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edge無法上網dns_如何在Microsoft Edge中通過HTTPS啟用DNS



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Microsoft will one day enable DNS over HTTPS (DoH) for all Windows applications, but you can enable it in the new version of Microsoft Edge today with a hidden flag. DoH will improve your security and privacy online, butit isn’t yet enabled by default in Microsoft Edge 80.


為所有Windows應用程式啟用基於HTTPS(DoH)的DNS ,但是您今天可以在Microsoft Edge的新版本中使用隱藏標記來啟用DNS 。 DoH將提高您的線上安全性和隱私性,但是Microsoft Edge 80中尚未預設啟用它。

Like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge won’t actually use DoH unless you’re using a DNS server that supports DoH. There are many options: Google Public DNS, Cloudflare, and even Comcast’s DNS all support this feature.

Google Chrome一樣,除非您使用支援DoH的DNS伺服器,否則Microsoft Edge不會實際使用DoH。 有很多選項:Google Public DNS,Cloudflare甚至Comcast的DNS都支援此功能。

如何在Edge中通過HTTPS啟用DNS (How to Enable DNS Over HTTPS in Edge)

To enable DoH in Edge when using a DNS server that supports DoH, type ” edge://flags#dns-over-https ” into the address bar and press Enter.

要在使用支援DoH的DNS伺服器時在Edge中啟用DoH,請在位址列中鍵入“ edge://flags#dns-over-https ”,然後按Enter。

To the right of the “Secure DNS Lookups” selection, click the arrow to open the drop-down menu. Select “Enabled.”

在“安全DNS查詢”選項的右側,單擊箭頭以開啟下拉選單。 選擇“啟用”。

Edge Enable DoH

You’ll need to relaunch the browser to put these changes into effect. Click the “Restart” button farther down the page.

您需要重新啟動瀏覽器以使這些更改生效。 單擊頁面下方的“重新啟動”按鈕。

如何切換到相容DoH的DNS伺服器 (How to Switch to a DoH-Compatible DNS Server)

DNS over HTTPS (DoH) will work only if your configured DNS server has DoH support. You might need to change your DNS server to take advantage of DoH.

僅當您配置的DNS伺服器具有DoH支援時,HTTPS上的DNS(DoH)才起作用。 您可能需要更改DNS伺服器才能利用DoH。

We recommend using Google’s own Google Public DNS or Cloudflare, which is the default DNS server when DoH is enabled for Firefox. Google has a list of DNS providers that Chromium-based browsers like Edge can use DoH with, including Cleanbrowsing, Comcast, DNS.SB, OpenDNS, and Quad9.

我們建議使用Google自己的Google Public DNSCloudflare ,這是為Firefox啟用DoH時的預設DNS伺服器。 Google提供了DNS提供商列表,基於Edge的基於Chromium的瀏覽器可以將DoHDoH一起使用,包括Cleanbrowsing,Comcast,DNS.SB,OpenDNS和Quad9。

You can check to see if DNS over HTTPS is working with Edge by visiting Cloudflare’s Browsing Experience Security Check. Run the test by clicking the button and see whether “Secure DNS” is enabled or not.

您可以通過訪問Cloudflare的“瀏覽體驗安全性檢查”來檢查HTTP over DNS是否與Edge一起使用。 通過單擊按鈕執行測試,然後檢視是否啟用了“安全DNS”。

Fortunately, DoH is quickly becoming the standard for security, privacy, and speed. Chrome will soon have DoH enabled by default, so we’ll likely see Chromium-based browsers like Edge and Brave continue to follow Google’s lead.

幸運的是,DoH正在Swift成為安全性,隱私性和速度的標準。 Chrome很快將預設啟用DoH ,因此我們很可能會看到Edge和Brave等基於Chromium的瀏覽器繼續效仿Google。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/660157/how-to-enable-dns-over-https-in-microsoft-edge/
