1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >MySQL基本操作命令




-- 進入資料庫的方法一
mysql -uroot -pmysql # mysql 資料庫密碼(顯示)

-- 進入資料庫的方法二
mysql -uroot -p # 隱藏密碼輸入

-- 顯示資料庫版本(記得加;
select version();

-- 顯示當前的時間
select now();

-- 檢視所有資料庫
show databases;

-- 建立資料庫
create database 資料庫名 charset=utf8;
-- 建立淘寶資料庫
create database taobao;
-- 建立淘寶資料庫並指定編碼
create database taobao charset=utf8;

-- 檢視建立資料庫的語句
show create database school


-- 使用資料庫
use school;

-- 顯示資料庫中所有的表
show tables;

drop database school;

-- auto_increment :自動增長
-- not null :表示不為空
-- primary key :表示主鍵
-- default :預設值

-- 檢視當前的資料庫中所有的表
-- show tables;

-- 建立students資料表
create table students(
id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(50) not null default "張三",
age tinyint unsigned not null default 18,
high decimal(5,2) not null,
gender enum("男", "女", "保密")default "保密",
cls_id int unsigned not null

-- 插入一條資料到students表中
insert into students values(0, "mike", 18, 145,"保密",2)

-- 查詢students表中的所有的資料
select * from students;

-- 檢視建立表的語句
show create table students;

-- 刪除表
drop table students;

-- 查看錶的欄位
desc students;

-- 新增表的欄位
alter table students add birth datetime;

-- 修改欄位:不改變欄位名字
alter table students modify birth date;

-- 修改欄位:不重新命名版
alter table students change birth birthday date default "2020-01-01";

-- 刪除欄位
alter table students drop cls_id;

-- 插入資料 insert into 表明 value(...)
-- 主鍵可以用 0 null default來佔位
insert into students values(null, "lily", 22, 168, 2, "1990-01-01");

-- 部分插入
insert into students(high) values(172);

-- 多行插入
insert into students(name, high) values("李四", 178),("老王", 1.44);
-- 多行插入全部資料
insert into students values(null, "lily", 23, 173, 2, "1990-01-01"), (null, "xiao", 22, 189, 2, "1990-02-03");

-- 修改表
-- 修改全部年齡
update students set age= 30;
-- 修改指定id的年齡
update students set age=28 where id=1;

select * from students;

-- 定條件查詢
select * from students where id=2;
select * from students where id>=1 and id<=3;

select id, name from students where id>=1 and id<=3;
select name, id from students where id>=1 and id<=3;

-- 可以用as來為列表指定別名(顯示出來的名字就是指定的名字)
select name as 姓名, id as 學號 from students where id>=1 and id<=3;

-- 物理刪除
delete from student where id=6;

alter table students add is_delete bit default 0;
-- 把id=1的is_delete改為1
update students set is_delete=1 where id=1;
-- 查詢然後條件限制為is_delete=0 就可以隱藏資料
select * from students where is_delete=0;


-- 查詢所有欄位
select * from students;

-- 查詢指定欄位
select name, age from students;

-- 給欄位起別名(用別名顯示)
select name as 姓名, age as 年齡 from students;

-- 從指定的表中尋找指定的欄位
select students.name, students.age from students;

-- 用as起別名再用別名呼叫欄位
select s.name, s.age from students as s;

-- 利用distinct欄位消除重複行
select distinct gender from students;

-- 條件查詢(比較運算子)
select * from students where age>19;
select * from students where age<19;
select * from students where age!=18;

-- 條件查詢(邏輯運算子)
select * from students where age>=17 and age<=27;
select * from students where age>=13 or high>=159;
select * from students where not(age<=17 and gender=2);

-- 模糊查詢
-- 查詢以"李"開頭的所有名字
select * from students where name like "李%";
-- 查詢以"王"字結尾的所有名字
select * from students where name like "%王";
-- 查詢有"三"的所有名字
select * from students where name like "%三%";
-- 查詢有兩個字的名字
select * from students where name like "__";
-- 查詢有三個字的名字
select * from students where name like "___";
-- 查詢至少有兩個的名字
select * from students where name like "%__%";

-- 空判斷is null
select * from students where high is null;


-- order by 欄位  查詢改欄位內的的排序
-- asc從小到大排序,默然從小到大
-- desc 從大到小排序
select * from students where (age between 18 and 26)and gender=2 order by age;

-- 查詢students表中,年紀17到30歲的女性 身高從高到矮
select * from students where (age between 17 and 30) and gender=2 order by high desc;

-- order by 多個欄位
-- 查詢students表中,按high 降序, age升序
select * from students where(age between 17 and 37) and gender=2 order by high desc ,age asc;


-- 聚合函式
-- count(*)統計列數,count(欄位)一樣
select count(*) from students where gender=2;

-- 最大值,最小值,求和,平均
select max(age), min(age),sum(age),avg(age) from students;


-- group by 按照性別分組
select gender from students group by gender;

-- 在students表中,計算每個性別的人數
select gender, count(*) from students group by gender;

select gender, group_concat(name) from students group by gender;

-- group by + having :用來分組查詢後指定一些條件的查詢結果
select gender,count(*) from students group by gender having count(*)>2;

-- 查詢前3行女生的資訊
select * from students where is_delete=0 limit(n-1)*m,n
select * from students where gender=2 limit 0,3;

-- 先建立一個班級表
-- 內連線查詢班級表和學生表
select * from students inner join classes on students.cls_id=classes.id;

-- 左連線查詢班級表和學生表
select * from students as s left join classes as c on c.cls_id=c.id;

-- 右連線查詢班級表和學生表
select * from students as s right join classes as c on s.cls_id=c.id;

-- 表中的某一列,關聯表中的另一列,這就是自關聯

-- 在一個select語句中,嵌入另外一個select語句,那麼嵌入的select語句被稱為子查詢語句
-- 子查詢是嵌入到主查詢中
-- 子查詢是輔助主查詢的,要麼充當條件,要麼充當資料來源
-- 子查詢是可以獨立存在的語句,是一條完整的 select 語句

-- 標準子查詢
select * from students where age > (select avg(age) from students);

-- 列級子查詢
select name from classes where id in (select id from students);

-- 行級子查詢
select * from students where (height,age) = (select max(height),max(age) from students);


-- 有個查詢結果,這個結果表作為建立檢視基礎,這個結果中不能出現同名欄位
select g.id, g.name, c.name as cate_name, b.name as brand_name, g.price
from goods as g inner join goods_brands as b on g.brand_id=b.id inner join
goods_cates as c on c.id=g.cate_id;

-- 新建了一個檢視,這個檢視它是一個虛擬表,這個表字段是原表字段的引用,可以簡單理解為軟連結
create view v_info as select g.id, g.name, c.name as cate_name, b.name as brand_name, g.price
from goods as g inner join goods_brands as b on g.brand_id=b.id inner join
goods_cates as c on c.id=g.cate_id;

-- 刪除檢視
drop view v_info






-- 開啟事務
start transaction;

-- 提交事務

-- 回滾事務




-- 檢視索引
show index from 表名;

create index 索引名稱 on 表名(字元段名稱(長度))

drop index 索引名稱 on 表名;

set profiling=1;

show profiles;
