1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何在OS X中開啟或關閉滑鼠定位器

如何在OS X中開啟或關閉滑鼠定位器

OS X 10.11 El Capitan includes a new“mouse locator” feature. If you lose your mouse pointer, justshake the mouse or move your finger on the touch pad vigorously, and the mouse pointer willtemporarily grow very large so you can see it.

OS X 10.11 El Capitan包含一項新的“滑鼠定位器”功能。 如果丟失了滑鼠指標,只需搖動滑鼠或用力在觸控板上移動手指,滑鼠指標就會暫時變大,以便您可以看到它。

There’s a good use for this feature, and it’s somewhat surprising that Apple would put it in the Accessibility preferences, instead of somewhere perhaps more well traveled. Being able to find the mouse pointer amidst a busy background or a bunch of open windows and applications is definitely a big help, especially if you have multiple displays.

該功能有很好的用途,而且蘋果公司將其放在“輔助功能”首選項中,而不是在更易使用的地方,這令人感到有些驚訝。 能夠在繁忙的背景或開啟的視窗和應用程式中找到滑鼠指標絕對是一個很大的幫助,特別是如果您有多個顯示器。

However, there are times when you may be using your Mac, such as playing a game, where you may need to move the mouse rapidly. In a case such as this, you probably don’twant the mouse pointer enlarging. Still, there are others who may simply not want this feature for any reason whatsoever. In any event, you can disable it if you find it annoying.

但是,有時在使用Mac(例如玩遊戲)時,可能需要快速移動滑鼠。 在這種情況下,您可能不希望滑鼠指標放大。 儘管如此,仍有其他人可能出於任何原因根本不希望使用此功能。 無論如何,如果發現它令人討厭,可以將其禁用。

To do this, first open the System Preferences and then click on Accessibility.


In the Accessibility panel, make sure you click on “Display” and then you will see the option near the bottom “Shake mouse pointer to locate”. Simply uncheck the box next to this option and the feature will be disabled.

確保在“輔助功能”面板中單擊“顯示”,然後您將在底部的“搖動滑鼠指標以定位”附近看到該選項。 只需取消選中此選項旁邊的框,該功能將被禁用。

If you want to turn this feature back on at any time, simply return to the Accessibility preferences and check the box to re-enable it. In our experience, this feature isn’t bothersome or intrusive and while we don’t often tend to lose the mouse pointer, it’s still handy to have, just in case.

如果您想隨時重新啟用此功能,只需返回“輔助功能”首選項,然後選中相應的框以將其重新啟用。 根據我們的經驗,此功能並不麻煩或具有侵入性,儘管我們通常不會丟失滑鼠指標,但以防萬一,仍然很方便。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/245721/how-to-turn-the-mouse-locater-on-or-off-in-os-x/