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【READ MORE】translate 古箏


  • instrument 工具,樂器
  • a clear and presant(舒適的) sound 清脆悅耳
  • date back to 追溯到
  • the period of Warring States 戰國時期
  • The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period 春秋戰國時期
  • the 3rd century BC 公元前
  • spread to all over the country
  • the Northwest region 西北地區
  • the Qin and Han dynasties 秦漢時期
  • noble 高尚的,貴族
  • elegant 文雅的
  • the music produced by
    the guzheng 古箏音樂
  • be welcomed and loved by people 受歡迎與喜愛
  • people from all walks of life 各行各業
  • from ancient times to the present 從古至今
  • it’s an art form appealing to both refined(精煉的) and popular tastes 雅俗共賞的藝術
  • … as well as … 也
  • the treasure of civilization and art shared by different nations in the world. 世界不同民族共同的文明藝術財富
  • nation 國家,民族,邦
  • an ancient Chinese national musical instrument 一種古老的中國民族樂器