1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >mysql中為表增加外來鍵_如何在Windows登錄檔中為位置新增書籤





The Windows Registry offers a treasure trove of possible tweaks for your PC, but it’s a complicated structure to work in. You can make things a little easier by bookmarking your favorite locations.


Adding favorites in the Registry is another of those super simple tips that people may have noticed, but rarely seem to make use of. As usual, we have to caution you about reading up on

working with the Registry if you’re new to it and backing up the Registry (and your computer) before making changes.

在登錄檔中新增收藏夾是人們可能已經注意到,但似乎很少使用的那些超級簡單的提示中的另一個。 和往常一樣,如果您不熟悉登錄檔,我們必須警告您有關如何使用登錄檔的資訊,並在進行更改之前備份登錄檔(和計算機)。

Fire upthe Registry Editor by hitting Start and typing “regedit.” Press Enter to open Registry Editorand give it permission to make changes to your PC.

通過單擊開始並鍵入“ regedit”來啟動登錄檔編輯器。 按Enter鍵開啟登錄檔編輯器,並授予其對PC進行更改的許可權。


Drill down to whatever Registry location you’re working with. To bookmark the location, just click the Favorites menu and then choose “Add to Favorites.”

深入到您正在使用的任何登錄檔位置。 要為位置新增書籤,只需單擊“收藏夾”選單,然後選擇“新增到收藏夾”。


In the Add to Favorites window, give your new bookmark a name and then click OK. Be sure to give it a name that means something to you and is indicative of the Registry location you’re saving. Registry Editor gives you no way to see just from the menu what location a Bookmark refers to. If you don’t remember, you’ll have to select the favorite to find out.

在“新增到收藏夾”視窗中,為新書籤命名,然後單擊“確定”。 確保給它起一個對您來說有意義的名稱,並表示您要儲存的登錄檔位置。 登錄檔編輯器使您無法僅從選單中檢視書籤所指的位置。 如果您不記得了,則必須選擇收藏夾以進行查詢。

scan for potentially unwanted programs. 掃描可能有害的程式

When you want to return to that location, choose your bookmarked location from the Favorites menu. Personally, I’ve found that the Favorites menu is not great for saving bookmarks for long term use unless you really do need to return to the same location over and over again. Instead, I use it as a temporary area for shortcuts for whatever I’m testing at the moment and then delete the bookmark when I’m done working with that value.

如果要返回該位置,請從“收藏夾”選單中選擇加書籤的位置。 就個人而言,我發現“收藏夾”選單不適用於儲存書籤以供長期使用,除非您確實需要一遍又一遍地返回相同的位置。 相反,我將其用作當前正在測試的快捷方式的臨時區域,然後在使用完該值後刪除書籤。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/251882/how-to-bookmark-locations-in-the-windows-registry/
