1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >os x 啟動引導_什麼是OS X的啟動板以及它如何工作?

os x 啟動引導_什麼是OS X的啟動板以及它如何工作?

os x 啟動引導

os x 啟動引導

If you’re new to OS X, or even if you’re not and you’re simply used to pinning everything to the Dock, you might have wondered what Launchpad is, what it does, and how to use it.

如果您不熟悉OS X,或者即使您不熟悉OS X,而只是習慣於將所有內容都固定在Dock上,您可能會想知道Launchpad是什麼,它做什麼以及如何使用。

Launchpad, for lack of a better comparison, can be thought of as the OS X equivalent of the iOS home screen, which is how you launch iOS apps. Indeed, that’s exactly what Launchpadis, an app launcher and like itsiOS equivalent, it is similar in appearance and function. If you’re a traditional Windows user, you can think of Launchpad as a sort of Start screenthat you don’t have to use.

由於缺少更好的比較,因此可以將Launchpad視為與iOS主螢幕等效的OS X,這就是您啟動iOS應用程式的方式。 確實,這就是Launchpad,它是一個應用程式啟動器,與iOS等效,它的外觀和功能相似。 如果您是傳統的Windows使用者,則可以將Launchpad視為不需要使用的“開始”螢幕。

To open Launchpad, you can click on its Dock icon.


If you’re using an Apple laptop, pinch on the trackpad using three fingers and your thumb or use the designated Launchpad button on your keyboard (otherwise known as F4). Finally, if you’re a keyboard ninja, use Spotlight and type it!

如果您使用的是Apple膝上型電腦,請用三個手指和拇指捏住觸控板,或使用鍵盤上指定的啟動板按鈕(也稱為F4)。 最後,如果您是鍵盤忍者,請使用Spotlight並輸入!

Once open, you’ll see all your apps arrayed in neatrows of seven. You can move apps around and arrange them so they make better sense to you. Just click and grab an app icon and drag it to its new location.

開啟後,您將看到所有應用排列成七個整齊的行。 您可以移動應用程式並對其進行排列,以使它們對您更有意義。 只需單擊並抓住一個應用程式圖示並將其拖到新位置。

Note, at the bottom you see navigation dots. These are pages. To move between pages you can swipe left-right with two fingers on your trackpad, click the dot at the bottom of the page, or use “Command + left/rightarrow” on your keyboard.

請注意,在底部您會看到導航點。 這些是頁面。 要在頁面之間移動,您可以在觸控板上用兩根手指左右滑動,單擊頁面底部的點,或使用鍵盤上的“ Command +左/右箭頭”。

To launch an app you just click on the icon or use the arrow keys on your keyboard to navigate and “Enter” to launch. Remember, use left or right arrow to move around on a page, and “Command + arrow” to move between pages.

要啟動應用程式,只需單擊圖示或使用鍵盤上的箭頭鍵進行導航,然後使用“ Enter”鍵啟動。 請記住,使用向左或向右箭頭可在頁面上移動,而使用“ Command +箭頭”可在頁面之間移動。

If you’re looking for a specific app or group of apps, you can use the search feature at the top of the page. In this example, we display every Microsoft-centricapp on our system.

如果要查詢特定的應用程式或一組應用程式,則可以使用頁面頂部的搜尋功能。 在此示例中,我們在系統上顯示每個以Microsoft為中心的應用程式。

Any apps you install will automatically appear in Launchpad, and new apps installed from the Mac App Store get the sparkle treatment.

您安裝的所有應用程式都會自動出現在啟動板中,並且從Mac App Store安裝的新應用程式將獲得閃光處理。

You can uninstall any app that you install from the Mac App Store by clicking and holding the mouse button until the apps shake and a small X appears in the upper-left corner, just like on iOS. Clicking on that X will uninstall the app.

您可以通過以下方法從Mac App Store解除安裝任何已安裝的應用程式:單擊並按住滑鼠按鈕,直到這些應用程式搖動並且在左上角出現一個小X,就像在iOS上一樣。 單擊該X將解除安裝該應用程式。

Note, any apps that you install via the more traditional Mac method (mounting a .DMG file and then dragging the app to the Applications folder) will have to be uninstalled the same way (dragging from the Applications folder to the Trash). The ability to uninstall apps from Launchpad is a strictly Mac App Store perk.

請注意,通過更傳統的Mac方法(安裝.DMG檔案,然後將其拖到“應用程式”資料夾中)安裝的所有應用程式都必須以相同的方式解除安裝(從“應用程式”資料夾中拖動到“廢紙rash”)。 從Launchpad解除安裝應用程式的能力嚴格來說是Mac App Store的特權。

組織應用程式和建立組 (Organizing Apps and Creating Groups)

Over the course of your Mac’s lifespan, you’ll no doubt install dozens upon dozens of apps, and over time, you’ll have page upon page in Launchpad.


You can move apps around and organize them to whatever scheme works for you. Just click and drag the icon to another spot or page. If you want to create a separate page for just a few select apps, you can drag the icon over the last page and a new one will open. This works to an extent but can still be a bit unwieldy.

您可以移動應用程式並將其組織為適合您的方案。 只需單擊並將圖示拖動到其他位置或頁面。 如果只想為幾個選定的應用程式建立單獨的頁面,則可以將圖示拖到最後一頁上,然後會開啟一個新頁面。 這在一定程度上可行,但仍然有些笨拙。

Better yet, if you want to organize your apps into groups, you can consolidate space so your Launchpad doesn’t stretch for page after page. To create a new app group (Apple calls them Launchpad Folders), simply drag one icon on top of another. The apps will be merged and you can click the title to change it to whatever you want.

更好的是,如果您希望將應用程式分組,可以合併空間,這樣啟動板就不會一頁一頁地伸展。 要建立一個新的應用程式組(Apple稱為Launchpad Folders),只需將一個圖示拖到另一個圖示上即可。 這些應用程式將合併,您可以單擊標題將其更改為所需的名稱。

To disband an app group, you’ll need to drag each icon out of it.


If you want to close out of of Launchpad, you can press “Escape” or tap the Launchpad key on your keyboard. You can also click anywhere outside of an app icon, use the app switcher, or pinch out on your trackpad using your three fingers and thumb.

如果要關閉啟動板,則可以按“ Escape”或點選鍵盤上的啟動板鍵。 您還可以單擊應用程式圖示之外的任何位置,使用應用程式切換器,或用三個手指和拇指在觸控板上捏合。

Using Launchpad can be a cleaner, more efficient way to launch apps than simply pinning every last oneto your Dock, or using the Applications folder. It’s probably not as quick as using Spotlight, but for users who prefer to navigate by mouse, or for those who are routine iOS users, Launchpad may feel a great deal more familiar and comfortable.

使用啟動板比將每個最後一個固定到Dock或使用“應用程式”資料夾更簡單,更有效地啟動應用程式。 它可能不如使用Spotlight快,但是對於喜歡使用滑鼠進行導航的使用者或對於常規iOS使用者而言,Launchpad可能會感覺更加熟悉和舒適。

Do you use Launchpad regularly? Do you have anytips or tricks to add? We invite your feedback in our discussion forum.

您是否定期使用啟動板? 您有補充的提示或技巧嗎? 我們邀請您在我們的討論論壇中提供反饋。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/207935/what-is-os-xs-launchpad-and-how-does-it-work/

os x 啟動引導