1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >api遊戲程式設計滑鼠選擇拖動_如何選擇合適的遊戲滑鼠




You don’t need a gaming mouse to play PC games—just about any mouse with two buttons and a wheel will play anythingyou want it to. But that’s no reason to deny yourself the wonderful variety of gaming mouse designs on the market. Agaming mouse won’t make you a pro, but it can give you a slight competitive advantage and make some games much more comfy and convenient to play.

您不需要遊戲滑鼠即可玩PC遊戲-幾乎任何帶有兩個按鈕的滑鼠都可以,滾輪可以播放您想要的任何內容。 但這並沒有理由否認自己市場上各種出色的遊戲滑鼠設計。 遊戲滑鼠不會使您成為專業人士,但是它可以為您帶來一點競爭優勢,並使某些遊戲更加舒適和便捷。

有什麼區別遊戲滑鼠和普通滑鼠的? (What Differentiatesa Gaming Mouse from a Regular Mouse?)

Gaming mice aren’t all that different from regular mice. Just about any design can be designated “for gaming,” and it doesn’t necessarily have to have a dozen extra buttons and an acid trip’s worth of flashing LED lights. But generally speaking, any gaming mouse worth considering for a purchase will have at least the two following characteristics: an advanced optical or laser sensor that allows for faster or more precise movements, and some degree of user customization.

遊戲滑鼠與普通滑鼠沒有什麼不同。 幾乎任何設計都可以被指定為“遊戲”,並且不一定必須有十幾個額外的按鈕和值得一遊的閃爍LED燈。 但是一般來說,任何值得考慮購買的遊戲滑鼠都將至少具有以下兩個特徵:先進的光學或鐳射感測器,可以更快或更精確地移動,以及一定程度的使用者自定義。

Gaming mice often feature extra buttons for the player’s thumb, on-the-fly adjustments to sensitivity and speed, extra-long cables, or even exotic functions like adjustable weights or button tension springs.


In addition,almost all gaming mice are wired, not wireless. This tends to be put down to “input lag,” which is a debatable advantage for USB input. Even a basic wireless mouse will only have an input delay of a few hundredths of a second, well below the threshold of most people’s reaction times (to say nothing of the similar delay for monitors and laptop screens). But real or not, the perceived advantage of a wired connection means that non-mobile wireless gaming mice are hard to find. Those gaming mice thatarewireless are marketed with custom, super-fast wireless connections, so they tend to beeven more expensive than regular models.

此外,幾乎所有遊戲滑鼠都是有線的,而不是無線的。 這往往歸結為“輸入滯後”,這對於USB輸入而言是值得商de的優勢。 即使是基本的無線滑鼠,輸入延遲也只有百分之幾秒,遠低於大多數人的React時間閾值(更不用說顯示器和膝上型電腦螢幕的類似延遲了)。 但是,無論是否真實,有線連線的優勢都意味著很難找到非移動無線遊戲滑鼠。 那些具有無線功能的遊戲滑鼠帶有定製的超快速無線連線,因此它們的價格往往比常規型號貴。

More expensive gaming mice generally have more bells and whistles than cheaper models, but that doesn’t mean that you’ll just get a better experience by spending more. Here’s what you should consider before you lay your money down on a new design.

與便宜的型號相比,更昂貴的遊戲滑鼠通常具有更多的花哨功能,但這並不意味著您只要花更多的錢就能獲得更好的體驗。 這是您在花錢購買新設計之前應考慮的事項。

瞭解你的握力風格 (Know Your Grip Style)

The kind of grip you use, specifically when you’re playing a PC game versus using a mouse for more mundane tasks, is important. While every player is different, you can generally separate the grips into three broad styles:

重要的是,您使用的握持方式非常重要,尤其是在玩PC遊戲時而不是使用滑鼠時。 儘管每個玩家都不盡相同,但通常可以將握把分為三種主要樣式:

Palm grip: a standard grip used by most players. Your fingers lay flat on the mouse buttons and yourentire palm rests on the body of the mouse.

掌握:大多數玩家使用的標準握把。 您的手指平放在滑鼠按鈕上,整個手掌放在滑鼠的身上。

Tip grip: only the tips of yourindex, middle, and ring fingers rest on the left, center (wheel), and mouse buttons, with yourpalm not touching the body of the mouse at all. Your thumb grips the side of the mouse.

尖端握持:只有食指,中指和無名指的尖端位於左側,中心(滾輪)和滑鼠按鈕上,手掌根本不會碰到滑鼠的身體。 您的拇指緊握滑鼠的側面。

Claw grip: a mix between the palm and tip grip styles. Yourpalm rests only on the back edge of the mouse, with your finger and thumb tips angled in towards the buttons.

爪抓握:手掌和尖端抓握樣式之間的混合。 您的手掌僅放在滑鼠的後邊緣,手指和拇指尖向按鈕方向傾斜。

Different grips can be more or less effective for different types of games, but it’s not a great idea to try and change your grip type intentionally. Simply use whatever grip feels right to you and lets you play well.

對於不同型別的遊戲,不同的握持效果可能或多或少有效,但是嘗試改變握持型別並不是一個好主意。 只需使用任何適合您的握力,即可讓您玩得開心。

However, different mice may favor different kinds of grips. Larger, wider mice are good for a more general palm grip—these usually assume at least some of your hand will be resting on the mousepad at all times. Short mice, without a large palm area and ideally with a lighter overall body, make maneuvering with a tip grip easier. Claw grip users appreciate relatively narrow mice with skinny, elongated primary buttons.

但是,不同的老鼠可能會喜歡不同的握把。 更大,更寬的滑鼠有利於更一般的手掌抓握-這些通常假設您至少有一部分手一直在擱在滑鼠墊上。 矮小的老鼠沒有較大的掌心區域,而且總體上較輕,因此可以輕鬆操縱尖端。 抓爪的使用者欣賞帶有細長細長主鈕的相對狹窄的老鼠。

軟體中的自定義 (The Customization’s in the Software)

Most dedicated gaming mice come with their own PC software, either as a stand-alone package or in a “suite” with compatibility for other gaming gear like keyboards and headsets. This software allows you to set up the lighting profile (not all that important), customize button assignments (useful, but usually available in individual games as well), and set DPI options. The latter is particularly important, since it allows you to change the sensitivity of the mouse for faster or more precise tracking—and some more advanced mice will even let you adjust this on-the-fly with mouse buttons.

大多數專用的遊戲滑鼠都以獨立包裝或“套件”的形式隨附了自己的PC軟體,該套件與其他遊戲裝置(如鍵盤和耳機)相容。 該軟體允許您設定照明配置檔案(不是很重要),自定義按鈕分配(很有用,但通常也可以在單個遊戲中使用)以及設定DPI選項。 後者特別重要,因為它允許您更改滑鼠的靈敏度以進行更快或更精確的跟蹤-某些更高階的滑鼠甚至可以讓您使用滑鼠按鈕即時調整此靈敏度。

Mouse software may also allow you to customizemacros for different buttons, make adjustments for specific mousepads, and set up custom button profiles for individual games. All gaming mouse software will handle all of these functions to a greater or lesser degree. A particularly useful tool is the ability to save profiles directly to the memory on a mouse itself, allowing it to be moved from PC to PC with its settings intact, no extra setup required. Note that Razer software does not offer local device memory profiles, unlike most modern “gaming” software packages.

滑鼠軟體還可以允許您自定義不同按鈕的巨集,為特定的滑鼠墊進行調整,以及為各個遊戲設定自定義按鈕配置檔案。 所有遊戲滑鼠軟體都將或多或少地處理所有這些功能。 一個特別有用的工具是能夠將配置檔案直接儲存到滑鼠本身的記憶體中的功能,從而可以在不更改設定的情況下將配置檔案從PC轉移到PC上,而無需進行其他設定。 請注意,與大多數現代“遊戲”軟體包不同,Razer軟體不提供本地裝置記憶體配置檔案。

不同型別的遊戲滑鼠 (The Different Types of Gaming Mice)

As PC gaming itself has become more complex, so too have PC gaming accessories. There are a few distinct subdivisions of gaming mice that we can take a look at, most of which have button designs and placements meant to aid in very specific types of games. Note that these subdivisions are independent of the body and grip styles mentioned above—a shooter mouse can be wide and low for a palm grip or skinny and shallow for a tip grip. So once you decide what type of gaming mouse to buy, be sure to look at our recommendations with grip type and software in mind.

隨著PC遊戲本身變得越來越複雜,PC遊戲配件也越來越複雜。 我們可以看一下游戲滑鼠的幾個細分部分,其中大多數具有按鈕設計和佈局,旨在幫助非常特定型別的遊戲。 請注意,這些細分與上面提到的身體和握把樣式無關,對於手掌握把,射擊滑鼠可以寬而低;對於尖端握把,射擊滑鼠可以窄而淺。 因此,一旦您決定購買哪種型別的遊戲滑鼠,請務必在牢記手柄型別和軟體的情況下檢視我們的建議。

射擊老鼠:快速而基本 (Shooter Mice: Fast and Basic)

This is the most common type of gaming mouse. Shooter mice use a conventional left button-mouse wheel-right button setup for primary input, mirroring most regular desktop gaming mice, plus two to three thumb buttons. In most first-person and third-person shooting games, these correspond to primary fire, weapon selection or zoom, secondary fire or iron sights, and grenade or melee actions, respectively.

這是最常見的遊戲滑鼠型別。 射擊滑鼠將常規的左鍵滑鼠-滾輪-右鍵設定用於主要輸入,以映象大多數常規的桌上型電腦遊戲滑鼠以及兩到三個拇指鍵。 在大多數第一人稱射擊遊戲和第三人稱射擊遊戲中,這些分別對應於主要射擊,武器選擇或變焦,次要射擊或鐵瞄準具以及手榴彈或近戰動作。

Shooter mice are relatively simple, allowing gamers to quickly adapt to all kinds of action games using only three fingers. In addition to DPI up and down buttons on more expensive models, some shooter mice have a precision or “sniper” button, which when depressed temporarily lowers the DPI for super-sensitive shots.

射擊滑鼠相對簡單,僅需三個手指即可讓遊戲玩家快速適應各種動作遊戲。 除了較昂貴型號的DPI向上和向下按鈕外,某些射擊滑鼠還具有精確或“狙擊”按鈕,當按下它們時,會暫時降低DPI以獲得超靈敏的射擊。

Examples of shooter mice include the Razer DeathAdder and Mamba, the Logitech G402and G502, the Corsair M65, and the SteelSeries Rival 300.

射擊老鼠的例子包括Razer DeathAdderMambaLogitech G402G502Corsair M65SteelSeries Rival 300

“ MOBA”或“ MMO”滑鼠:大按鍵 (“MOBA” or “MMO” Mice: Big on Buttons)

Massively multiplayer online games like World of Warcraft, strategy games like Age of Empires, and MOBA games like Noun of Other Noun League of Legends all have some common design elements: a bunch of very specific, very contextual skills that don’t necessarily need to be used all the time, but have to be activated quickly to stay competitive. Thus the “MMO” mouse was born, with a crazy 12-button grid just for the thumb.

像《魔獸世界》這樣的大型多人線上遊戲,《帝國時代》等戰略遊戲以及《其他名詞聯盟》中的Noba之類的MOBA遊戲都具有一些共同的設計元素:一堆非常具體的,非常相關的技能,不一定需要一直使用,但必須Swift啟用以保持競爭力。 這樣,“ MMO”滑鼠就誕生了,帶有瘋狂的12鍵網格,僅用於拇指。

MMO mice are excellent for games that benefit from a lot of custom-bound skills or unit groups. They take some getting used to for new players, not to mention a lot of setup for the ideal skills or units for each button. The smaller, harder-to-distinguish thumb buttons make them less ideal for faster-paced action and shooter games.

MMO滑鼠非常適合從大量自定義繫結技能或單位組中受益的遊戲。 他們需要一些時間來適應新玩家,更不用說為每個按鈕設定許多理想技能或單位了。 較小的,難以區分的拇指按鈕使其不適用於速度較快的動作和射擊遊戲。

Examples of shooter mice include the Razer Naga, the Logitech G600, the Corsair Scimitar, and the Roccat Nyth.

射擊老鼠的例子包括Razer Naga羅技G600Corsair ScimitarRoccat Nyth

雙足鼠:南爪的特選 (Ambidextrous Mice: Southpaw’s Special)

Most left-handed gamers—like yours truly—simply grin and bear it when it comes to mice, using our right hands just like our cruel anti-sinister oppressors. But for those who refuse to compromise, gaming hardware companiesdo offer a few lefty options—or, more often, ambidextrous options, with perfectly symmetrical bodies and buttons rather than bodies curved for the right hand. Most of these use a relatively simple shooter-style button layout with thumb buttons on both sides, with the assumption that players will disable the buttons for their off-hand. Some even come with replaceable blanks for unused buttons.

像您一樣,大多數慣用左手的遊戲者在使用滑鼠時,都會像咧著嘴笑一樣,用我們的右手咧開嘴,忍受它。 但是對於那些拒絕妥協的人,遊戲硬體公司確實提供了一些左撇子選項,或更常見的是靈巧選項,它們具有完全對稱的主體和按鈕,而不是為右手彎曲的主體。 其中大多數使用相對簡單的射擊風格的按鈕佈局,兩側均帶有拇指按鈕,並假設玩家將禁用副手按鈕。 有些甚至帶有未使用按鈕的可更換擋片。

Examples of ambidextrous mice include the Razer Abyssus and Diamondback, the Logitech G900 and G300s, the SteelSeries Sensei, and the Roccat Kova. In addition, the older version of the Razer DeathAdder is still offered in a true left-handed design.

靈巧小鼠的例項包括雷蛇ABYSSUS響尾蛇,所述羅技G900G300s ,所述SteelSeries的老師ROCCAT KOVA 。 此外,較舊版本的Razer DeathAdder仍採用真正的慣用左手設計

移動滑鼠:遊戲膝上型電腦的好伴侶 (MobileMice: Good Companions for Gaming Laptops)

For the gamer on the go, some manufacturers offer smaller, more portable versions of their mouse designs. While these are often wireless and much lighter than standard gaming mice, they also offer a specific advantage to gamers who prefer a tip grip style, as the smaller body can be more easily maneuvered while physically touching less of the mouse.

對於旅途中的遊戲玩家,一些製造商提供了更小巧,更輕便的滑鼠設計版本。 儘管它們通常是無線的,並且比標準的遊戲滑鼠更輕巧,但它們也為喜歡技巧性握持方式的遊戲玩家提供了特殊的優勢,因為可以更輕鬆地操縱較小的身體,而無需實際接觸到更少的滑鼠。

Examples of mobile gaming mice include the Razer Orochi andthe MadCatz RAT M.

移動遊戲滑鼠的示例包括Razer OrochiMadCatz RATM

雜種小鼠:萬事通 (HybridMice: Jacks of All Trades)

“Hybrid” gaming mice try to offer the best of all worlds, being flexible enough to work with any gaming genre without excelling at any particular task. These typically include more than the standard two “shooter” thumb buttons, but less than the elaborate “MMO” grids. Hybrids can be an interesting choice if you’re looking for something more flexible.

“混合”遊戲滑鼠試圖提供世界上最好的功能,足夠靈活,可以與任何遊戲型別一起使用,而不會在任何特定任務上表現出色。 這些通常包括比標準的兩個“射擊”拇指按鈕更多的內容,但少於精心設計的“ MMO”網格。 如果您正在尋找更靈活的東西,則混合動力車可能是一個有趣的選擇。

A few specific examples include the Razer Naga Hex V2, with its thumb wheel that more easily shifts between shooter and MOBA tasks, the Logitech G602 with its 2×3 grid of shooter-style buttons, the SteelSeries Rival 500 and 700 with unconventional grids, and most of the adjustable mouse designs from MadCatz, which are now veering into truly insane territory.

一些具體示例包括Razer Naga Hex V2 (其指輪可更輕鬆地在射擊和MOBA任務之間切換), Logitech G602(具有2×3射擊風格的按鈕網格), SteelSeries Rival 500700(具有非常規網格),以及MadCatz的大多數可調節滑鼠設計,它們現在正進入真正瘋狂的領域。

With all that in mind, you should be able to narrow down your search quite a bit. What kind of mouse are you looking for? What kind of grip do you use? Do you care about extra features like RGB lighting and on-device profiles, or will any software do the trick? The gaming mice market may seem huge, but once you whittle down the stuff that really matters, you should have an easy time finding the perfect one for you.

考慮到所有這些,您應該可以縮小搜尋範圍。 您在尋找哪種滑鼠? 您使用哪種握力? 您是否在意RGB照明和裝置配置檔案等額外功能,還是有任何軟體可以解決這個問題? 遊戲滑鼠市場看似龐大,但是一旦縮減了真正重要的內容,就應該輕而易舉地找到最適合自己的滑鼠。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/296949/how-to-choose-the-right-gaming-mouse/
