1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >下載並跟蹤Excel 2007中的庫存

下載並跟蹤Excel 2007中的庫存

This article was written by MysticGeek, a tech blogger at the How-To Geek Blogs.

本文由How-To Geek Blogs的技術部落格MysticGeek撰寫。

Microsoft Excel is used by companies and individuals to keep track of and compute virtually anything that requires numbers. If you are computing financial symbols, did you know there’s a way to have Excel automatically update those values online?

公司和個人使用Microsoft Excel來跟蹤和計算幾乎所有需要數字的內容。 如果您正在計算財務符號,您是否知道有一種方法可以讓Excel自動線上更新這些值?

You can use smart tags in Excel to keep track of your stock quotes. (Keep in mind you do need an Internet connection for this). With this feature Excel will connect to MSN Money Central to download the information.

您可以在Excel中使用智慧標記來跟蹤股票報價。 (請記住,您確實需要Internet連線)。 藉助此功能,Excel將連線到MSN Money Central以下載資訊。

First we need to enable the smart cell feature by clicking the Office Button \ Excel Options \ Proofing \ AutoCorrect Options and click on the Smart Tags tab. Make sure and place a check next to Financial Symbol. Click OK twice to get back to your worksheet.

首先,我們需要通過單擊Office按鈕\ Excel選項\校對\自動更正選項並單擊“智慧標記”選項卡來啟用智慧單元功能。 確保並將檢查放在“財務符號”旁邊。 單擊確定兩次以返回到您的工作表。


Now that smart tags are enabled all we need to do is enter in our favorite stock symbol using all capital letters (in this instance I am using Microsoft). Now hover the mouse over the lower left corner of the cell until the smart tag appears and click. Select Insert refreshable stock price.

現在啟用了智慧標記,我們需要做的就是使用所有大寫字母輸入我們喜歡的股票程式碼(在這種情況下,我使用的是Microsoft)。 現在,將滑鼠懸停在單元格的左下角,直到出現智慧標記並單擊。 選擇插入可重新整理的股票價格。


Now select where you would like the starting cell or you can also choose a new work sheet. Click OK.

現在,選擇您想要起始單元格的位置,也可以選擇一個新的工作表。 單擊確定。


Excel will go retrieve the information regarding the stock from MSN Money Central. This will also include hyperlinks to additional information which will open in a separate browser.

Excel將從MSN Money Central檢索有關股票的資訊。 這還將包括指向其他​​資訊的超連結,這些超連結將在單獨的瀏覽器中開啟。


Is this a feature you’d actually use?


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/download-and-keep-track-of-stocks-in-excel-2007/