1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >使用PermaTabs Mod在Firefox中建立永久標籤

使用PermaTabs Mod在Firefox中建立永久標籤

Have you ever experienced the frustration of accidentally closing a tab with something important in progress such as writing an e-mail or filling in a form? Now you can keep those tabs open as long as you need with PermaTabs Mod.

您是否曾經遇到過因意外關閉選項卡而導致諸如寫電子郵件或填寫表格之類重要的事情而感到沮喪的感覺? 現在,您可以根據需要使用PermaTabs Mod保持開啟這些選項卡的時間。

PermaTabs Mod Startup

PermaTabs Mod啟動

As soon as Firefox restarts after installing the extension, there will be some temporary sample permanent tabs displayed. The tabs will have an orange-tan color marking them as permanent tabs.

Firefox在安裝擴充套件程式後重新啟動時,將顯示一些臨時的示例永久性選項卡。 這些選項卡將具有橙色的棕褐色,將其標記為永久性選項卡。


As a demonstration, we checked to see if these two tabs would close using the normal methods. Clicking on the Close Buttons did not work and neither did using the Context Menu.

作為演示,我們檢查了是否可以使用常規方法關閉這兩個選項卡。 單擊關閉按鈕不起作用,使用上下文選單也無濟於事。


Notice that there is a new PermaTabs listing in the Context Menu. If you do not want to keep these sample permanent tabs, click on “Permanent Tab” to deselect it and then you will be able to close them out.

請注意,上下文選單中有一個新的PermaTabs列表。 如果您不想保留這些示例永久性標籤,請單擊“永久性標籤”以取消選擇它,然後就可以將其關閉。

Note: Once these tabs are no longer PermaTabs, they will shift back to the default color that your other tabs have.





Ok, so what about the options? You can decide how links inside of PermaTabs will open, what is or is not included in the Context Menu, adjust aspects of PermaTab appearance, and choose to add some miscellaneous options in if desired.

好吧,那選項呢? 您可以決定如何開啟PermaTab內部的連結,上下文選單中包含或不包含的連結,調整PermaTab外觀的方面,並根據需要選擇新增一些其他選項。


PermaTabs Mod in Action

PermaTabs Mod在行動

To test things out, we decided to make the How-To Geek homepage our first PermaTab. All that is required is accessing the Context Menu, selecting the “PermaTabs” listing, and clicking on “Permanent Tab”.

為了進行測試,我們決定將How-To Geek主頁設為我們的第一個PermaTab。 所需要做的就是訪問上下文選單,選擇“ PermaTabs”列表,然後單擊“ Permanent Tab”。


Once we clicked on “Permanent Tab”, the tab color automatically changed to the green color that we chose in the options (very nice!). One permanent tab ready to go!

單擊“永久選項卡”後,選項卡的顏色會自動更改為我們在選項中選擇的綠色(非常好! )。 一個永久性標籤準備就緒!




With PermaTabs Mod, you will never have to experience the frustration of accidentally closing an important e-mail or web-form tab again.

使用PermaTabs Mod,您再也不必經歷意外關閉重要電子郵件或Web表單選項卡的麻煩了。



Download the PermaTabs Mod extension (Mozilla Add-ons)

下載PermaTabs Mod擴充套件(Mozilla附加元件)

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/3752/create-permanent-tabs-in-firefox-with-permatabs-mod/