1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >鋼琴鍵盤excel_如何通過鍵盤在Excel中插入新行?





If you are a keyboard ninja, then you hate having to move your hands from the keyboard for any reason unless there is no other option. Today’s SuperUser Q&A post provides multiple ways to help a frustrated reader keep his hands on the keyboard while using Microsoft Excel.

如果您是鍵盤忍者,那麼除非有其他選擇,否則您不願意出於任何原因不得不將手從鍵盤上移開。 今天的SuperUser Q&A帖子提供了多種方法來幫助沮喪的讀者在使用Microsoft Excel時將手放在鍵盤上。

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

今天的“問答”環節由SuperUser提供,它是Stack Exchange的一個分支,該社群是由社群驅動的Q&A網站分組。

問題 (The Question)

SuperUser reader jstricker wants to know how to insert new rows in Excel using a keyboard instead of a mouse:


Right-clicking on a row and selecting insert is fairly time consuming. I would rather not have to take my hands off the keyboard. How can I insert a new row above my current row using only the keyboard? I am primarily interested in inserting a single row at a time, but would also be interested in answers that address inserting multiple rows at a time.

右鍵單擊一行並選擇插入非常耗時。 我寧願不必將手從鍵盤上移開。 如何僅使用鍵盤在當前行上方插入新行? 我主要對一次插入一行感興趣,但也對解決一次插入多行的回答感興趣。

Is there an easy way to insert new rows in Excel using a keyboard?


答案 (The Answer)

SuperUser contributors jstricker, ATG, KRyan, BillOer, and assylias have the answer for us. First up, jstricker:

超級使用者貢獻者jstricker,ATG,KRyan,BillOer和assylias為我們找到了答案。 首先,jstricker:

There are two options that I am aware of and both (unfortunately) require two steps.


Option 1


  1. With a single cell selected, hit Shift + Space to select the row.

    選擇單個單元格後,按Shift +空格鍵選擇該行。

  2. Hit Control + Shift + + (Plus Sign) to insert a row above the current row.

    點選Control + Shift + + (加號)在當前行上方插入一行。

Option 2


  1. With a single cell selected, hit Control + Shift + + (Plus Sign) to insert a row.

    選擇單個單元格後,按Control + Shift + + (加號)以插入一行。

  2. Hit Enter to accept the default of Shift Cells Down.

    點選Enter接受預設的Shifts Down鍵

If inserting many rows at once, I think the first option is the best since you can repeat the second step without having to re-select the row.


Followed by the answer from ATG:


The following keyboard shortcut will insert one row above the active cell’s row:


Press Alt + I (Insert), then press R (Row).

Alt + I (插入),然後按R ()。

On personal computers, use the Keyboard Right-Click Key to emulate a right-click on the current selection.


Additional note from ATG: Substituting C for R will insert a new column.


Then the answer from KRyan:


It is worth noting that this is a sequence, not necessarily keys to be pressed simultaneously (see answer from ATG above). You can type Alt, then I, then R and get the same effect.

值得注意的是,這是一個序列,不一定要同時按下這些鍵(請參見上面ATG的回答)。 您可以輸入Alt ,然後輸入I ,然後輸入R ,獲得相同的效果。

Followed by the answer from BillOer:


You can also select multiple rows and then right-click to insert rows, or you can insert one row and then use Ctrl + Y as many times as you need to insert rows. If you format your spreadsheet as a table, you do not even need to worry about copying your formulas.

您也可以選擇多行,然後右鍵單擊以插入行,或者可以插入一行,然後根據需要多次使用Ctrl + Y 。 如果將電子表格設定為表格格式,則無需擔心複製公式。

And our final answer from assylias:


On Windows I use:


  1. Shift + Space to select the current row.

    Shift +空格鍵選擇當前行。

  2. Keyboard Right-Click Key + I to insert a row.

    鍵盤右鍵單擊鍵+ I插入一行。

(*) The Keyboard Right-Click Key looks like this:



Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.

有什麼補充說明嗎? 在評論中聽起來不錯。 是否想從其他精通Stack Exchange的使用者那裡獲得更多答案? 在此處檢視完整的討論執行緒

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/208342/how-do-i-insert-a-new-row-in-excel-via-the-keyboard/
