1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >mac系統u盤 系統圖標_如何在Mac上提取高質量系統首選項圖示

mac系統u盤 系統圖標_如何在Mac上提取高質量系統首選項圖示

mac系統u盤 系統圖標

mac系統u盤 系統圖標

Apple Mac System Preferences Icon Hero

Sometimes, you need a high-quality icon of from Mac System Preferences for project, but you can’t find a good one online. Luckily, with a little digging, it’s easy to extract a perfect quality System Preference icon with a transparent background using only the Preview app. Here’s how.

有時,您需要Mac系統偏好設定中的高質量圖示作為專案,但線上找不到一個好的圖示。 幸運的是,通過一點點挖掘,僅使用“預覽”應用程式即可輕鬆提取具有透明背景的完美質量的“系統偏好設定”圖示。 這是如何做。

First, we’ll need to locate the actual files that represent the panes in System Preferences using Finder. With Finder active, select Go > Go to Folder from the menu bar at the top of the screen.

首先,我們需要使用Finder在“系統偏好設定”中找到代表窗格的實際檔案。 在Finder處於活動狀態的情況下,從螢幕頂部的選單欄中選擇“轉到”>“轉到資料夾”。

Click "Go To Folder" in Mac Finder.

In the “Go To Folder” window or slider that appears, type (or paste) /System/Library/PreferencePanes.

在出現的“轉到資料夾”視窗或滑塊中,鍵入(或貼上) /System/Library/PreferencePanes

In the Go To Folder dialog, enter the path and click "Go."

A Finder window will appear that includes files that correspond with the default preference panes you see in System Preferences.


(Note: If you are looking for a third-party preference pane file, check /Library/PreferencePanes instead.)

(注意:如果要查詢第三方首選項窗格檔案,請改用/Library/PreferencePanes 。)

Mac Preference Pane files as seen in Finder.

Locate the file representing the preference pane from which you’d like to extract an icon. It should have a recognizable name. For example, “PrintAndScan.prefPane” is the file for “Printers & Scanners,” and “SoftwareUpdate.prefPane” is the file for “Software Update.”

找到代表您要從中提取圖示的首選項窗格的檔案。 它應該具有可識別的名稱。 例如,“ PrintAndScan.prefPane”是“印表機和掃描器”的檔案,而“ SoftwareUpdate.prefPane”是“軟體更新”的檔案。

Each “.prefPane” file is actually a special type of folder called a “package.” We’re going to open up that package and see the resources inside.

每個“ .prefPane”檔案實際上都是一種特殊的資料夾,稱為“包”。 我們將開啟該程式包並檢視其中的資源。

Once you find the preference pane file, right-click it and select “Show Package Contents.”


Right-click the preference pane file and select "Show Package Contents."

The app package will open, and you’ll see a “Contents” folder. Open it, and within “Contents,” you’ll encounter several folders and files. Locate the “Resources” folder and open it.

該應用程式包將開啟,您將看到一個“目錄”資料夾。 開啟它,在“目錄”中,您將遇到幾個資料夾和檔案。 找到“資源”資料夾並開啟它。

In Finder on Mac, click the "Resources" folder.

Browse within the Resources folder and look for an “.icns” file with a similar name to the preference pane you’re examining. For example, “SoftwareUpdate.prefPane” includes a file called “SoftwareUpdate.icns.” This is an icon package file that contains different-sized icons for the prefernce pane. Double-click it, and it will open in Preview.

在“資源”資料夾中瀏覽,並查詢與您正在檢查的首選項窗格名稱相似的“ .icns”檔案。 例如,“ SoftwareUpdate.prefPane”包括一個名為“ SoftwareUpdate.icns”的檔案。 這是一個圖示包檔案,其中包含用於首選項窗格的不同大小的圖示。 雙擊它,它將在“預覽”中開啟。

In Finder on Mac, locate and click on the appropriate ICNS file.

In Preview, you’ll see that the “.icns” file includes icons in multiple sizes. The largest one will be at the top of the list in the pane on the left. Click to select it.

在“預覽”中,您將看到“ .icns”檔案包含多種尺寸的圖示。 最大的一個將在左側窗格的列表頂部。 單擊以選中它。

Click the largest icon in Preview on Mac.

Once you’ve selected the largest icon, click File > Export in the menu bar.


In Preview on Mac, select "Export" from the "File" menu.

When the Export dialog appears, enter a file name and choose a save location. Next, you’ll need to decide an image format. If you want the highest quality image with a transparent background, select “PNG” from the list. (Make sure the “Alpha” option is checked, because this ensures that the PNG will have a transparent background.)

出現“匯出”對話方塊時,輸入檔名並選擇一個儲存位置。 接下來,您需要確定影象格式。 如果要使用透明背景的最高質量影象,請從列表中選擇“ PNG”。 (確保選中“ Alpha”選項,因為這可以確保PNG具有透明背景。)

Then click “Save.”


While exporting from preview, enter the file name and click "Save."

Preview will save the icon you chose as a transparent PNG file. After that, close Preview, and you’ll find the new PNG file waiting where you saved it. Very handy!

預覽會將您選擇的圖示儲存為透明的PNG檔案。 之後,關閉“預覽”,您將在儲存新PNG檔案的地方找到它。 非常便利!

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/689770/how-to-extract-high-quality-system-preference-icons-on-a-mac/

mac系統u盤 系統圖標