1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >為什麼存在1366×768螢幕解析度?



If you tend to focus more on aspect ratios like 16:9 and 4:3 when thinking of screen resolution sizes, then you may find yourself wondering what it going on with the popular laptop screen resolution 1366×768. Today’s SuperUser Q&A post helps clear things up for a confused reader.

如果您在考慮螢幕解析度大小時傾向於將注意力集中在16:9和4:3之類的寬高比上,那麼您可能會想知道流行的膝上型電腦螢幕解析度為1366×768會怎樣。 今天的“超級使用者”問答文章有助於為困惑的讀者弄清一切。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“問答”環節由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一個分支,該社群是由社群驅動的Q&A網站分組。

Photo courtesy of Cheon Fong Liew (Flickr).

圖片由Cheon Fong Liew(Flickr)提供

問題 (
The Question)

SuperUser reader meed96 wants to know why the 1366×768 screen resolution exists:


I know that there is a previous question about this, but it does not have any real answers despite having been viewed 12,400 times (in addition to the fact that it has been closed). With that in mind:

我知道有一個關於此先前的問題,但是儘管已被檢視12400次(除了它已關閉),但它沒有任何實際答案。 考慮到這一點:

Why in the world is the screen resolution 1366×768 a real thing? It has an aspect ratio of 683:384, which is the weirdest thing I have ever heard of while living in a 16:9 world.

為什麼世界上螢幕解析度為1366×768是真實的東西? 它的長寬比為683:384,這是我生活在16:9的世界中所聽說過的最奇怪的事情。

All the screens and resolutions I am familiar with have been the 16:9 aspect ratio. My screen, 1920×1080, is 16:9. The 720 pixel size is 1280×720, which is also 16:9. The 4K size, 3840×2160, is also 16:9. Yet, 1366×768 is 683:384, a seemingly wild break from the standard.

我熟悉的所有螢幕和解析度都是16:9的寬高比。 我的螢幕是1920×1080,是16:9。 720畫素大小是1280×720,也就是16:9。 4K尺寸3840×2160也是16:9。 然而,1366×768是683:384,這似乎是對標準的瘋狂突破。

I know there are plenty of other resolutions all over the place, but 1366×768 seems to dominate most of the mid-priced laptop world and also seems unique to the laptop world. Why not use 1280×720 or something else as a standard for laptops?

我知道到處都有很多其他解析度,但是1366×768似乎在大多數中等價位膝上型電腦世界中占主導地位,並且似乎也是膝上型電腦世界所獨有的。 為什麼不使用1280×720或其他標準作為膝上型電腦的標準?

Why does the 1366×768 screen resolution exist?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributors mtone and piernov have the answer for us. First up, mtone:

超級使用者貢獻者mtone和piernov為我們找到了答案。 首先,mtone:

According to Wikipedia (emphasis mine):


  • The basis for this otherwise odd seeming resolution is similar to that of other “wide” standards – the line scan (refresh) rate of the well-established “XGA” standard (1024×768 pixels, 4:3 aspect) was extended to give square pixels on the increasingly popular 16:9 widescreen display ratio without having to effect major signalling changes other than a faster pixel clock, or manufacturing changes other than extending panel width by one third. As 768 does not divide exactly into the “9” size, the aspect ratio is not quite 16:9 – this would require a horizontal width of 1365.33 pixels. However, at only 0.05%, the resulting error is insignificant.

    這種看似奇怪的解析度的基礎類似於其他“寬”標準的解析度–完善的“ XGA”標準(1024×768畫素,長寬比為4:3)的線掃描(重新整理)速率得到了擴充套件正方形畫素在日益流行的16:9寬屏顯示比率上,而不必影響主要的訊號更改(除了更快的畫素時鐘以外)或製造方面的更改(除了將面板寬度擴充套件三分之一外)。 由於768不能完全劃分為“ 9”尺寸,因此寬高比不是16:9,這將需要1363.33畫素的水平寬度。 但是,只有0.05%的結果誤差不明顯。

Citations are not provided, but it is a reasonable explanation. It is the closest to 16:9 that they could get by keeping the 768 vertical resolution from 1024×768, which had been widely used for the manufacturing of early 4:3 LCD displays. Maybe that helped reduce costs.

沒有提供引文,但這是一個合理的解釋。 通過將768的垂直解析度保持在1024×768,可以最接近16:9的解析度,該解析度已被廣泛用於製造早期4:3 LCD顯示器。 也許這有助於降低成本。

Followed by the answer from piernov:


At the time the first computer wide-screens became popular, the usual resolution on 4:3 panels was 1024×768 (the XGA display standard). For simplicity and backward compatibility, the XGA resolution was kept as a basis when making the WXGA resolution (so that XGA graphics could be easily displayed on WXGA screens).

當第一臺計算機寬屏變得流行時,4:3面板上的通常解析度為1024×768(XGA顯示標準)。 為了簡單和向後相容,在制定WXGA解析度時,將XGA解析度作為基礎(以便XGA圖形可以輕鬆顯示在WXGA螢幕上)。

Just extending the width and keeping the same height was also simpler technically because you would only have to tweak the horizontal refresh rate timing to achieve it. However, the standard aspect ratio for wide displays was 16:9, which is not possible with 768 pixels, so the nearest value was chosen, 1366×768.

從技術上講,僅擴充套件寬度並保持相同的高度也比較簡單,因為您只需調整水平重新整理速率的時間即可實現。 但是,寬屏的標準寬高比是16:9,對於768畫素是不可能的,因此選擇了最接近的值1366×768。

WXGA can also refer to a 1360×768 resolution (and some others that are less common), which was made to reduce costs in integrated circuits. 1366×768 8-bit pixels would take just above 1-MiB to be stored (1024.5KiB), so that would not fit into an 8-Mbit memory chip and you would have to have a 16-Mbit memory chip just to store a few pixels. That is why something a bit lower that 1366 was chosen. Why 1360? Because you can divide it by 8 (or even 16) which is far simpler to handle when processing graphics (and could bring to optimized algorithms).

WXGA還可以引用1360×768解析度(以及一些其他較不常見的解析度),以降低積體電路的成本。 1366×768 8位畫素需要花費超過1-MiB才能儲存(1024.5KiB),因此它無法容納在8 Mbit的儲存晶片中,並且您必須擁有16 Mbit的儲存晶片才能儲存幾個畫素。 這就是為什麼選擇比1366低一些的原因。 為什麼是1360? 因為您可以將其除以8(甚至16),這在處理圖形時要容易得多(並且可以帶來優化的演算法)。

Make sure to read through the rest of the interesting discussion via the thread link below!


Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什麼補充說明嗎? 在評論中聽起來不錯。 是否想從其他精通Stack Exchange的使用者那裡獲得更多答案? 在此處檢視完整的討論執行緒

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/224657/why-does-the-1366x768-screen-resolution-exist/