1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >使用pytorch的seq2sequence建模進行神經機器翻譯的全面指南


目錄:(Table of Contents:)

  1. Introduction


  2. Data Preparation and Pre-processing


  3. Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) — Under the Hood


  4. Encoder Model Architecture (Seq2Seq)


  5. Encoder Code Implementation (Seq2Seq)


  6. Decoder Model Architecture (Seq2Seq)


  7. Decoder Code Implementation (Seq2Seq)


  8. Seq2Seq (Encoder + Decoder) Interface


  9. Seq2Seq (Encoder + Decoder) Code Implementation


  10. Seq2Seq Model Training


  11. Seq2Seq Model Inference


  12. Resources & References


1.簡介(1. Introduction)

Neural machine translation (NMT) is an approach to machine translation that uses an artificial neural network to predict the likelihood of a sequence of words, typically modeling entire sentences in a single integrated model.


It was one of the hardest problems for computers to translate from one language to another with a simple rule-based system because they were not able to capture the nuances involved in the process. Then shortly we were using statistical models but after the entry of deep learning the field is collectively called Neural Machine Translation and now it has achieved State-Of-The-Art results.

使用基於規則的簡單系統將計算機從一種語言轉換為另一種語言是最困難的問題之一,因為它們無法捕獲過程中涉及的細微差別。 然後不久我們就使用了統計模型,但是在深度學習開始後,該領域統稱為神經機器翻譯,現在它已經取得了最新的成果。

I want this post to be beginner-friendly, so a specific kind of architecture (Seq2Seq) showed a good sign of success, is what we are going to implement here.


So the Sequence to Sequence (seq2seq) model in this post uses an encoder-decoder architecture, which uses a type of RNN called LSTM (Long Short Term Memory), where the encoder neural network encodes the input language sequence into a single vector, also called as a Context Vector.


This Context Vector is said to contain the abstract representation of the input language sequence.


This vector is then passed into the decoder neural network, which is used to output the corresponding output language translation sentence, one word at a time.


Here I am doing a German to English neural machine translation. But the same concept can be extended to other problems such as Named Entity Recognition (NER), Text Summarization, even other language models, etc.

在這裡,我正在做德語到英語的神經機器翻譯。 但是相同的概念可以擴充套件到其他問題,例如命名實體識別(NER),文字摘要,甚至其他語言模型等。

2.資料準備和預處理 (2. Data Preparation and Pre-processing)

For getting the data in the best way we want, I am using SpaCy (Vocabulary Building), TorchText (text Pre-processing) libraries, and multi30k dataset which contains the translation sequences for English, German and French languages


Torch text is a powerful library for making the text data ready for a variety of NLP tasks. It has all the tools to perform preprocessing on the textual data.

火炬文字是一個強大的庫,用於使文字資料為各種NLP任務做好準備。 它具有用於對文字資料執行預處理的所有工具。

Let’s see some of the processes it can do,


1. Train/ Valid/ Test Split: partition your data into a specified train/ valid/ test set.


2. File Loading: load the text corpus of various formats (.txt,.json,.csv).


3. Tokenization: breaking sentences into a list of words.


4. Vocab: Generate a list of vocabulary from the text corpus.


5. Words to Integer Mapper: Map words into integer numbers for the entire corpus and vice versa.


6. Word Vector: Convert a word from a higher dimension to a lower dimension (Word Embedding).


7. Batching: Generate batches of the sample.


So once we get to understand what can be done in torch text, let’s talk about how it can be implemented in the torch text module. Here we are going to make use of 3 classes under torch text.

因此,一旦我們瞭解了在割炬文字中可以執行的操作,就讓我們討論如何在割炬文字模組中實現它。 在這裡,我們將在火炬文字下使用3個類。

1. Fields :


  • This is a class under the torch text, where we specify how the preprocessing should be done on our data corpus.


2. TabularDataset :

2. TabularDataset

  • Using this class, we can actually define the Dataset of columns stored in CSV, TSV, or JSON format and also map them into integers.


3. BucketIterator :

3. BucketIterator

  • Using this class, we can perform padding our data for approximation and make batches with our data for model training.


Here our source language (SRC — Input) is German and the target language (TRG — Output) is English. We also add 2 extra tokens “start of sequence” <sos> and “end of sequence” <EOS> for effective model training.

在這裡,我們的源語言(SRC-輸入)是德語,目標語言(TRG-輸出)是英語。 我們還添加了兩個額外的令牌“序列開始” <sos>和“序列結束” <EOS>,以進行有效的模型訓練。

After setting the language pre-processing criteria, the next step is to create batches of training, testing, and validation data using iterators.


Creating batches is an exhaustive process, luckily we can make use of TorchText’s iterator library.


Here we are using BucketIterator for effective padding of source and target sentences. We can access the source (german) batch of data using the .src attribute and it's corresponding (English) batch of data using the .trg attribute. Also, we can see the data before tokenizing it.

在這裡,我們使用BucketIterator來有效填充源句子和目標句子。 我們可以使用.src屬性訪問源(德語)資料批次,而使用.trg屬性訪問相應的(英語)資料批次。 此外,我們可以在標記資料之前檢視資料。

I just experimented with a batch size of 32 and a sample batch is shown below. The sentences are tokenized into a list of words and indexed according to the vocabulary. The “pad” token gets an index of 1.

我剛剛試驗了32個批次,下面顯示了一個示例批次。 句子被標記為單詞列表,並根據詞彙索引。 “填充”令牌的索引為1。

Each column corresponds to a sentence, indexed into numbers and we have 32 such sentences in a single target batch and the number of rows corresponds to the maximum length of that sentence. Short sentences are padded with 1's to compensate for the length.

每列對應一個句子,索引成數字,我們在一個目標批次中有32個這樣的句子,行數對應於該句子的最大長度。 短句用1填充以補償長度。

The table below (Idx.csv) contains the numerical indices of the batch, which is later fed into the word embedding and converted into dense representation for Seq2Seq processing.


Sample Target Batch with indices

The table below (Words.csv) contains the corresponding words mapped with the numerical indices of the batch.


Sample Target Batch with Words

3.長期短期記憶(LSTM)(3. Long Short Term Memory (LSTM))

Image for post
LSTM — Under the hood. Source — Author
LSTM —引擎蓋下。 來源—作者

The above picture shows the units present under a single LSTM Cell. I will add some references to learn more about LSTM in the last and why it works well for long sequences.

上圖顯示了單個LSTM單元下的單位。 我將新增一些參考資料,以在最後瞭解更多有關LSTM的知識,以及為什麼它對長序列有效。

But to simply put, Vanilla RNN, Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) is not able to capture the long term dependencies due to its nature of design and suffers heavily by the Vanishing Gradient problem, which makes the rate of change in weights and bias values negligible, resulting in poor generalization.

但是簡單地說,由於其設計的性質,Vanilla RNN門控迴圈單元(GRU)無法捕獲長期依賴關係,並且遭受Vanishing Gradient問題的嚴重困擾,這使得權重和偏差值的變化率可忽略不計,導致泛化不佳。

Inside the LSTM cell, we have a bunch of mini neural networks with sigmoid and TanH activations at the final layer and few vector adder, Concat, multiplications operations.


Sigmoid NN → Squishes the values between 0 and 1. Say a value closer to 0 means to forget and a value closer to 1 means to remember.

乙狀結腸 →壓縮介於0和1之間的值。說接近0的值表示忘記,而接近1的值表示記住。

Embedding NN → Converts the input word indices into word embedding.

嵌入NN →將輸入的單詞索引轉換為單詞嵌入

TanH NN → Squishes the values between -1 and 1. Helps to regulate the vector values from either getting exploded to the maximum or shrank to the minimum.

TanH NN →壓縮-1和1之間的值。有助於調節向量值,使其免於爆炸至最大值或縮小至最小值。

蓋茨: (Gates:)

Image for post
LSTM GATES. Source — Author

But LSTM has some special units called gates (Remember (Add) gate, Forget gate, Update gate), which helps to overcome the problems stated before.


  1. Forget Gate → Has sigmoid activation in it and range of values between (0–1) and it is multiplied over the cell state to forget some elements. (“Vector” * 0 = 0)

    忘記門→具有S型啟用,其值範圍介於(0–1)之間,並與單元狀態相乘以忘記某些元素。 (“向量” * 0 = 0)

  2. Add Gate → Has TanH activation in it and range of values between


    (-1 to +1) and it is


    added over the cell state to remember some elements. (“Vector” * 1= “Vector”)

    新增到單元格狀態以記住一些元素。 (“向量” * 1 =“向量”)

  3. Update Hidden → Updates the Hidden State based on the Cell State.


The hidden state and the cell state are referred to here as the context vector, which are the outputs from the LSTM cell. The input is the sentence’s numerical indexes fed into the embedding NN.

隱藏狀態和單元狀態在這裡稱為上下文向量,它們是LSTM單元的輸出。 輸入是輸入到嵌入NN中的句子的數字索引。

4.編碼器模型架構(Seq2Seq) (4. Encoder Model Architecture (Seq2Seq))

Before moving to build the seq2seq model, we need to create an Encoder, Decoder, and create an interface between them in the seq2seq model.


Let’s pass the german input sequence “Ich Liebe Tief Lernen” which translates to “I love deep learning” in English.

讓我們通過德語輸入序列“ Ich Liebe Tief Lernen ”,該序列翻譯成英語的“我愛深度學習”。

Image for post
LSTM Encoder Architecture. The X-axis corresponds to time steps and the Y-axis corresponds to batch size. Source — Author
LSTM編碼器體系結構。 X軸對應於時間步長,Y軸對應於批量大小。 來源—作者

For a lighter note, let’s explain the process happening in the above image. The Encoder of the Seq2Seq model takes one input at a time. Our input German word sequence is “ich Liebe Tief Lernen”.

為了便於說明,讓我們解釋上圖中發生的過程。 Seq2Seq模型的編碼器一次只接受一個輸入。 我們輸入的德語單詞序列為“ ich Liebe Tief Lernen”。

Also, we append the start of sequence “SOS” and the end of sentence “EOS” tokens in the starting and in the ending of the input sentence.

另外,我們在輸入句子的開頭和結尾處附加序列“ SOS”的開頭和句子“ EOS”標記的結尾。

Therefore at


  1. At time step-0, the ”SOS” token is sent,

    在時間步0,傳送“ SOS”令牌,
  2. At time step-1 the token “ich” is sent,

    在步驟1,令牌“ ich”被髮送,
  3. At time step-2 the token “Liebe” is sent,

    在時間步驟2,令牌“ Liebe”被髮送,
  4. At time step-3 the token “Tief” is sent,

    在步驟3中,傳送了令牌“ Tief”,
  5. At time step-4 the token “Lernen” is sent,

    在第4步,令牌“ Lernen”被髮送,
  6. At time step-4 the token “EOS” is sent.

    在時間步驟4,傳送令牌“ EOS”。

And the first block in the Encoder architecture is the word embedding layer [shown in green block], which converts the input indexed word into a dense vector representation called word embedding (sizes — 100/200/300).


Then our word embedding vector is sent to the LSTM cell, where it is combined with the hidden state (hs), and the cell state (cs) of the previous time step and the encoder block outputs a new hs and a cs which is passed to the next LSTM cell. It is understood that the hs and cs captured some vector representation of the sentence so far.

然後我們的詞嵌入向量被髮送到LSTM單元,在這裡它與隱藏狀態(hs)組合,並且前一個時間步的單元狀態(cs)組合,編碼器塊輸出新的hs和cs到下一個LSTM單元。 可以理解,到目前為止,hs和cs捕獲了該句子的某些矢量表示。

At time step-0, the hidden state and cell state are either initialized fully of zeros or random numbers.


Then after we sent pass all our input German word sequence, a context vector [shown in yellow block] (hs, cs) is finally obtained, which is a dense representation of the word sequence and can be sent to the decoder’s first LSTM (hs, cs) for corresponding English translation.

然後,在我們傳送完所有輸入的德語單詞序列之後,最終獲得上下文向量[以黃色塊顯示](hs,cs),該上下文向量是單詞序列的密集表示形式,可以傳送到解碼器的第一個LSTM(hs ,cs)進行相應的英語翻譯。

In the above figure, we use 2 layer LSTM architecture, where we connect the first LSTM to the second LSTM and we then we obtain 2 context vectors stacked on top as the final output. This is purely experimental, you can manipulate it.

在上圖中,我們使用2層LSTM體系結構,其中將第一個LSTM連線到第二個LSTM,然後獲得2個上下文向量,這些向量堆疊在頂部作為最終輸出。 這純粹是實驗性的,您可以對其進行操作。

It is a must that we design identical encoder and decoder blocks in the seq2seq model.


The above visualization is applicable for a single sentence from a batch.


Say we have a batch size of 5 (Experimental), then we pass 5 sentences with one word at a time to the Encoder, which looks like the below figure.


Image for post
LSTM Encoder for Batch Size of 5. The X-axis corresponds to time steps and the Y-axis corresponds to batch size. Source — Author
LSTM編碼器的批處理大小為5。X軸對應於時間步長,Y軸對應於批處理大小。 來源—作者

5.編碼器程式碼實現(Seq2Seq)(5. Encoder Code Implementation (Seq2Seq))

6.解碼器模型架構(Seq2Seq) (6. Decoder Model Architecture (Seq2Seq))

Image for post
LSTM Decoder Architecture. The X-axis corresponds to time steps and the Y-axis corresponds to batch size. Source — Author
LSTM解碼器體系結構。 X軸對應於時間步長,Y軸對應於批量大小。 來源—作者

The decoder also does a single step at a time.


The Context Vector from the Encoder block is provided as the hidden state (hs) and cell state (cs) for the decoder’s first LSTM block.


The start of sentence “SOS” token is passed to the embedding NN, then passed to the first LSTM cell of the decoder, and finally, it is passed through a linear layer [Shown in Pink color], which provides an output English token prediction probabilities (4556 Probabilities) [4556 — as in the total vocabulary size of English language], hidden state (hs), Cell State (cs).

句子“ SOS”令牌的開頭被傳遞到嵌入的NN,然後傳遞到解碼器的第一個LSTM單元,最後,它經過一個線性層[以粉紅色顯示],該層提供輸出的英語令牌預測概率( 4556概率)[4556 —如英語的總詞彙量一樣],隱藏狀態(hs),單元狀態(cs)。

The output word with the highest probability out of 4556 values is chosen, hidden state (hs), and Cell State (cs) is passed as the inputs to the next LSTM cell and this process is executed until it reaches the end of sentences “EOS”.

選擇4556個值中概率最高的輸出單詞,將隱藏狀態(hs)和單元狀態(cs)作為輸入傳遞到下一個LSTM單元,並執行此過程,直到到達句子“ EOS”結尾”

The subsequent layers will use the hidden and cell state from the previous time steps.


示教力比: (Teach Force Ratio:)

In addition to other blocks, you will also see the block shown below in the Decoder of the Seq2Seq architecture.


While model training, we send the inputs (German Sequence) and targets (English Sequence). After the context vector is obtained from the Encoder, we send them Vector and the target to the Decoder for translation.

在進行模型訓練時,我們傳送輸入(德語序列)和目標(英語序列)。 從編碼器獲得上下文向量後,我們將它們和目標傳送給解碼器進行翻譯。

But during model Inference, the target is generated from the decoder based on the generalization of the training data. So the output predicted words are sent as the next input word to the decoder until a <EOS> token is obtained.

但是在模型推斷期間,目標是根據訓練資料的一般性從解碼器生成的。 因此,將輸出的預測單詞作為下一個輸入單詞傳送到解碼器,直到獲得<EOS>令牌。

So in model training itself, we can use the teach force ratio (tfr), where we can actually control the flow of input words to the decoder.

因此,在模型訓練本身中,我們可以使用示教力比(tfr) ,在這裡我們可以實際控制輸入字到解碼器的流向。

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Teach Force Ratio method
  1. We can send the actual target words to the decoder part while training (Shown in Green Color).


  2. We can also send the predicted target word, as the input to the decoder (Shown in Red Color).


Sending either of the word (actual target word or predicted target word) can be regulated with a probability of 50%, so at any time step, one of them is passed during the training.


This method acts like a Regularization. So that the model trains efficiently and fastly during the process.

此方法的作用類似於正則化。 因此,在此過程中,模型可以快速有效地進行訓練。

The above visualization is applicable for a single sentence from a batch. Say we have a batch size of 4(Experimental), then we pass 4sentences at a time to the Encoder, which provides 4 sets of Context Vectors, and they all are passed into the Decoder, which looks like the below figure.

以上視覺化適用於批處理中的單個句子。 假設我們的批處理大小為4(實驗性),然後一次將4個句子傳遞給編碼器,該編碼器提供4組上下文向量,它們都被傳遞到解碼器中,如下圖所示。

Image for post
LSTM Decoder for Batch Size of 4. The X-axis corresponds to time steps and the Y-axis corresponds to batch size. Source — Author
LSTM解碼器的批處理大小為4。X軸對應於時間步長,Y軸對應於批處理大小。 來源—作者

7.解碼器程式碼實現(Seq2Seq)(7. Decoder Code Implementation (Seq2Seq))

8. Seq2Seq(編碼器+解碼器)介面 (8. Seq2Seq (Encoder + Decoder) Interface)

The final seq2seq implementation for a single input sentence looks like the figure below.


  1. Provide both input (German) and output (English) sentences.

  2. Pass the input sequence to the encoder and extract context vectors.


  3. Pass the output sequence to the Decoder, context vectors from the Encoder to produce the predicted output sequence.


Image for post
Seq2Seq data flow diagram for a single sentence. Source — Author
單個句子的Seq2Seq資料流程圖。 來源—作者

The above visualization is applicable for a single sentence from a batch. Say we have a batch size of 4 (Experimental), then we pass 4 sentences at a time to the Encoder, which provide 4 sets of Context Vectors, and they all are passed into the Decoder, which looks like the below figure.

以上視覺化適用於批處理中的單個句子。 假設我們的批處理大小為4(實驗性),然後一次將4個句子傳遞給編碼器,該編碼器提供4組上下文向量,它們都被傳遞到解碼器中,如下圖所示。

Image for post
Seq2Seq for a batch size of 4. Source — Author

9. Seq2Seq(編碼器+解碼器)程式碼實現(9. Seq2Seq (Encoder + Decoder) Code Implementation)

10. Seq2Seq模型訓練(10. Seq2Seq Model Training)

例句訓練進度:(Training Progress for a sample sentence:)

訓練損失: (Training loss:)

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The training loss shows a good trend.

11. Seq2Seq模型推論 (11. Seq2Seq Model Inference)

Now let us compare our trained model with that of SOTA Google Translate.

現在,讓我們將我們訓練有素的模型與SOTA Google Translate的模型進行比較。

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Model Inference Samples

Not bad, but clearly the model is not able to comprehend complex sentences. So in the upcoming series of posts, I will be enhancing the above model’s performance by altering the model’s architecture, like using Bi-directional LSTM, adding attention mechanism, or replacing LSTM with the Transformers model to overcome these apparent shortcomings.

不錯,但是很明顯,該模型不能理解複雜的句子。 因此,在接下來的系列文章中,我將通過更改模型的體系結構來提高上述模型的效能,例如使用雙向LSTM,添加註意機制或用Transformers模型替換LSTM來克服這些明顯的缺點。

12.資源和參考 (12. Resources & References)

I hope I was able to provide some visual understanding of how the Seq2Seq model processes the data, let me know your thoughts in the comment section.


Check out the Notebooks that contains the entire code implementation and feel free to break it.


Complete Code Implementation is available at,


@ GitHub

@ GitHub

@ Colab

@ Colab

@ Kaggle

@ Kaggle

For those who are curious, visualizations in this article were made possible by Figma & Google Drawing.

對於那些好奇的人, FigmaGoogle Drawing使本文中的視覺化成為可能。

Complete Visualization files created on Figma (.fig) [LSTM, ENCODER+DECODER, SEQ2SEQ] is available @ Github.

在Github上可獲得在Figma(.fig) [LSTM,ENCODER + DECODER,SEQ2SEQ]上建立的完整視覺化檔案



Until then, see you next time.


Article By:




Co-Founder — DeepScopy (An AI-Based Medical Imaging Startup)

聯合創始人— DeepScopy (基於AI的醫學成像初創公司)

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翻譯自: https://towardsdatascience.com/a-comprehensive-guide-to-neural-machine-translation-using-seq2sequence-modelling-using-pytorch-41c9b84ba350