1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何在Mac上列印為PDF


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Sometimes you need to print a document, but you don’t have a printer available—or you’d like to save it for your records in a stable format that will never change. In this case, you can “print” to a PDF file. Luckily, macOS makes it easy to do this from almost any app.

有時您需要列印文件,但是沒有可用的印表機,或者您希望將其以不會改變的穩定格式儲存下來以備記錄。 在這種情況下,您可以“列印”為PDF檔案。 幸運的是,macOS使得幾乎所有應用程式都可以輕鬆實現此目的。

Apple’s Macintosh operating system (macOS) has included system-level support for PDF files for 20 years now since the original Mac OS X Public Beta. The PDF printer feature is available from almost any application that allows printing, such as Safari, Chrome, Pages, or Microsoft Word. Here’s how to do it.

自最初的Mac OS X公開測試版以來,蘋果的Macintosh作業系統(macOS)包含對PDF檔案的系統級支援已有20年了。 幾乎所有允許列印的應用程式都可以使用PDF印表機功能,例如Safari,Chrome,Pages或Microsoft Word。 這是操作方法。

Open the document you’d like to print to a PDF file. In the menu bar at the top of the screen, select File > Print.

開啟您要列印為PDF檔案的文件。 在螢幕頂部的選單欄中,選擇檔案>列印。

Click File, Print in macOS

A printing dialog will open up. Ignore the Print button. Near the bottom of the Print window, you will see a small drop-down menu labeled “PDF.” Click on it.

將開啟一個列印對話方塊。 忽略“列印”按鈕。 在“列印”視窗底部附近,您會看到一個小的下拉選單,標有“ PDF”。 點選它。

Click PDF drop-down menu in macOS

In the PDF drop-down menu, select “Save as PDF.”


Click Save as PDF in macOS

The Save dialog will open up. Type the file name you’d like and choose the location (such as Documents or Desktop), then click “Save.”

儲存對話方塊將開啟。 輸入您想要的檔名並選擇位置(例如“文件”或“桌面”),然後單擊“儲存”。

macOS Save Dialog

The printed document will then be saved as a PDF file in the location you chose. If you double-click on the PDF file you just created, you should see the document the way it would appear if you printed it on paper.

然後,列印的文件將另存為PDF檔案,位於您選擇的位置。 如果雙擊剛建立的PDF檔案,則應該以在紙張上列印時的顯示方式檢視該文件。

PDF printing results in macOS

From there you can copy it anywhere you like, back it up, or perhaps save it for later reference. It’s up to you.

從那裡您可以將其複製到任何您喜歡的地方,進行備份,或者儲存起來以備後用。 由你決定。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/666814/how-to-print-to-pdf-on-mac/