1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >Foobar2000我的新音訊播放器?


In a previous post I mentioned that I am ready for a new audio player application. This all came to fruition because Apple pissed me off with their last iTunes update. It includes unnecessary software for the iPhone. Sure I could choose not to update … but that’s counter productive. Software updates should enhance the end user experience, not degrade it.

在上一篇文章中,我提到我已經準備好使用新的音訊播放器應用程式。 所有這些都實現了,因為蘋果公司在上一次iTunes更新中激怒了我。 它包括iPhone不需要的軟體。 當然,我可以選擇不更新…但這適得其反。 軟體更新應增強而不是降低終端使用者的體驗。

I went through several players trying to find the perfect one. Since releasing my music collection from the chains of Apple, I realized a more vast and broad landscape of choice. I no longer have to settle for installing unwanted software like QuickTime which I never use anyway. I no longer have to settle for Apple’s proprietary AAC or Lossless encoding compression.

我經歷了幾位試圖找到完美球員的球員。 自從Apple連鎖店釋出我的音樂收藏以來,我實現了更廣闊廣闊的選擇前景。 我不再需要安裝不需要的軟體如QuickTime,而我從未使用過。 我不再需要滿足Apple專有的AAC或無損編碼壓縮的要求。

To make a long opinionated story short, I am now a proud user and supporter of Foobar2000. This application is simple, light on resources, sounds incredible, and plays every audio compression method I need. Foobar2000 is only a 1.6 MB download but don’t let that fool you. This application packs a lot of power. You can play FLAC, MP3, Ogg, WAV, WMA, AIFF, and several others.

長話短說,我現在是Foobar2000的驕傲使用者和支持者。 該應用程式簡單,資源豐富,聽起來令人難以置信,並且可以播放我需要的每種音訊壓縮方法。 Foobar2000僅為1.6 MB下載,但不要讓它愚弄您。 該應用程式包含很多功能。 您可以播放FLAC,MP3,Ogg,WAV,WMA,AIFF等。

Another unique component is Replay Gain which is a new technology for volume management. Also, there is a large number of third party developers creating plug-ins for this player. If you want a bunch of needless ripping gadgets, skins, stores, and other pretty fluff then this is not your media player. Foobar2000 is a solid no nonsense audio player packed full of features for hardcore audio enthusiasts.

另一個獨特的元件是重放增益,它是一種用於音量管理的新技術。 同樣,有大量的第三方開發人員為此播放器建立外掛。 如果您想要一堆不必要的翻錄小工具,面板,商店和其他漂亮的絨毛,那麼這不是您的媒體播放器。 Foobar2000是一款可靠的,沒有廢話的音訊播放器,為鐵桿音訊發燒友提供了豐富的功能。

1 foobar2000 audio player

Mysicgeek’s Tech Lingo: FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec) This is an open source audio compression format with no loss of audio quality.

Mysicgeek的Tech Lingo: FLAC(免費無損音訊編解碼器)這是一種開源音訊壓縮格式,不會降低音訊質量。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/79790/foobar2000-my-new-audio-player/