port=2,actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4097-\>vlan_vid,output:3' )
    print switch0.cmd(r'sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow dp0 priority=1,dl_vlan=0,actions=pop_vlan,output:1' )
    print switch0.cmd(r'sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow dp0 priority=1,dl_vlan=1,actions=pop_vlan,output:2' )

    print switch1.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow dp1 priority=1,in_port=1,actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4096-\>vlan_vid,output:3' )
    print switch1.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow dp1 priority=1,in_port=2,actions=push_vlan:0x8100,set_field:4097-\>vlan_vid,output:3' )
    print switch1.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow dp1 priority=1,dl_vlan=0,actions=pop_vlan,output:1' )
    print switch1.cmd(r'ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow dp1 priority=1,dl_vlan=1,actions=pop_vlan,output:2' )

    #switch0.cmd('tcpdump -i s0-eth0 -U -w aaa &')
    #h0.cmd('tcpdump -i h0-eth0 -U -w aaa &')
    info( "*** Running test\n" )
    h0.cmdPrint( 'ping -Q 0x10 -c 3 ' + h1.IP() )
    h0.cmdPrint( 'ping -Q 0x20 -c 3 ' + h2.IP() )
    h0.cmdPrint( 'ping -Q 0x30 -c 3 ' + h3.IP() )
    h1.cmdPrint( 'ping -Q 0x40 -c 3 ' + h2.IP() )
    h1.cmdPrint( 'ping -Q 0x50 -c 3 ' + h3.IP() )
    h2.cmdPrint( 'ping -Q 0x60 -c 3 ' + h3.IP() )
    #h1.cmdPrint('iperf -s -p 12345 -u &')
    #h0.cmdPrint('iperf -c ' + h1.IP() +' -u -b 10m -p 12345 -t 10 -i 1')

    info( "*** Stopping network\n" )
    switch0.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp0' )
    switch1.cmd( 'ovs-vsctl del-br dp1' )
    info( '\n' )

if __name__ == '__main__':
    setLogLevel( 'info' )
    info( '*** Scratch network demo (kernel datapath)\n' )
  • 執行結果