1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >如何更新Apple Watch以觀看OS 2.0.1(或更高版本)

如何更新Apple Watch以觀看OS 2.0.1(或更高版本)

The new version of Apple’s watch operating system, Watch OS 2.0.1 is now available to the public and, thanks to a host of new features and improvements, an important upgrade for any Apple Watch user. Read on as we show you how to update your watch to the most current OS.

Apple手錶作業系統的新版本Watch OS 2.0.1現已向公眾提供,並且由於具有許多新功能和改進,對於任何Apple Watch使用者而言都是重要的升級。 請繼續閱讀,我們會向您展示如何將手錶更新到最新的作業系統。

Note:since we wrote this, Apple has released Watch OS 2.0.1 with more bugfixes, but you still use the same mechanism to update.

注意:自從我們撰寫本文以來,Apple已釋出了具有更多錯誤修正的Watch OS 2.0.1,但您仍使用相同的機制進行更新。

Watch OS 2.0的新功能 (What’s New In Watch OS 2.0)

In addition to various bug fixes and interface improvements the update to Watch OS 2.0 brings a host of new and improved features. You can read

check out the official Apple page here for copious photos and details, but we’ll give you a crash course summary here.

除了各種錯誤修復和介面改進之外,Watch OS 2.0的更新還帶來了許多新功能和改進功能。 您可以在此處閱讀Apple的官方頁面以獲取大量照片和詳細資訊,但我們將在此處為您提供速成課程摘要。

There’s new time-lapse watch faces of popular metropolises and wilderness locations from around the world (such as London and Mack Lake) as well as support for personal photos and photo albums. The complication system (e.g. the important information you want right on your watch face like the weather or your calendar) now supports direct interfacing with applications so apps can push information to you via the complication system. The complication calendar system now supports time-line-like scrolling via the watch’s crown dial so you can quickly scroll forward and backward through your calendar. The new update includes “nightstand mode” wherein you can plug the watch in and lay it on its side to use it like an alarm clock.

新增了延時攝影錶盤,這些手錶在世界各地的大都市和荒野地帶(例如倫敦和麥克湖),以及對個人照片和相簿的支援。 複雜系統(例如,您想要在錶盤上顯示的重要資訊,例如天氣或日曆)現在支援與應用程式直接介面,因此應用程式可以通過複雜系統將資訊推送給您。 複雜日曆系統現在支援通過錶冠錶盤進行類似時間線的滾動,因此您可以在日曆中快速前後滾動。 新的更新包括“床頭櫃模式”,您可以在其中插入手錶並將其放在側面以像鬧鐘一樣使用它。

While those are all great improvements the biggest improvement, by far and way, is the inclusion of a native app platform so that more applications can run directly on the watch (instead of just serving as a display for an app running on your phone). Running directly on the watch means faster response time and functionality in the absence of the companion iPhone.

這些都是巨大的改進,到目前為止,最大的改進是引入了本機應用程式平臺,以便更多應用程式可以直接在手錶上執行(而不僅僅是充當手機上執行的應用程式的顯示)。 在沒有隨附iPhone的情況下,直接在手錶上執行意味著更快的響應時間和功能。

There’s also a host of tweaks like improved Siri integration and improved Apple Pay functionality with support for additional cards. You can discover all that for yourself while playing with your freshly updated Apple Watch, so let’s get down to the process of updating it.

還有很多調整,例如改進的Siri整合和改進的Apple Pay功能以及對其他卡的支援。 您可以在使用剛更新的Apple Watch時自己發現所有這些,因此讓我們開始進行更新。

如何更新您的Apple Watch (How to Update your Apple Watch)

Before you sit down to update your Apple Watch to Watch OS 2.0 (or any newer version) you need to first check your iPhone is updated to iOS 9. You can check on your phone by navigating to Settings -> General -> About; if your device needs updating navigate to Settings -> General -> Software Update (or, alternatively, plug your device into a computer with iTunes installed and update it through iTunes).If you don’t update to iOS 9 then you cannot update to Watch OS 2.0 (and the Apple Watch app will simply report that your watch, at version 1.01, is up to date).

在坐下來將Apple Watch更新為Watch OS 2.0(或任何更新版本)之前,您需要首先檢查iPhone是否已更新到iOS9。可以通過導航到“設定”->“常規”->“關於”來檢查手機。 如果裝置需要更新,請導航至“設定”->“常規”->“軟體更新”(或者,將裝置插入安裝了iTunes的計算機,然後通過iTunes更新)。 如果您不更新至iOS 9,則無法更新至Watch OS 2.0(Apple Watch應用程式僅會報告您的手錶(版本1.01)是最新的)。

With your iPhone updated to iOS 9, launched the Apple Watch app on your iPhone and navigate to General -> Software Update. You’ll be given a summary of Watch OS 2.0 and a download link, as seen below.

將iPhone更新到iOS 9之後,在iPhone上啟動Apple Watch應用程式,然後導航至“常規”->“軟體更新”。 您將獲得Watch OS 2.0的摘要以及下載連結,如下所示。

The download is 512MB in size and can be downloaded in advance of the actual update operation. This means if you’re reading this without your Apple Watch on hand or you wish to update it later when you have more free time to focus on the project then you can download the update to your iPhone now but perform the actual update later. Regardless of when you plan on doing the upgrade you still need the update, however, so hit “Download and Install”. If you’re reading this article at the date of publication (right after the Watch OS 2.0 update launch) be prepared to wait. Although the download should only take a few minutes on a high-speed connection the demand on the Apple servers found us staring at a download timer with an estimated 5 hours remaining.

下載大小為512MB,可以在實際更新操作之前下載。 這意味著,如果您沒有手握Apple Watch來閱讀本文件,或者希望在有更多空閒時間專注於該專案時希望稍後進行更新,則可以立即將更新下載到iPhone,但稍後再進行實際更新。 無論計劃何時進行升級,仍然需要更新,因此請點選“下載並安裝”。 如果您在釋出之日(在Watch OS 2.0更新啟動之後)正在閱讀本文,請準備好等待。 儘管在高速連線上下載只需要幾分鐘,但蘋果伺服器的需求使我們盯著下載計時器,估計還有5個小時。

When you’re ready to apply the update you simply need to connect your Apple Watch to its charging cable and ensure it is in range of your iPhone, confirm on the watch itself you want the update, and the update will happen automatically with your Apple Watch rebooting several times during the upgrade process.

當您準備應用更新時,只需將Apple Watch連線到其充電線並確保它在iPhone的範圍內,請在手錶本身上確認您要更新,並且更新將隨Apple自動進行觀看升級過程中多次重啟。

That’s all there is to it! Once you’ve updated your Apple Watch it’s time to start playing with all the new features like the time lapse watch faces, expanded friends menu, and of course the native apps and enhanced complications.

這裡的所有都是它的! 更新Apple Watch之後,就可以開始使用所有新功能了,例如延時錶盤,擴充套件的好友選單,當然還有本機應用程式和增強的複雜性。

Have a pressing question about your Apple Watch or other wearable technology? Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to answer your question.

對您的Apple Watch或其他可穿戴技術有緊迫的疑問嗎? 向我們傳送電子郵件至[email protected],我們將盡力回答您的問題。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/229465/how-to-update-your-apple-watch-to-watch-os-2.0/