1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >alexa_當您的Alexa計時器關閉時如何閃爍色相燈




Alexa’s hands-free timers are one of the best reasons to own an Echo (or an Amazon Tap), but it would be nice if those timers gave you a visual indicator as well. Here’s how to set yourPhilips Hue lights to blink when your timer goes off.

Alexa的擴音計時器是擁有Echo(或Amazon Tap )的最佳理由之一,但是如果這些計時器也為您提供視覺指示器,那就太好了。 這是將計時器關閉時將Philips Hue指示燈設定為閃爍的方法。

For this, we’re going touse a service called IFTTT(If This Then That). If you haven’t used IFTTT before, check out our guide to getting started for info on how to create an account and connect apps. Then, come back here to create the necessary recipe.

為此,我們將使用一個稱為IFTTT的服務(如果做到了,那麼就做到了)。 如果您以前從未使用過IFTTT,

請檢視我們的入門指南,以獲取有關如何建立帳戶和連線應用程式的資訊。 然後,回到這裡建立必要的配方。

To do this, you’ll need to enable the Philips Hueand Amazon Alexa channels in IFTTT. We’ll demonstrate on the Philips Hue lights, but you may be able tocreate a similar recipe for other smart lights such asBelkin WeMo, or LIFX. For your convenience, we’ve already

created an applet using Philips Hue lights here, or you canfollow the steps below to make it foryourself.

為此,您需要在IFTTT中啟用Philips HueAmazon Alexa頻道。 我們將在Philips Hue燈上進行演示,但是您可以為其他智慧燈(例如Belkin WeMoLIFX)建立類似的配方。 為了您的方便,我們已經在此處使用Philips Hue燈建立了一個applet ,或者您可以按照以下步驟自行製作。

To get started, head to IFTTT’s home page and log in. Then, click your profile picture.


Next, click “New Applet.”


Click the word “this” highlighted in blue.

單擊以藍色突出顯示的單詞“ this”。

Search for “Amazon Alexa” in the list if you don’t see it already and click it.

如果還沒有找到,請在列表中搜索“ Amazon Alexa”,然後單擊它。

In the list of triggers, choose “Your Timer goes off.” This will handle countdown timerssuch as “set a timer for 30 minutes.” You can also use “Your Alarm goes off” for when you want to use an alarm for a specific timelike “set an alarm for 8:30PM.”

在觸發器列表中,選擇“您的計時器關閉”。 這將處理倒數計時器,例如“設定30分鐘的計時器”。 當您想在特定時間使用鬧鐘時,也可以使用“您的鬧鐘關閉”,例如“將鬧鐘設定為8:30 PM”。

Next, click the word “that” highlighted in blue.

接下來,單擊以藍色突出顯示的單詞“ that”。

Find or search for “Philips Hue” (or your preferred smart light, if you’re customize this applet) in the list and click on it.

在列表中查詢或搜尋“ Philips Hue”(如果您是自定義此小程式,則為首選的智慧燈),然後單擊它。

In the list of triggers, search for “Blink lights” and click on it. Note: the LIFX channel also has a blink action, but Wemo Lightingdoes not. If you’re customizing this applet for WeMo, you may need to substitute a dimmer or fade actioninstead of a blink.

在觸發器列表中,搜尋“閃爍燈”,然後單擊它。 注意:LIFX通道也有閃爍動作,但是Wemo Lighting沒有。 如果要為WeMo自定義此applet,則可能需要用調光或淡入淡出的動作來代替眨眼。

Click the dropdown menu and choose which lights you’d like to blink when your timer goes off. You can also choose to have allyour connected lights blink, if you tend to wanderbetween rooms when you use your timers.

點選下拉選單,然後選擇要在計時器關閉時閃爍的指示燈。 如果您在使用計時器時傾向於在房間之間徘徊,也可以選擇使所有連線的指示燈閃爍。

Finally, give your applet a name, then scroll down and click Finish.


From this point on, yourlights should blink whenever your Alexa timer goes off.IFTTT’s response time is usually very fast, so you shouldsee the lights blink at roughly the same time the timer goes off. However, keep in mind thatwith a third-party service and multiple devices like this, there’s always a slight chance thatthe Hue lightsmay not respond immediately. If you’re using a timer to keep track of something important, like food in the oven, you may still want to keep an eye onAlexa or the clock regardless.

從這時起,只要您的Alexa計時器關閉,您的燈光應閃爍。 IFTTT的響應時間通常非常快,因此您應該大致在定時器關閉的同時看到指示燈閃爍。 但是,請記住,通過第三方服務和類似的多種裝置,色相指示燈始終很少會立即響應。 如果您使用計時器跟蹤重要資訊,例如烤箱中的食物,則無論如何,您可能仍要關注Alexa或時鐘。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/299105/how-to-blink-your-hue-lights-when-your-alexa-timer-goes-off/
