阿新 • • 發佈:2020-01-17
import cv2 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #初始種子選擇 def originalSeed(gray,th): ret,thresh = cv2.cv2.threshold(gray,th,255,cv2.THRESH_BINARY)#二值圖,種子區域(不同劃分可獲得不同種子) kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE,(3,3))#3×3結構元 thresh_copy = thresh.copy() #複製thresh_A到thresh_copy thresh_B = np.zeros(gray.shape,np.uint8) #thresh_B大小與A相同,畫素值為0 seeds = [ ] #為了記錄種子座標 #迴圈,直到thresh_copy中的畫素值全部為0 while thresh_copy.any(): Xa_copy,Ya_copy = np.where(thresh_copy > 0) #thresh_A_copy中值為255的畫素的座標 thresh_B[Xa_copy[0],Ya_copy[0]] = 255 #選取第一個點,並將thresh_B中對應畫素值改為255 #連通分量演算法,先對thresh_B進行膨脹,再和thresh執行and操作(取交集) for i in range(200): dilation_B = cv2.dilate(thresh_B,kernel,iterations=1) thresh_B = cv2.bitwise_and(thresh,dilation_B) #取thresh_B值為255的畫素座標,並將thresh_copy中對應座標畫素值變為0 Xb,Yb = np.where(thresh_B > 0) thresh_copy[Xb,Yb] = 0 #迴圈,在thresh_B中只有一個畫素點時停止 while str(thresh_B.tolist()).count("255") > 1: thresh_B = cv2.erode(thresh_B,iterations=1) #腐蝕操作 X_seed,Y_seed = np.where(thresh_B > 0) #取處種子座標 if X_seed.size > 0 and Y_seed.size > 0: seeds.append((X_seed[0],Y_seed[0]))#將種子座標寫入seeds thresh_B[Xb,Yb] = 0 #將thresh_B畫素值置零 return seeds #區域生長 def regionGrow(gray,seeds,thresh,p): seedMark = np.zeros(gray.shape) #八鄰域 if p == 8: connection = [(-1,-1),(-1,0),1),(0,(1,-1)] elif p == 4: connection = [(-1,-1)] #seeds內無元素時候生長停止 while len(seeds) != 0: #棧頂元素出棧 pt = seeds.pop(0) for i in range(p): tmpX = pt[0] + connection[i][0] tmpY = pt[1] + connection[i][1] #檢測邊界點 if tmpX < 0 or tmpY < 0 or tmpX >= gray.shape[0] or tmpY >= gray.shape[1]: continue if abs(int(gray[tmpX,tmpY]) - int(gray[pt])) < thresh and seedMark[tmpX,tmpY] == 0: seedMark[tmpX,tmpY] = 255 seeds.append((tmpX,tmpY)) return seedMark path = "_rg.jpg" img = cv2.imread(path) gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) #hist = cv2.calcHist([gray],[0],None,[256],[0,256])#直方圖 seeds = originalSeed(gray,th=253) seedMark = regionGrow(gray,thresh=3,p=8) #plt.plot(hist) #plt.xlim([0,256]) #plt.show() cv2.imshow("seedMark",seedMark) cv2.waitKey(0)