1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >科技公司 產品經理_科技公司工程經理需要的10個重要技能

科技公司 產品經理_科技公司工程經理需要的10個重要技能

科技公司 產品經理

If you have a look at job openings at tech companies today, you’ll find that an opening for an engineering manager role is very common. A decade or two ago, such role wasn’t as common. On the surface, an engineering manager’s role today might look similar to that of a Technology Manager, a Team Lead, a Tech Lead or a Project Manager.

如果您看一下當今科技公司的職位空缺,就會發現工程經理職位的空缺很常見。 一兩年前,這種角色並不常見。 從表面上看,今天的工程經理的角色可能看起來類似於技術經理,團隊負責人,技術主管或專案經理的角色。

So, what are the differences between those managers that I used to report to back in my developer days and engineering managers that tech companies are looking for today? In this article, I will share with you what it takes to be a great engineering manager in today’s technology landscape and the skills and attributes needed in order in excel in the role. I’ll also share with you relevant resources to help you improve your skills in those areas.

那麼,我過去在開發人員時代曾報告過的那些經理與當今科技公司正在尋找的工程經理之間有什麼區別? 在本文中,我將與您分享在當今的技術領域中成為一名出色的工程經理所需要的條件,以及才能出色地發揮作用所需要的技能和屬性。 我還將與您分享相關資源,以幫助您提高這些領域的技能。

First and foremost, Engineering managers at tech companies need to have T-shaped skills. What’s a T-shaped skills, I hear you ask. According to Wikipedia, it’s described as:

首先,科技公司的工程經理需要具備T型技能。 我聽說您問什麼是T形技能? 根據Wikipedia的描述:

The concept of T-shaped skills, or T-shaped persons is a metaphor used in job recruitment to describe the abilities of persons in the workforce. The vertical bar on the letter T represents the depth of related skills and expertise in a single field, whereas the horizontal bar is the ability to collaborate across disciplines with experts in other areas and to apply knowledge in areas of expertise other than one’s own.

T形技能T形人的概念是在招聘工作中用來形容勞動力中人的能力的隱喻。 字母T上的豎線表示在單個領域中相關技能和專長的深度,而橫槓則是與其他領域的專家跨學科協作以及將知識應用於自己領域以外的知識的能力。

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