1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >word文字校對工具_如何在Word中使用校對面板





Word 2013 now includes a new proofing panel. When you have a document open that contains spelling or grammatical errors, the Proofing icon on the status bar displays the “Proofing errors were found. Click to correct.” message when you move your mouse over it.

Word 2013現在包括一個新的校對面板。 當您開啟包含拼寫或語法錯誤的文件時,狀態列上的“校對”圖示將顯示“發現了校對錯誤”。 單擊以更正。” 當您將滑鼠移到該訊息上時。

On the left side of the Status Bar at the bottom of the Word window, a book icon displays. If there is an “x” on the icon, there are proofing errors (spelling and/or grammatical errors) in your document. Click the icon to open the Proofing Panel.

在Word視窗底部狀態列的左側,顯示一個書本圖示。 如果圖示上有“ x”,則說明文件中存在校對錯誤(拼寫和/或語法錯誤)。 單擊該圖示以開啟校樣面板。


Spelling errors are indicated with red, squiggly underlines.



The Proofing Panel displays to the right of the document showing the first error that occurs after the location of the cursor. If it’s a spelling error, the title of the panel is “Spelling”. Three buttons display at the top of the panel. Click “Ignore” to ignore the current error and move to the next one. If you want to ignore all occurrences of the current error in the document, click “Ignore All”. To accept the flagged word as spelled correctly and add it to the Office user dictionary, click “Add”. The word will not be flagged as an error again.

校對面板顯示在文件的右側,顯示在游標定位後發生的第一個錯誤。 如果是拼寫錯誤,則面板標題為“拼寫”。 面板頂部顯示三個按鈕。 單擊“忽略”忽略當前錯誤,然後移至下一個錯誤。 如果要忽略文件中所有當前出現的錯誤,請單擊“全部忽略”。 要接受正確拼寫的標記單詞並將其新增到Office使用者詞典中,請單擊“新增”。 該單詞將不再被標記為錯誤。

To accept a suggested correction, select it in the list and click “Change”. To accept a suggested correction and apply the change to all occurrences of this error in the document, select the correction in the list and click “Change All”.

要接受建議的更正,請在列表中選擇它,然後單擊“更改”。 要接受建議的更正並將更改應用於文件中所有出現此錯誤的位置,請在列表中選擇更正,然後單擊“全部更改”。

NOTE: When you click “Change”, Word automatically jumps to the next error in your document.



If you move the cursor to a different part of the document while the Proofing Panel is open, the “Resume” button displays. Click this button to continue looking for errors from the current cursor location.

如果在打樣面板開啟時將游標移動到文件的其他部分,則會顯示“恢復”按鈕。 單擊此按鈕繼續從當前游標位置查詢錯誤。


When you have corrected all the errors in the document, the following dialog box displays. Click “OK” to dismiss it.

更正了文件中的所有錯誤後,將顯示以下對話方塊。 單擊“確定”將其關閉。


When there are no spelling or grammatical errors in your document, a check mark displays on the book icon in the Status Bar and “No proofing errors” displays when you hover the mouse over the icon.



Grammatical errors are indicated with blue, squiggly underlines. The Proofing Panel also allows you to correct grammatical errors. When a grammatical error is found, the Proofing Panel is titled “Grammar”. Suggested corrections displays in the list with some helpful information (courtesy of Merriam-Webster). In our example, the definitions of “pear” and “pair” are provided.

語法錯誤用藍色彎曲的下劃線表示。 校對面板還允許您更正語法錯誤。 當發現語法錯誤時,校對面板的標題為“語法”。 建議的更正將顯示在列表中,其中包含一些有用的資訊(由Merriam-Webster提供)。 在我們的示例中,提供了“梨”和“對”的定義。

There may be times you want to leave the incorrect grammar alone, such as when you’re writing a story or book and your characters are talking using incorrect grammar. If you don’t want to correct the grammatical error, click “Ignore”. To accept a suggested correction, select the correction from the list and click “Change”. Again, Word jumps to the next error in the document.

有時候,您可能會想把不正確的語法放在一邊,例如當您寫一個故事或書而您的人物正在使用不正確的語法講話時。 如果您不想更正語法錯誤,請單擊“忽略”。 要接受建議的更正,請從列表中選擇更正,然後單擊“更改”。 同樣,Word跳至文件中的下一個錯誤。

NOTE: Word offers limited grammar checking. There may be some grammatical errors it will not recognize. It’s a good idea to read through your document before distributing it.

注意:Word提供有限的語法檢查。 可能會有些語法錯誤,無法識別。 在分發文件之前通讀文件是一個好主意。


To close the Proofing Panel, click the “X” button in the upper-right corner of the panel.

要關閉校樣面板​​,請單擊面板右上角的“ X”按鈕。


If you’ve ignored incorrect words or phrases that you now want to correct, you can easily find these errors again by telling Word to recheck the document. To do this, click the “File” tab.

如果您忽略了現在要糾正的錯誤單詞或短語,則可以通過告訴Word重新檢查文件來輕鬆地再次發現這些錯誤。 為此,請單擊“檔案”選項卡。


On the backstage screen, click “Options” in the list of items on the left.



On the “Word Options” dialog box, click “Proofing” in the list of items on the left.

在“ Word選項”對話方塊中,在左側的專案列表中單擊“校對”。


In the “When correcting spelling and grammar in Word” section, click the “Recheck Document” button.



A dialog box displays with the following warning:


“This operation resets the spelling checker and the grammar checker so that Word will recheck words and grammar you previously checked and chose to ignore. Do you want to continue?”

“此操作將重置拼寫檢查器和語法檢查器,以便Word將重新檢查您之前檢查並選擇忽略的單詞和語法。 你要繼續嗎?”

Click “Yes” to reset the spell checker so you can recheck errors you previously ignored.



The “Recheck Document” button is grayed out. Click “OK” to close the “Word Options” dialog box.

“重新檢查文件”按鈕顯示為灰色。 單擊“確定”關閉“ Word選項”對話方塊。


To recheck your document for spelling and grammatical errors, click the “Review” tab.



In the “Proofing” section, click “Spelling & Grammar”.



The “Spelling & Grammar” check starts and errors you previously ignored are found again, allowing you to correct them.


NOTE: You can also press F7 to open the Proofing pane and begin the spelling and grammar check.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/220333/how-to-use-the-proofing-panel-in-word/
