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如何在Windows 10和Mac上更新Microsoft Office Apps

Microsoft Office Logo

Software updates are essential in keeping your applications up to date with the latest features, performance improvements, and security patches. Microsoft regularly provides updates for its Office suite. Here’s how to check for, and install, Microsoft Office updates.


最新狀態至關重要。 Microsoft定期為其Office套件提供更新。 這是檢查和安裝Microsoft Office更新的方法。

Note that, while we use Microsoft Word in this example, you can update via any of its Office applications.

請注意,儘管在此示例中我們使用Microsoft Word,但是您可以通過其任何Office應用程式進行更新。

開啟自動更新 (Turn on Automatic Updates)

By default, Microsoft automatically keeps your Office applications up to date. However, it’s possible to disable this feature. If you did disable automatic updates, we recommend turning it back on so you always have the latest available version.

預設情況下,Microsoft自動使您的Office應用程式保持最新。 但是,可以禁用此功能。 如果您確實禁用了自動更新,建議您將其重新開啟,以便始終擁有最新的可用版本。

在Windows上啟用自動更新 (Enable Automatic Updates on Windows)

To turn on automatic updates for Microsoft Office on Windows, open Word, and select the “File” tab.

要在Windows上開啟Microsoft Office的自動更新,請開啟Word,然後選擇“檔案”選項卡。

File tab in Microsoft Word

Next, click the “Account” option at the bottom of the left-hand pane.


Account option in left-hand pane of Word

If automatic updates are turned off, you’ll see a message stating “This product will not be updated” under “Office Updates.” Select the “Update Options” button.

如果關閉了自動更新,則會在“ Office Updates”下看到一條訊息,指出“此產品將不會更新”。 選擇“更新選項”按鈕。

Update options button

In the drop-down menu that appears, select “Enable Updates.”


Enable updates option

Microsoft Office will now automatically update with each release.

Microsoft Office現在將隨每個版本自動更新。

在Mac上啟用自動更新 (Enable Automatic Updates on Mac)

To turn on automatic updates for Microsoft Office on Mac, open Word, and select the “Help” tab in the system menu bar (not the Word menu bar).

在Mac上開啟Microsoft Office的自動更新,請開啟Word,然後在系統選單欄(而不是Word選單欄)中選擇“幫助”選項卡。

Help tab on Mac

In the drop-down menu that appears, select “Check For Updates.”


Check for updates Mac

The “Microsoft AutoUpdate” window will appear. If “Manually Check” is selected, automatic updates aren’t enabled. Select “Automatically Download And Install.”

將出現“ Microsoft AutoUpdate”視窗。 如果選擇“手動檢查”,則不會啟用自動更新。 選擇“自動下載並安裝”。

auto download and install

Microsoft Office will now automatically update with each release.

Microsoft Office現在將隨每個版本自動更新。

手動檢查並安裝更新 (Manually Check for and Install Updates)

If you want to keep Automatic Updates disabled, you’ll need to manually check for and install any updates Office brings.


在Windows上檢查並安裝更新 (Check for and Install Updates on Windows)

To manually update Microsoft Office for Windows, open Word, and select the “File” tab.

要手動更新Windows的Microsoft Office,請開啟Word,然後選擇“檔案”選項卡。

File tab in Microsoft Word

Click “Account”at the bottom of the left-hand pane.


Account option in left-hand pane of Word

From here, select “Update Options” next to “Office Updates.” In the drop-down menu that appears, select “Update Now.” If you’ve disabled updates, this option won’t appear. If that’s the case, select “Enable Updates” first and then select “Update Now.”

在此處,選擇“ Office更新”旁邊的“更新選項”。 在出現的下拉選單中,選擇“立即更新”。 如果您禁用了更新,則不會顯示此選項。 如果是這種情況,請先選擇“啟用更新”,然後選擇“立即更新”。

Check for Updates Windows

Microsoft will now check for updates and install them. Once finished, you’ll see a message letting you know you’re up to date.

Microsoft現在將檢查更新並安裝它們。 完成後,您會看到一條訊息,告知您最新資訊。

You're up to date message

在Mac上檢查並安裝更新 (Check for and Install Updates on Mac)

To manually update Microsoft Office for Mac, open Word, and select the “Help” tab from the system menu bar. Again, this isn’t found in the Microsoft Word menu bar.

要手動更新Mac的Microsoft Office,請開啟Word,然後從系統選單欄中選擇“幫助”選項卡。 同樣,在Microsoft Word選單欄中找不到此內容。

Help tab on Mac

In the drop-down menu that appears, select “Check For Updates.”


Check for updates Mac

The “Microsoft AutoUpdate” window will appear. In the bottom-right corner of the window, you’ll see a “Check For Updates” option. Click the button.

將出現“ Microsoft AutoUpdate”視窗。 在視窗的右下角,您將看到“檢查更新”選項。 點選按鈕。

Check for updates on Mac

Office will now let you know the latest version. The update can take quite some time, depending on how many Office apps you have to update.

Office現在會告訴您最新版本。 該更新可能需要花費一些時間,具體取決於您必須更新多少個Office應用程式。

Update in progress

Once the update is finished, Microsoft Office will let you know.

更新完成後,Microsoft Office將通知您。

all apps are up to date message

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/681059/how-to-update-microsoft-office/