1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >將虛擬PC新增到XP(第1部分)


Why should Vista Ultimate get all of the cool toys like Virtual PC? You can add Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 to your existing XP box now. This is a free download from Microsoft. In this post I am going to go through the set up and basic configuration of a virtual machine on Windows XP. I find this most useful for other Microsoft OS’s. If you want to run Linux an other alternative OS on Windows I would check out


為什麼Vista Ultimate會像Virtual PC一樣獲得所有很酷的玩具? 您現在可以將Microsoft Virtual PC 2007新增到現有的XP框中。 這是從Microsoft免費下載的。 在本文中,我將介紹Windows XP上虛擬機器的設定和基本配置。 我發現這對於其他Microsoft OS最有用。 如果您想在Windows上執行Linux的其他替代作業系統,請檢視vmware

After installing Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 launch the application to set up a new machine. You are created by the standard Wizard to set up a new machine. You don’t have to use the Wizard, but it makes simple set up quick.

安裝Microsoft Virtual PC 2007後,啟動應用程式以設定新計算機。 您是由標準嚮導建立的,用於設定新計算機。 您不必使用嚮導,但是它使設定簡單快速。


For this part of the Wizard I just leave the default setting which allows me to set up a basic configuration. Click Next.

對於嚮導的這一部分,我只保留預設設定,該設定使我可以設定基本配置。 點選下一步。


Name your Virtual Machine.



Select the Operating System you want to install. As you can see MS is the flavor of the day.

選擇要安裝的作業系統。 如您所見,MS是當今的潮流。


Because I want to be a real nerd I am installing Windows 98 for this article. Of course you can install whatever you want. Now we need to adjust the RAM. Remember your using the host PC’s memory so allot accordingly. Click Next.

因為我想成為一個真正的書呆子,所以我正在為本文安裝Windows 98。 當然,您可以安裝任何所需的軟體。 現在我們需要調整RAM。 記住要使用主機PC的記憶體,因此要相應分配。 點選下一步。


Since this is the first time setting up this virtual machine we want to select “A new virtual hard disk”. Click Next.

由於這是第一次設定此虛擬機器,因此我們要選擇“新的虛擬硬碟”。 點選下一步。


Now we need to choose what size to make the virtual disk drive. Since I am doing a 98 virtual machine I am only going to create a 2GB drive. Click Next.

現在,我們需要選擇製作虛擬磁碟驅動器的大小。 由於我正在使用98個虛擬機器,因此我將僅建立2GB驅動器。 點選下一步。


After you verify all the settings go ahead and click on Finish.



OK. At this point we have everything set up. The next step is to install the Operating System. I will cover that and more features of Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 in the next segment of this tutorial.

好。 至此,我們已完成所有設定。 下一步是安裝作業系統。 在本教程的下一部分中,我將介紹Microsoft Virtual PC 2007的功能和更多功能。


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/79840/add-a-virtual-pc-to-xp-part-1/