1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何免費建立ssl證書


Making an SSL certificate for your website is not that hard and anyone can do this as long as you follow the steps in this article. I’ve had to face this problem building my websites and after a lot of practice doing it, I know the steps required with my eyes closed. In this article, I will use examples from the Hostinger Admin Panel but the same logic should apply with any other hosting providers.

為您的網站製作SSL證書並不難,只要您遵循本文中的步驟,任何人都可以做到這一點。 建立網站時,我不得不面對這個問題,經過大量的練習,我知道我所需要採取的步驟。 在本文中,我將使用Hostinger管理面板中的示例,但相同的邏輯應適用於任何其他託管服務提供商。

登入到主機管理面板或hpanel。 (Log in to your Hosting Admin Panel or hpanel.)

You will need to login to your Admin Panel to have the chance to change your website’s SSL Certificate Settings. You can also log in with your personal account and manage the website for a client if they have given you access to it.

您將需要登入到管理面板,才能更改網站的SSL證書設定。 您也可以使用您的個人帳戶登入併為客戶管理網站(如果他們授予您訪問許可權)。

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轉到您的託管選項卡,然後選擇網站。 (Go to your Hosting Tab and Select the Website.)

After you log in to your account you will need to select the Hosting tab and there will be the hosting plan with all the domains that you own below it. Click ‘Manage’ on the website that you want to get an SSL Certificate for.

登入到帳戶後,您需要選擇Hosting(託管)標籤,然後將在其下方提供一個託管計劃,其中包含您擁有的所有域。 在您要獲取SSL證書的網站上單擊“管理”。

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從“高階”部分中選擇SSL選項 (Select SSL option From the Advanced Section)

Once you have selected your website, the specific page for that site will open and there are a number of different features and settings you can tweak. Scroll down and go the Advanced section and from there press the SSL option.

選擇網站後,將開啟該網站的特定頁面,您可以調整許多不同的功能和設定。 向下滾動並進入“高階”部分,然後從此處按SSL選項。

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現在讓我們建立免費的SSL (Now let’s Create the Free SSL)

You will need to go to this website where you can create a free SSL Certificate by following the steps below.


  • First, add the URL of your website and press the button.

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  • Select the options as shown in the picture and press Create after adding an email address in the above space.

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  • You will automatically download a zip folder with a security Key since I have chosen those options. You will see the fields below for Verifying the domain, the file path that you need to go to, and the record which is the file of the SSL. You will need to download both of them.

    由於選擇了這些選項,因此您將自動下載帶有安全金鑰的zip資料夾。 您將在下面看到用於驗證域的欄位,需要轉到的檔案路徑以及作為SSL檔案的記錄。 您將需要下載它們。
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再次轉到Hostinger面板,然後找到“檔案管理器”。 (Go to The Hostinger Panel once again and find File Manager.)

Now after you have done the last step in the hpanel from the sidebar of the webpage you can find the file manager easily, it’s under Files.


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將檔案上傳到目錄中。 (Upload the files in the directory.)

You then need to follow the path that was provided by the SSL website and upload the downloaded files there. That’s it this step is fairly simple.

然後,您需要遵循SSL網站提供的路徑,並將下載的檔案上傳到該網站。 就是這樣,這一步非常簡單。

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驗證證書。 (Validate the Certificate.)

Now you need to go back to the website where you downloaded the SSL files and press the validation button. Three fields with an encrypted code will appear.

現在,您需要返回下載SSL檔案的網站,然後按確認按鈕。 將出現三個帶有加密程式碼的欄位。

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You will have to copy and paste them to the respective fields in the Hostinger panel SSL webpage. And then press the Install button at the end of the page like this.

您將必須將它們複製並貼上到Hostinger面板SSL網頁的相應欄位中。 然後按此頁面末尾的“安裝”按鈕。

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That’s it you are finished the SSL Certificate is installed on your website.


翻譯自: https://levelup.gitconnected.com/how-to-create-an-ssl-certificate-for-free-667f7d453424