1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何檢視哪些程式正在使用Windows上的所有記憶體


Windows 10 Task Manager icon hero

If your Windows PC feels mysteriously sluggish or refuses to load more programs, it may have run out of working memory. When that happens, PCs often fall back to using virtual memory, which can be much slower. Here’s how to see which programs are eating up all your memory.

如果您的Windows PC感覺異常呆滯或拒絕載入更多程式,則可能是記憶體不足。 發生這種情況時,PC通常會退回到使用虛擬記憶體,這可能

會慢得多。 這是檢視哪些程式耗盡了所有記憶體的方法。

It’s worth clarifying that we’re only talking about memory as in RAM, which is temporary working room for your programs, not disk storage space. The best tool to see which Windows programs might be using too much RAM is a utility called Task Manager.


RAM中一樣,它是程式的臨時工作空間,而不是磁碟儲存空間。 檢視哪些Windows程式可能使用過多RAM的最佳工具是一個名為Task Manager的實用程式。

First, let’s open the Task Manager. Right-click the taskbar, and in the menu that pops up, select “Task Manager.” (You can also press Ctrl+Alt+Delete and select “Task Manager” from the screen that appears.)


。 右鍵單擊工作列,然後在彈出的選單中選擇“工作管理員”。 (您也可以按Ctrl + Alt + Delete並從出現的螢幕中選擇“工作管理員”。)

Right-click on the taskbar and select "Task Manager."

If you see the simple Task Manager interface, click the “More Details” button.


In Task Manager, click "More details."

In the full Task Manager window, navigate to the “Processes” tab. You’ll see a list of every application and background task running on your machine. Collectively, those programs are called “processes.”

在完整的“工作管理員”視窗中,導航到“程序”選項卡。 您將看到計算機上執行的每個應用程式和後臺任務的列表。 這些程式統稱為“流程”。

To sort the processes by which one is using the most memory, click the “Memory” column header. The process using the largest percentage of RAM will move to the top of the list.

要對使用最多記憶體的程序進行排序,請單擊“記憶體”列標題。 使用最大百分比RAM的程序將移至列表頂部。

In Task Manager for Windows 10, click the "Processes" tab, then click the "Memory" column header.

In this window, it’s a good idea to look for programs that might be using a suspiciously large amount of memory. What counts as “suspicious” varies based on how you typically use your machine. If you frequently render 4K video projects or run complex computer games, it might be no surprise if one of those processes is using a large amount of memory (perhaps even several gigabytes).

在此視窗中,查詢可能正在使用可疑的大量記憶體的程式是個好主意。 根據您通常使用計算機的方式,什麼被視為“可疑”。 如果您經常渲染4K視訊專案或運行復雜的計算機遊戲,那麼其中一個程序正在使用大量記憶體(甚至可能是幾GB)可能就不足為奇了。

But if a process you don’t recognize is using the memory, or if a memory-hogging application has become unresponsive and you can’t exit the program by normal means, you might want to consider killing the process. To do that, select the process from the list in Task Manager and click “End Task.”

但是,如果您不認識的程序正在使用記憶體,或者如果佔用記憶體的應用程式變得無響應,並且您無法通過常規方式退出程式,則可能要考慮終止該程序。 為此,請從“工作管理員”中的列表中選擇程序,然後單擊“結束任務”。

To kill a process in Task Manager for Windows 10, select the process from the list and click "End task."

After that, the offending program will close (sometimes it takes a few moments). If it doesn’t, try restarting your machine, which can temporarily solve a variety of problems, including a runaway application that might be using more memory than it’s supposed to.

之後,有問題的程式將關閉(有時需要一些時間)。 如果不是這樣,請嘗試重新啟動計算機,這可以暫時解決各種問題,其中包括一個失控的應用程式可能正在使用比預期更多的記憶體。

If you’re having trouble with running out of memory on a regular basis, it might be time to consider adding more RAM to your PC, if possible. Good luck!

如果您經常遇到記憶體不足的問題,則可能是時候考慮向PC新增更多RAM了。 祝好運!

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/689998/how-to-see-which-programs-are-using-all-your-memory-on-windows/