1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >recuva檔案恢復亂碼_使用Recuva恢復意外刪除的檔案




It can be the worst feeling in the world when you accidentally delete a very important file you have been working on for days. Today we look at Recuva, a free tool that helps you restore accidentally deleted files.

當您意外刪除一個已經工作了好幾天的非常重要的檔案時,這可能是世界上最糟糕的感覺。 今天我們來看一下Recuva,這是一個免費工具,可以幫助您恢復意外刪除的檔案。

Using Recuva


Recuva is developed by Piriform which is the same company that brings us two other trusted utilities CCleaner and Defraggler. This is a free app but you will want to uncheck installing the Yahoo Toolbar if you don’t want it.

Recuva由Piriform開發,Piriform是同一家公司,為我們帶來了另外兩個受信任的實用程式CCleaner和Defraggler。 這是一個免費的應用程式,但如果您不想安裝Yahoo Toolbar,則將其取消選中。

1nstall no yahoo

When you first start up Recuva it brings up an easy to follow wizard which guides you through the recovery process. There is an option to disable this from starting up if you don’t care to use it.

首次啟動Recuva時,它將彈出一個易於遵循的嚮導,該向導將指導您完成恢復過程。 如果您不想使用它,可以選擇禁用它。

2 start

Now choose the type of file your trying to recover. If you’re not sure click on Other to show all files, this is handy for obscure file types as well.

現在,選擇您要恢復的檔案型別。 如果您不確定單擊“其他”以顯示所有檔案,則對於晦澀的檔案型別也很方便。

3 choose file

Select the location of where the file was located. You can choose removable media, certain directories, or search everywhere on the computer.

選擇檔案所在的位置。 您可以選擇可移動媒體,某些目錄或在計算機上的任何位置進行搜尋。

4 location

Wait while Recuva scans your system for deleted files.


6 scanning

When you get the results it will show the file(s) and the green or red dot next to them lets you know how likely they will be restored without any damage. Here we show advanced mode where you can preview the different files found.

得到結果後,它將顯示檔案,並在檔案旁邊顯示綠色或紅色點,讓您知道恢復檔案而不損壞的可能性。 在這裡,我們顯示了高階模式,您可以在其中預覽找到的不同檔案。

7 results

There are some good options you can set to change the way it scans for deleted files. One feature is Deep Scan which does a more thorough search but takes more time depending on your system.

您可以設定一些好的選項,以更改其掃描已刪除檔案的方式。 深度掃描是一項功能,它可以進行更徹底的搜尋,但要花費更多時間,具體取決於您的系統。

8 options

It will find deleted data even if it has been emptied from the Recycle Bin. It is not going to work every time especially on files that have been securely deleted, corrupted, or overwritten. A best practice is to use this as soon as you realize a file has been deleted.

即使已將其從回收站中清空,它也會找到已刪除的資料。 它並不是每次都起作用,尤其是對於已被安全刪除,損壞或覆蓋的檔案。 最佳實踐是在意識到檔案已刪除後立即使用它。


Download Recuva


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/2216/restore-accidentally-deleted-files-with-recuva/
