1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >谷歌瀏覽器搜尋框記錄_如何清除您的Google搜尋記錄




Google knows quite a lot about you based on your search history. That’s kind of the point of search, to learn about people and serve them relevant advertising. But fortunately, the company’s user-facing tools allow you to remove that knowledge at your leisure.

根據您的搜尋記錄,Google對您瞭解很多。 搜尋的目的就是了解人們併為他們提供相關的廣告。 但幸運的是,該公司面向使用者的工具使您可以隨意刪除這些知識。

  1. Open your browser and head tomyactivity.google.com.

  2. Click the menu in the upper left-hand corner of the page, and choose “Activity Controls” from the list.

  3. Under Web & App Activity, click “Manage Activity.” Click on the three-dots menu next to any individual session to delete those items, or the three-dots menu at the top to delete your entire history.

    在“網路與應用活動”下,單擊“管理活動”。 單擊任何單個會話旁邊的三點選單刪除這些專案,或單擊頂部的三點選單刪除整個歷史記錄。

History can be cleared in a total “clean slate” fashion, or individual entries can be deleted for those (ahem) delicate inquiries that you’d rather no one else know about. Here’s how to do both. (Note: You can also do some of this on Android

, as well, if you aren’t near a computer.)

可以以完全“乾淨的方式”清除歷史記錄,也可以刪除您不想讓其他人知道的那些(微妙的)細微查詢的單個條目。 這是兩者的方法。 (注意:如果您不在計算機旁,也可以在Android上執行某些操作。)

如何刪除您的整個搜尋歷史(加上其他資料) (How to Delete Your Entire Search History (Plus Other Stuff))

Your history with Google Search, along with all the other Google services you use like Android, the Chrome Browser, and YouTube, is stored in your My Activity page. Go to myactivity.google.com and you can see more or less everything you’ve done that Google knows about. Don’t worry, you’re the only user who has access to this stuff—Google anonymizes the data as it uses it to serve ads and analyze trends.

您在Google搜尋中的歷史記錄以及您使用的所有其他Google服務(例如Android,Chrome瀏覽器和YouTube)都儲存在“我的活動”頁面中。 轉到myactivity.google.com ,您可以或多或少地看到Google知道的所有操作。 不用擔心,您是唯一有權訪問此內容的使用者-Google會將資料用於廣告和分析趨勢時對其進行匿名處理。

To clear your history, click on the hamburger menu on the upper left-hand side of the myactivity.google.compage (that’s the three horizontal bars next to “Google”), then click “Activity Controls” in the side menu.

要清除您的歷史記錄,請點選myactivity.google.com頁面左上角的漢堡選單(這是“ Google”旁邊的三個水平條),然後單擊側面選單中的“活動控制元件”。

Under the first item, Web & App Activity, click “Manage Activity.” You’ll see all of the items you searched for, and if you use Android and Chrome with the account you’re signed into, all of the apps and websites you visited as well. They’re separated into “sessions,” grouped bits of activity based on time. It’s possible to delete these individually with the three-dot menus in the upper-right corner of each.

在第一項“ Web和應用程式活動”下,單擊“管理活動”。 您將看到搜尋到的所有專案,並且如果您使用已登入帳戶使用Android和Chrome,那麼還將訪問您訪問的所有應用程式和網站。 它們被分為“會話”,即根據時間對活動進行分組。 可以使用每個選單右上角的三點選單分別刪除它們。

To delete absolutely everything here, click the three-dot menu in the top blue bar, then click “Delete activity by.”


Fromthis page, you can delete all of your activity for all monitored searches, websites, and Android apps. Under “Delete by date,” select “All time.” You can leave the default “All products” selected, or choose only “Search” to delete just your Google search history.

在此頁面上,您可以刪除所有受監視的搜尋,網站和Android應用程式的所有活動。 在“按日期刪除”下,選擇“所有時間”。 您可以保留預設的“所有產品”處於選中狀態,或僅選擇“搜尋”以僅刪除您的Google搜尋歷史記錄。

如何刪除個人服務的活動 (How to Delete Your Activity for Individual Services)

Follow the instructions above, arriving at the “Delete activity by” section. But before clicking the “Delete” button, open the final drop-down menu. Here you can delete your search and usage data for a staggering amount of Google services. It’s a bit hard to see at once on the web, so here’s the full list:

按照上面的說明,到達“刪除活動依據”部分。 但是在單擊“刪除”按鈕之前,請開啟最終的下拉選單。 您可以在此處刪除大量Google服務的搜尋和使用情況資料。 很難一次在網上看到,所以這裡是完整列表:

  • Ads

  • Android

  • Assistant

  • Books

  • Chrome

  • Developers

  • Express

  • Finance

  • Google+

  • Help

  • Image Search

  • Maps

  • Maps Timeline

  • News

  • Play

  • Play Music

  • Search

  • Shopping


Note that the itemized list isn’t exactly straightforward. For example, if you performed a Google Search for “Couches” in the browser, but then clicked on “Images” for image-based results, you’ve left separate histories in both the standard Google SearchandGoogle Image Search. Some of Google’s services also don’t appear here, like YouTube (see below).

請注意,逐項列出的列表並非一目瞭然。 例如,如果您在瀏覽器中對“ Couches”執行了Google搜尋,但隨後單擊“影象”以獲取基於影象的結果,則您在標準Google搜尋Google Image Search中都留下了各自的歷史記錄。 Google的某些服務也未在此處顯示,例如YouTube(請參見下文)。

The date settings mentioned earlier can be used here, allowing users to select one or all services and delete by “Today,” “Yesterday,” “Last 7 days,” “Last 30 days,” “All time,” or a custom range of dates selected with the calendar tool.


When you’ve selected your date range and service, click “Delete” to clear out that particular history.


如何刪除單個搜尋項 (How to Delete Individual Search Items)

If there’s just one thing you want to delete, leaving the rest of your Google history intact, head back to the Google My Activity page, myactivity.google.com.


If you know the precise date and time of the search or activity you want to clear, you can find it on the reverse timeline on this page. You may need to click the “X items” under a timed session to expand the view. The timeline scrolls infinitely; you can just keep going to the bottom of the page for more results.

如果您知道要清除的搜尋或活動的確切日期和時間,則可以在此頁面的反向時間軸上找到它。 您可能需要在定時會話下單擊“ X個專案”以展開檢視。 時間軸無限滾動; 您可以繼續進入頁面底部以獲取更多結果。

To delete the full timed session, click the three-dot menu button at the top of the section, then “Delete.” To delete only a single entry, click “details” under the single item, then once again choose the three-dot menu and “delete.”

要刪除全時會話,請單擊該部分頂部的三點選單按鈕,然後單擊“刪除”。 要僅刪除單個條目,請單擊單個專案下的“詳細資訊”,然後再次選擇三點選單並單擊“刪除”。

If you don’t know the date of the item you want to get rid of, search for it using field at the top of the page. You can further narrow the results with the “Filter by date & product” option. Here you can select specific Google services and a date range to find whatever activity you want to delete. Once again, when you find it click the three-dot menu and then delete.

如果您不知道要刪除的商品的日期,請使用頁面頂部的欄位進行搜尋。 您可以使用“按日期和產品過濾”選項進一步縮小結果範圍。 您可以在此處選擇特定的Google服務和日期範圍,以查詢要刪除的任何活動。 再次找到它時,單擊三點選單,然後刪除。

如何刪除您的位置記錄,YouTube歷史記錄和語音活動 (How to Delete YourLocation History, YouTube History, and Voice Activity)

A few Google services aren’t included in the full deletion tools above. These are:

上面的完整刪除工具未包含一些Google服務。 這些是:

  • Location History

  • Device Information (Android and Chrome OS contacts, calendars, technical data, and certain app usage)

  • Voice & Audio History (“OK Google” searches and similar)

    語音和音訊歷史記錄(“ OK Google”搜尋等)
  • YouTube Search History

  • YouTube Watch History


To get to the deletion tools for these specific services, click the side-menu on myactivity.google.com again, then click “Activity Controls.” You’ll be takenback to the Google-wide management page, with a new card-style section for each service.

要使用這些特定服務的刪除工具,請再次單擊myactivity.google.com上的側面選單,然後單擊“活動控制元件”。 您將返回到Google範圍的管理頁面,其中每個服務都有一個新的卡片樣式部分。

The history for each of them can be turned on or off by clicking the blue toggle underneath the header image. Click “Manage” and you’ll be taken to another page…which is unfortunately a different page for each service.

通過單擊標題影象下方的藍色開關,可以開啟或關閉它們的歷史記錄。 單擊“管理”,您將轉到另一個頁面…不幸的是,每個服務的頁面都不相同。

For Location History, you’re taken to the page below. Click the settings icon (the gear logo) in the bottom-right corner, then “Delete all Location History.” You can also pause your location history with this menu.

對於“位置記錄”,您將轉到以下頁面。 點選右下角的設定圖示(齒輪徽標),然後點選“刪除所有位置記錄”。 您也可以使用此選單暫停位置記錄。

For the rest of the services on this list, the user interface is the same. Click “manage,” then on the next page click the three-dot menu in the upper right-hand corner. Click “Delete all” or “Delete activity by” depending on the service, which presents you with the same date range as the multi-service tool above.

對於此列表中的其餘服務,使用者介面相同。 單擊“管理”,然後在下一頁上單擊右上角的三點選單。 根據服務,單擊“全部刪除”或“刪除活動依據”,這將為您提供與上述多功能服務工具相同的日期範圍。

Remember that Google uses tracking on Search and all its other services to inform your personal search results, among other things. So if you’re systematically clearing out all of the historical data from your Google account. Don’t be surprised if your search results change significantly for the affected account.

請記住,除其他事項外,Google會對搜尋及其所有其他服務進行跟蹤,以告知您的個人搜尋結果。 因此,如果您要系統地清除Google帳戶中的所有歷史資料。 如果您的搜尋結果對受影響的帳戶有顯著變化,請不要感到驚訝。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/208751/how-to-delete-your-google-search-history-on-a-pc/
