1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何在Windows 10的檔案資源管理器中刪除複選框

如何在Windows 10的檔案資源管理器中刪除複選框

Windows 10 Hero Image Version 2

On Windows 10, File Explorer shows visible checkboxes whenever you select a file. This makes file management easier with a touch screen, but you might prefer a classic experience without those checkboxes. Here’s how to turn them off.

在Windows 10上,無論何時選擇檔案,檔案資源管理器都會顯示可見的複選框。 這可以通過觸控式螢幕簡化檔案管理,但是如果沒有這些複選框,您可能更喜歡經典體驗。 這是關閉它們的方法。

When enabled, Item checkboxes look like a small square—either empty or with a checkmark inside of them—beside each file’s icon, thumbnail, or file name. They appear in every File Explorer layout mode, including List and Detailed views.

啟用後,“專案”複選框在每個檔案的圖示,縮圖或檔名旁邊看起來像一個小方塊,可以是空的,也可以在其中帶有複選標記。 它們出現在每種“檔案資源管理器”佈局模式中,包括“列表”檢視和“詳細”檢視。

This feature first appeared in Windows Vista and usually came enabled by default in Windows 8 on touchscreen-capable devices.You can even use Item checkboxes on Windows 7.

此功能首次出現在Windows Vista中,通常在Windows 8中在支援觸控式螢幕的裝置上預設啟用。 您甚至可以在Windows 7上使用“專案”複選框

Example of checkboxes in Windows 10 File Explorer

從檔案資源管理器的功能區切換複選框 (Toggle Checkboxes From File Explorer’s Ribbon)

You can remove these checkboxes from within File Explorer itself.


First, open File Explorer. To do so quickly, press Windows+E, or click the folder icon in your taskbar if File Explorer is pinned there. You’ll also find File Explorer in your Start menu.

首先,開啟檔案資源管理器。 要快速執行此操作,請按Windows + E,或者如果檔案管理器固定在此處,請單擊工作列中的資料夾圖示。 您還將在“開始”選單中找到“檔案資源管理器”。

Open File Explorerer in Windows 10 by clicking this icon

In the ribbon bar at the top of the File Explorer window, click the “View” tab.


Click View in Windows 10 File Explorer

Locate “Item Check Boxes” in the View toolbar and click on it.


Select Item Check boxes in Windows 10

It the feature was enabled, the checkmark in the box beside each file will disappear. Once you select files, they will no longer display a checkbox beside them.

啟用該功能後,每個檔案旁邊框中的對勾將消失。 選擇檔案後,它們將不再在其旁邊顯示覆選框。

Windows 10 File Explorer with no Checkboxes

If you’d like to turn the feature back on, return to the View toolbar in File Explorer and check the box beside “Item Check Boxes” again. Click this option whenever you want to hide and unhide the checkboxes.

如果您想重新開啟該功能,請返回“檔案資源管理器”中的“檢視”工具欄,然後再次選中“專案複選框”旁邊的複選框。 每當您要隱藏和取消隱藏複選框時,請單擊此選項。

替代方法:使用資料夾選項視窗 (Alternative Method: Use the Folder Options Window)

It is also possible to disable Item checkboxes using folder options in File Explorer. To do so, open a File Explorer window and click “View” on the toolbar. Click the “Options” button, and you’ll see the Folder Options window.

也可以使用檔案資源管理器中的資料夾選項禁用“專案”複選框。 為此,請開啟“檔案資源管理器”視窗,然後在工具欄上單擊“檢視”。 單擊“選項”按鈕,您將看到“資料夾選項”視窗。

Scroll down the list until you see “Use Check Boxes To Select Items.” Uncheck it, then click Apply.

向下滾動列表,直到看到“使用複選框選擇專案”。 取消選中它,然後單擊“應用”。

Turn off file checkboxes in Folder Options on Windows 10

After that, close the Folder Options window and the checkboxes in File Explorer will be gone. Enjoy!

之後,關閉“資料夾選項”視窗,“檔案資源管理器”中的複選框將消失。 請享用!

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/666235/how-to-remove-checkboxes-in-file-explorer-on-windows-10/