1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >roku能不能安裝軟體_如何重新排列Roku頻道圖示





The Roku Channel Store offers hundreds of video sources, not to mentionthe hidden channels you can find around the web. Keep adding things, and eventually you’ll have way more channels than you can navigate quickly. Isn’t there some way to move your favorites, like Netflix and PBS, toward the top?

Roku頻道商店提供了數百個視訊源,更不用說您可以在網上找到隱藏頻道。 不斷新增內容,最終您將擁有比快速導航更多的渠道。 是否沒有辦法將您的收藏夾(例如Netflix和PBS)移到頂部?

As it turns out, there is. I don’t blame you if you haven’t discovered it yet, though: it’s somewhat buried. First, navigate to the channel that you’d like to move.

事實證明,有。 但是,如果您還沒有發現它,我不會怪您:它有些隱蔽。 首先,導航至您要移動的頻道。


Once the channel you want to move is selected, hit the * button on your remote. This will bring up a window that looks like this:

選擇了要移動的頻道後,請按遙控器上的*按鈕。 這將開啟一個如下所示的視窗:


Select “Move Channel” and you’ll see arrows around the channel that you’re moving.



You can now move the channel wherever your like using your arrow keys; the channels surrounding it will move to make room.

現在,您可以使用箭頭鍵將頻道移動到任意位置。 它周圍的通道將移動以騰出空間。


Repeat this process until all of your channels are in the perfect order. If you’re like me, arranging things so that they’re just right will take a while, but it’s worth it. Enjoy, you neat freak you.

重複此過程,直到所有頻道都處於最佳狀態。 如果您像我一樣,安排一些事情以使它們正確,則需要一段時間,但這是值得的。 享受,你整齊的怪胎。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/288260/how-to-rearrange-your-roku-channel-icons/
