1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >5個最佳團隊交流應用程式


The Slack interface on a smartphone.
Khamosh Pathak
Khamosh Pathak

If your entire company is now working from home, you’re going to need a good team communication app. You’ll likely want something that allows you to share messages, create channels, and integrates with other apps. These are our top recommendations.

如果整個公司現在都在家工作,則需要一個良好的團隊溝通應用程式。 您可能想要一些可以共享訊息,建立頻道並與其他應用程式整合的東西。 這些是我們的重要建議。

鬆弛 (Slack)

Slack is the 800-pound gorilla in the chat room. It’s the app that started it all, back in 2013. The pitch was simple: Use Slack instead of email to communicate with your team.

Slack是聊天室中的重達800磅的大猩猩。 這是始於2013年的應用程式。推銷非常簡單:使用Slack而不是電子郵件與您的團隊進行交流。

Slack ditched email in favor of constant, real-time connection with the entire team. It’s easy and fun to use, which is why it became so popular.Slack has dedicated channels in which you can discuss specific projects, send direct messages, or chat as a group.

Slack放棄了電子郵件,轉而與整個團隊保持恆定,實時的聯絡。 它易於使用且有趣,這就是為什麼它如此流行的原因。 Slack有專門的渠道,您可以在其中討論特定的專案,傳送直接訊息或作為一個小組聊天。

The addition ofemojis made it even more fun, but when Slack introduced integrations and a dedicated Slack bot, the world opened up. You could use integrations to convert Slack into a home base for all your team operations, including GitHub commits, Trello cards, Google Sheet approvals, and so on.

表情符號的新增使它變得更加有趣,但是當Slack引入整合和專用的Slack機器人時,世界打開了。 您可以使用整合將Slack轉換為您所有團隊運營的總部,包括GitHub提交,Trello卡,Google Sheet批准等。

Much of that is still valid. If you want a simple and free (with limitations) team communication app you can start using in minutes, you should go for Slack.

其中大部分仍然有效。 如果您想要一個簡單,免費(有限制)的團隊溝通應用程式,並且可以在幾分鐘內開始使用,則應該選擇Slack。

It’s not without its problems, though. First, it’s pricey. The free plan only allows you to view the most recent 10,000 messages. The Standard plan, which includes an unlimited message archive, unlimited apps, group calls, and other special organization features, costs $6.67 per month, per person when billed annually.

但是,這並非沒有問題。 首先,價格昂貴。 免費計劃僅允許您檢視最近的10,000條訊息。 標準計劃包括無限制的訊息存檔,無限制的應用程式,群組通話和其他特殊組織功能,按年計費的每人每月收費$ 6.67。

Secondly, Slack fatigue is starting to set in. Its chat-based philosophy is informal and might not be the best fit for all organizations. Slack notifications can also get a bit tedious.

其次,Slack疲勞開始出現。它的基於聊天的哲學是非正式的,可能不是最適合所有組織的。 鬆弛的通知也可能有點乏味。

If any of these points disqualifies Slack for your company, take a look at the other team communication apps we’ve highlighted below. Some attempt to improve upon Slack’s issues, and a few even go way beyond.

如果以上任何一項都不符合Slack貴公司的資格,請檢視我們下面突出顯示的其他團隊溝通應用程式。 有些嘗試改善了Slack的問題,有些嘗試甚至超越了。


Twist was created by Doist, the company behind the popular Todoist task management app. If Slack is chaos, Twist is order.

Twist由Doist建立,Doist是流行的Todoist任務管理應用程式背後的公司。 如果Slack是混亂的,則Twist是有序的。

Rather than focusing on chat rooms, Twist takes a different approach. You can still have channels for various projects, but you first create a thread instead of sending a message on the channel.

Twist並沒有專注於聊天室,而是採用了不同的方法。 您仍然可以具有用於各種專案的通道,但是首先建立一個執行緒,而不是在通道上傳送訊息。

Similar to an email, the app asks you to first create a subject, and then body text. From there, your team members can reply to the thread. Instead of receiving notifications about every message, you can just take a look at any unread threads to see what’s relevant to you, and then reply accordingly. It’s also very easy to turn off notifications when you’re not working.

與電子郵件類似,該應用要求您首先建立一個主題,然後建立正文。 從那裡,您的團隊成員可以回覆該話題。 無需接收有關每條訊息的通知,您只需檢視任何未讀的執行緒即可檢視與您相關的內容,然後進行相應的答覆。 不工作時關閉通知也很容易。

Twist also has direct messaging, integrations, and file storage. On the free plan, you get access to one month of messages, five integrations, and 5 GB of storage. To remove all restrictions, it costs $5 per month, per person.

Twist還具有直接訊息傳遞,整合和檔案儲存功能。 按照免費計劃,您可以訪問一個月的訊息,五次整合和5 GB的儲存空間。 要取消所有限制,費用為每人每月$ 5。

微軟團隊 (Microsoft Teams)

Teams is Microsoft’s Slack competitor, created explicitly for existing Office customers. If you already pay for an Office 365 Business ($5 per month) or Enterprise subscription, Teams is included with both of those.

Teams是Microsoft的Slack競爭對手,專門為現有Office客戶建立。 如果您已經支付了Office 365商業版(每月5美元)或企業版訂閱費用,那麼這兩個團隊都將包含團隊。

You can add up to 300 members to a team, but everyone must have a Microsoft account to sign up.


Teams offers the familiar Slack interface with a Microsoft spin. The sidebars with workspaces, channels, and main chat interfaces in both apps are similar. However, in typical Microsoft fashion, Teams is more than just a communication app. For example, Skype for Business is integrated directly into the Teams app, and serves as an excellent Zoom alternative.

Teams通過Microsoft旋轉提供了熟悉的Slack介面。 兩個應用程式中帶有工作區,頻道和主要聊天介面的側邊欄相似。 但是,以典型的Microsoft方式,Teams不僅僅是通訊應用程式。 例如,Skype for Business直接整合到Teams應用程式中,並且是出色的Zoom替代品

You can also create Office documents in Teams, manage files, create and record video meetings, take notes, and more, all from the same chat interface. With all of these options, however, the user interface can sometimes feel a bit clunky and challenging to navigate.

您還可以在同一聊天介面中在團隊中建立Office文件,管理檔案,建立和錄製視訊會議,做筆記等等。 但是,使用所有這些選項,使用者介面有時會感到笨拙且難以導航。

Once you get the hang of it, though, it’s smooth sailing. If your business already pays for an Office 365 account for every staff member, it just makes sense to use Microsoft Teams. It will easily allow you to merge everything and access SharePoint integration for even more business features.

但是,一旦掌握了它,就可以順利進行。 如果您的企業已經為每位員工支付了Office 365帳戶的費用,那麼使用Microsoft Teams就很有意義。 它將輕鬆地使您合併所有內容並訪問SharePoint整合以獲取更多業務功能。

The free accountoption does give Teams an edge over Slack since it supports unlimited chat messages and search. However, if you’re not already using a Microsoft service, you should probably consider one of the other options because they’re all easier to use.

免費帳戶選項的確為Teams提供了優於Slack的優勢,因為它支援無限的聊天訊息和搜尋。 但是,如果您尚未使用Microsoft服務,則可能應該考慮其他選項之一,因為它們都更易於使用。

If you already pay for Office 365, though, consider Microsoft Teams first. Not only would it be the most cost-effective option, but it will also help you create a better workflow.

但是,如果您已經為Office 365付款,請首先考慮Microsoft Teams。 它不僅是最具成本效益的選擇,而且還將幫助您建立更好的工作流程。


Think of Flock as a cheaper version of Slack with a mix of project management features. Flock’s interface, like Slack’s, follows the chat-room model.

Flock視為具有專案管理功能組合的Slack的廉價版本。 Flock的介面(如Slack的介面)遵循聊天室模型。

It has everything you need to communicate with your team, including private and public channels, direct messages, audio and video calls, and a robust search engine.


Flock also has project management features, like to-do lists, notes, reminders, and an integrated polls feature. You can also incorporate many popular third-party apps in Flock.

Flock還具有專案管理功能,例如待辦事項列表,註釋,提醒和整合的民意調查功能。 您還可以在Flock中合併許多流行的第三方應用程式。

Flock’s 10,000-message archive limit on free accounts is similar to Slack’s. The Pro version of Flock, though, costs just $4.50 per month, per person, compared to Slack’s $6.67 per month.

Flock對免費帳戶的10,000條訊息的存檔限制與Slack相似。 但是,Pro版的Flock每人每月只需$ 4.50,而Slack每月為$ 6.67。

火箭聊天 (Rocket Chat)

Rocket Chat is a self-hosted, open-source, free team communication app for companies that prefer to do the heavy lifting when it comes to implementing their own solution. If you have the technical know-how, you can install Rocket Chat on a server and run it on your own.

Rocket Chat是一款自託管,開源,免費的團隊交流應用程式,適用於希望在實施自己的解決方案時承擔重擔的公司。 如果您具有技術專長,則可以在伺服器上安裝Rocket Chat並自行執行。

If you don’t want to host Rocket Chat, you can still use the company’s SasS version, which is supported by Rocket Chat’s cloud service.

如果您不想託管Rocket Chat,仍然可以使用該公司的SasS版本,該版本受Rocket Chat的雲服務支援。

The free version of Rocket Chat is highly scalable. You can have up to 1,000 people, unlimited message history and integrations, and a custom domain. Additionally, Rocket Chat has apps for all major desktop and mobile platforms.

Rocket Chat的免費版本具有高度可擴充套件性。 您最多可以有1,000個人,無限制的訊息歷史記錄和整合以及自定義域。 此外,Rocket Chat具有適用於所有主要桌上型電腦和移動平臺的應用程式。

Plus, even if you use Rocket Chat’s centralized cloud version, you only have to pay $2 per person, per month.

另外,即使您使用Rocket Chat的集中式雲版本,您也只需每月每人支付2美元。

After you choose a team communication app, it’s time to find the bestvideo-conferencing service.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/666580/the-5-best-team-communication-apps/