1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >谷歌瀏覽如何記住視窗位置_如何使用Google Home記住東西的放置位置

谷歌瀏覽如何記住視窗位置_如何使用Google Home記住東西的放置位置



Google Home can help you remember important things, like where you put your passport or what your Wi-Fi password is. Here’s how use it to remember all the stuff you constantly forget.

Google Home可以幫助您記住重要的事情,例如您的護照放在哪裡或Wi-Fi密碼是什麼。 這是使用它來記住您經常忘記的所有內容的方法。

The new “remember” command lets you make verbal notes about specific things that you’re likely to forget. It works best for something that isn’t likely to change very often, like where you keep your social security card or your apartment’s gate code. You also probably shouldn’t use it for private info like credit card numbers, since anyone in the house (including guests) can access it.

新的“記住”命令使您可以對可能忘記的特定事物進行口頭記錄。 它最適用於不太經常更改的事情,例如您保留社會保險卡或公寓門密碼的位置。 您也可能不應該將其用於信用卡號之類的私人資訊,因為房屋中的任何人(包括客人)都可以使用它。

You don’t need to tweak any settings orenable a third-party service to use this feature. As long as your Google Home is connected to the internet—and it would be pretty useless otherwise—it should be updated and ready to go.

您無需調整任何設定或啟用第三方服務即可使用此功能。 只要您的Google Home連線到網際網路,否則它就毫無用處,應該對其進行更新並準備就緒。

First, you’ll need to give it something to remember. Start by saying “Ok Google, remember that I put my passport in a lock box”, for example.

首先,您需要給它一些東西要記住。 例如,首先說“ Ok Google,請記住我把護照放在鎖箱中”。

When you want to recall that information, ask for it by saying “Ok Google, where is my passport?”

當您想回想起這些資訊時,請說“ Ok Google,我的護照在哪裡?”以進行詢問。

Google will then read back everything you said before. Google seems to scan for keywords to pull up the relevant piece of information. For the above example, you can ask “where’s my passport?” or “where’s my lockbox?” and Google will pull up the same result (even though the second isn’t really answering the right question.)

然後,Google會讀回您之前說的所有內容。 Google似乎在搜尋關鍵字以獲取相關資訊。 對於上面的示例,您可以問“我的護照在哪裡?” 或“我的密碼箱在哪裡?” Google將會得出相同的結果(即使第二個並沒有真正回答正確的問題。)

This can sometimes result in a conflict if you use the same keywords in multiple places. For example, I added “Remember that my lockbox is in my closet.” I then asked “where is my lockbox?” and Google told me that my passport is in my lockbox. Usually this doesn’t cause a problem, but it’s probably best if you make each memory as unique as possible.

如果您在多個地方使用相同的關鍵字,有時可能會導致衝突。 例如,我添加了“記住我的密碼箱在壁櫥中”。 然後我問“我的密碼箱在哪裡?” Google告訴我我的護照在我的密碼箱裡。 通常這不會引起問題,但是最好使每個記憶體儘可能唯一。

If you want to remove something you asked Google to remember, you can ask Google to forget it. For example, “Ok Google, forget that my passport is in my lock box.”

如果您想刪除要求Google記住的內容,可以要求Google忘記它。 例如,“好吧,谷歌,忘記我的護照在我的密碼箱裡。”

In this case, you need to be pretty specific. If you say, “Ok Google, forget where my passport is,” Google won’t know how to help with that.

在這種情況下,您需要非常具體。 如果您說“確定Google,忘記我的護照在哪裡”,Google將不知道如何提供幫助。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/296552/how-to-use-google-home-to-remember-where-you-put-your-stuff/
