1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >minecraft mod_如何安裝Minecraft Mod以自定義遊戲

minecraft mod_如何安裝Minecraft Mod以自定義遊戲

minecraft mod

minecraft mod

On its own Minecraft is an awesome game you can lose yourself in for days upon days. With mods installed, Minecraft is the kind of game you can play for years as you can continually reinvent the game with new layers of complexity and content.

Minecraft本身就是一款很棒的遊戲,您可能會日復一日迷失自己。 安裝了mod後,《我的世界》是您可以玩多年


為什麼選擇Mod Minecraft? (Why Mod Minecraft?)

Mods allow you to do everything from enhance the vanilla Minecraft experience by rendering the graphics more smoothly and adding in minor enhancements (like an on-screen navigation map), to completely overhauling the game to have extra items, different mobs, and even different game mechanics.


Even if you have no desire whatsoever to greatly alter the vanilla Minecraft experience, we’re still going to urge you to mod your game. Mods like Optifine do nothing to change the basic game mechanics but radically improve the graphics rendering on even beefy computers, and add-ons like shaders also preserve the game mechanics but turn Minecraft from an 8-bit experience to a beautiful 3D one. There’s a mod to help everyone from the diehard purist to the game-overhauler.

即使您不希望大大改變香草Minecraft的體驗,我們仍然會敦促您修改遊戲。 諸如Optifine之類的Mod並不能改變基本的遊戲機制,但可以從根本上改善甚至強大計算機上的圖形渲染,並且諸如著色器之類的附加元件還可以保留遊戲機制,但可以將Minecraft從8位體驗轉變為精美的3D體驗。 有一個mod可以幫助從頑固的純粹主義者到遊戲大修者的每個人。

Before we proceed, we do want to emphasize the importance of a good backup. Unlike resource packs, modifications actually changes the game. While 99 percentof the time this change is good and introduces super awesome new features to Minecraft, very rarely you can corrupt something, permanently alter a game world you’ve been working on, or otherwise have an unpleasant experience.

在繼續之前,我們確實要強調良好備份的重要性。 與資源包不同,修改實際上改變了遊戲。 儘管這種更改有99%的時間是不錯的,並且為Minecraft引入了超棒的新功能,但極少數情況下您會破壞某些東西,永久更改您一直在從事的遊戲世界,或者體驗不愉快。

As such, we strongly recommend fully backing up your Minecraft directory or at minimum, your game worlds, before proceeding. Refer toour guide to backing up Minecraftfor the full rundown on how to back up your game.

因此,我們強烈建議您在繼續操作之前,完整備份您的Minecraft目錄或至少備份您的遊戲世界。 有關如何備份遊戲的完整內容,請參考我們的Minecraft備份指南

That caution aside (although we’ve never had a problem running mods, we insist on good backup procedures) it’s time to dig right in to experimenting with Minecraft mods.

除了這個警告(儘管我們從來沒有遇到過執行mod的問題,但我們堅持使用良好的備份程式),現在該深入研究Minecraft mod了。

Also worth noting, before we proceed, is that there is presently no mod loader system for Minecraft Pocket Edition or Minecraft Console Edition. There could in theory, be a mod loader in the future for PE, but it’s highly improbable there will ever be a mod system for consoles outside of an officially developed one.

同樣值得注意的是,在我們繼續之前,目前還沒有針對Minecraft Pocket Edition或Minecraft Console Edition的mod loader系統。 從理論上講,將來在PE上會有一個mod loader,但是在官方開發的遊戲機之外永遠不可能有用於mods的mod系統。

什麼是Mod載入程式,我需要什麼? (What Are Mod Loaders and What Do I Need?)

We’ve bandied the phrase mod and “mod loader” around a few times already in this tutorial. Let’s clear things up before we move on.

在本教程中,我們已經對短語mod和“ mod loader”進行了多次命名。 在繼續之前,讓我們先清理一下。

In broad game terms, a “mod” is anything that modifies a game although it is typically reserved for things that modify the game code beyond superficial changes. Changing your Minecraft skin or even retexturing the in-game blocks and mobs isn’t usually referred to as modding but as retexturing or reskinning the game because you haven’t changed any actual gameplay elements— the mobs aren’t harder, there are no new weapons, there aren’t any extra levels, etc.

用廣義的遊戲術語來說,“修改”是指可以修改遊戲的任何內容,儘管通常只保留用於修改遊戲程式碼的內容,而不僅僅是表面的更改。 改變Minecraft的面板,甚至重塑遊戲中的方塊和小怪的紋理通常不稱為改裝,而是重塑遊戲或重新賦予遊戲面板的外觀,因為您沒有改變任何實際的遊戲元素-小怪並不難,沒有新武器,沒有任何額外的關卡,等等。

Forge is both a mod and mod loader simultaneously. It modifies the game in order to provide a standardized API for other mods. Forge by itself does absolutely nothing to change the game. If you just install Forge and play the game you’ll experience nothing different than if you had left the game completely vanilla. What Forge does behind the scenes, is create an interface that mod designers can use to plug their modifications into the Minecraft game engine.

Forge同時是mod和mod loader。 它修改了遊戲,以便為其他mod提供標準化的API。 偽造本身絕對不會改變遊戲規則。 如果您只是安裝Forge並玩遊戲,那麼您將體驗完全不同於原始遊戲的體驗。 Forge在幕後所做的是建立一個介面,mod設計師可以使用該介面將其修改內容插入Minecraft遊戲引擎。

Although Forge is the primary mod loader used by the Minecraft modding community, there is also a small secondary loader that is used for a handful of very cool client-side mods. Liteloader is, as its name implies, a very light mod loader that some mods and game overhaul packages require in order to apply all their modifications and settings. Since Minecraft 1.6.4, it has been possible to chain your installations of Forge and Liteloader to use mods for both systems successfully side-by-side.

儘管Forge是Minecraft改裝社群使用的主要Mod載入器,但還有一個小型輔助載入器,可用於少數非常酷的客戶端Mod。 顧名思義,Liteloader是一種非常輕便的mod載入器,某些mod和遊戲大修包需要使用它們才能應用其所有修改和設定。 從Minecraft 1.6.4開始,就可以將您的Forge和Liteloader安裝連結在一起,以便成功並排使用兩個系統的mod。

We’re focused on Forge because 99 percentof Minecraft mods use it. Liteloader is great, but unless you run into a specific mod you want that relies on it, it’s typically unnecessary to install it.

我們專注於Forge,因為99%的Minecraft mod都使用它。 Liteloader很棒,但是除非您遇到想要依賴它的特定mod,否則通常無需安裝它。

改裝有不利之處嗎? (Are There Any Downsides To Modding?)

At this point we’ve been talking modding up pretty hard (and sincerely so as we do love a well modded Minecraft game), but if you’re a cautious person (you should cautious when messing around with your computer and software), you’re surely curious if there are any true risks involved.


After years of modding Minecraft, we’ve never had any serious issues with anything and the chance of anything catastrophic happening to your game is very slim, and the chance of anything happening to your computer is nonexistent.


One thing we will caution is that Minecraft gets very unhappy if you willy-nilly switch a world between a modded and unmodded state, especially when the mods inject major changes into the game. As a simple example: let’s say you install a mod that adds new building blocks and you build a castle out of those blocks. Further, let’s say you completely decorate that castle with vanilla game items like picture frames, chests, and torches. If you take that map and load it in a vanilla game where those mod-added block values correspond to nothing, your castle will literally vanish and all your decorations will be sitting in piles on the dirt you built the castle upon.

我們要提醒的一件事是,如果您隨意地在已修改狀態和未修改狀態之間切換世界,尤其是當mod向遊戲中注入重大更改時,Minecraft將會非常不高興。 舉一個簡單的例子:假設您安裝了一個新增新構建塊的mod,然後用這些塊構建了一個城堡。 此外,假設您用香草遊戲物品(如相框,箱子和火把)完全裝飾了這座城堡。 如果您獲取該地圖並將其載入到原始遊戲中,而這些遊戲中添加了mod的塊值什麼都沒有對應,那麼您的城堡實際上將消失,並且您所有的裝飾都將堆放在您建造城堡的土地上。

In that regard, the biggest risk that comes with modding isn’t screwing up your computer or anything that grave, but in screwing up your creations. In an upcoming Minecraft lesson we’re going to explore some great techniques for keeping all your mods sorted and how to keep your modded worlds from colliding or worse, imploding. In the meantime, however, just know that you need to always load a world with the same mods lest you remove or break elements (like those castle blocks) that require the modded components.

在這方面,改裝帶來的最大風險不是破壞您的計算機或任何嚴重的東西,而是破壞您的創作。 在即將到來的Minecraft課程中,我們將探索一些出色的技術,以使您的所有mod保持排序,以及如何防止Moded世界碰撞或惡化。 但是,與此同時,只需知道您需要始終使用相同的mod載入世界,以免您刪除或破壞需要經過修改的元件的元素(如那些城堡塊)。

There are two other “risks” worth looking at. One, mods (and Forge itself) tend to trail behind the current release of Minecraft. If you find a mod you love, and we’re sure you will, you’ll oftentimes find yourself playing an older version of Minecraft longer (and potentially missing out on future bug fixes and new features) simply because you can’t bear to part with your favorite mod.

還有另外兩個值得關注的“風險”。 第一,mod(以及Forge本身)往往落後於最新版本的Minecraft。 如果您確定自己喜歡的Mod,並且我們確定會的,那麼您經常會發現自己玩Minecraft的較舊版本的時間更長(並且可能會錯過以後的錯誤修復和新功能),只是因為您不願意與您最喜歡的國防部一起。

Two, you’re probably going to get addicted to cool mods and messing around with mods will likely (for a time anyway) consume as much time as actually playing the game. That’s a small price to enjoy a radically expanded game experience though, right?

第二,您可能會沉迷於酷炫的mod,而弄亂mod可能會(無論如何都是一段時間)消耗與實際玩遊戲一樣多的時間。 不過,這是享受大幅擴充套件的遊戲體驗的小价格,對嗎?

On a more serious note, follow these modding rules and you should avoid nearly any trouble you might encounter:


  • Backup when you start and backup before any major changes or new mods.

  • Only load mods that match your Minecraft version. While a 1.7.2 mod might still work fine on Minecraft 1.7.9 there’s no way a 1.6.x mod will work on a 1.7.x game and vice versa; crashes are guaranteed.

    只加載與您的Minecraft版本匹配的mod。 雖然1.7.2模組在Minecraft 1.7.9上仍然可以正常工作,但1.6.x模組無法在1.7.x遊戲上正常執行,反之亦然。 崩潰是有保證的。
  • Never download an executable mod installer unless the mod is expressly vouched for on the official Minecraft forums or another very trusted source, and certainly not from the first random search results you come across.


By following these three simple rules, you’ll effectively avoid just about every modding pitfall out there.


在哪裡可以找到Mod? (Where to Find Mods?)

We’re going to spend more than a few lessons focused on mods of all stripes, but before we do it’s only fair to show you the best places to get mods so you get a head start exploring and getting excited about modding!


The Official Minecraft Forums: Just like with the resource packs, the ultimate authority and the place to find the most updated stuff is the official forums. The Minecraft Mapping and Modding forum is bustling and full of mods of all sizes. Rare is the mod that isn’t announced and play tested here first, then later added to the mod archive sites we’re about to list.

官方Minecraft論壇:就像資源包一樣,官方論壇是最終的權威和找到最新資訊的地方。 Minecraft製圖和改裝論壇非常熱鬧,幷包含各種尺寸的模組。 稀有是未宣佈的模組,首先在這裡進行測試,然後再新增到我們將要列出的模組存檔站點中。

Planet Minecraft: Is there anything Minecraft-related the folks over at Planet Minecraft aren’t cataloging? They’re good for skins, resource packs, server listings, and of course, mods. You can sort by new, what’s hot, most popular, most looked at, and the most downloaded, as well as by category and game version.

Planet MinecraftPlanet Minecraft的人們是否沒有與Minecraft相關的目錄? 它們非常適合面板,資源包,伺服器列表,當然還有mod。 您可以按照最新,最熱門,最受歡迎,關注最多和下載最多的類別以及類別和遊戲版本進行分類。

They also have a real handy “completion” meter that mod authors can fill in to give you a sense of whether or not the mod is a work in progress (that you’ll be essentially play testing for better or worse), or a completed project. Don’t let the completion rating put you off by the way, some of these modders are just perfectionists and 70 percentdone is still pretty darn cool.

他們還提供了一個真正方便的“完成”表,mod的作者可以填寫該表,以使您瞭解該mod是正在進行中的工作(實際上是對遊戲的好壞進行測試)還是已完成專案。 不要讓完成率讓您失望,這些修改器中的一些只是完美主義者,而完成的70%仍然相當不錯。

MinecraftMods: It’s not the flashiest or most in-depth site around, but we’ve had great luck finding some neat mods just meandering around looking in the simple categories here.

MinecraftMods :它不是最華麗或最深入的站點,但我們很幸運能找到一些整潔的mod,它們只是在這裡的簡單類別中徘徊。

安裝Forge Mod Loader (Installing Forge Mod Loader)

The official Forge website is a large discussion forum and file storage for the Forge community. You can use Forge without registering for the discussion forum but in the rare case that you run into a problem that can’t be solved by searching the numerous posts, you can start your own discussion topic with a registered account.

Forge官方網站是Forge社群的大型論壇檔案儲存區。 您可以在不註冊討論論壇的情況下使用Forge,但在極少數情況下,如果遇到無法通過搜尋大量帖子解決的問題,則可以使用註冊帳戶開始自己的討論主題。

For our purposes, we’re going to jump right into installing the mod loader. As of this tutorialthe current version of Forge is 10.13.0.x for Minecraft release 1.7.10. Barring running into problems with the most current release or purposely using an older version of Minecraft in order to use older mods (like 1.6-era mods that haven’t been updated), there’s typically no reason to use a less-than-current version of Forge.

為了我們的目的,我們將直接安裝mod loader。 截至本教程為止,適用於Minecraft 1.7.10的Forge當前版本為10.13.0.x。 除非遇到最新版本的問題,或者故意使用較舊版本的Minecraft以便使用較舊的mod(例如尚未更新的1.6時代的mod),通常沒有理由使用低於當前版本的版本的偽造。

Go ahead and visit the Forge file repository and grab the current edition. You’ll notice that you can grab either an installer JAR file, a Windows .EXE installer, or a universal JAR file. Although we’ve cautioned you against wantonly downloading executable files because of the sheer number of scam Minecraft sites out there, it’s okay to use the installation executable in this case, and it’s much easier than manually editing JAR files to insert the mod.

繼續並訪問Forge檔案儲存庫並獲取當前版本。 您會注意到,您可以獲取安裝程式JAR檔案,Windows .EXE安裝程式或通用JAR檔案。 儘管我們已經警告您不要因為大量的騙局Minecraft網站而大肆下載可執行檔案,但是在這種情況下可以使用安裝可執行檔案,並且比手動編輯JAR檔案插入mod容易得多。

Once you’ve downloaded the installer, go ahead and run it, just make sure you’re not running Minecraft of the Minecraft loader when you run the installer.


You’ll be given three options: install client, install server, or extract. We’re interested, at this point in the modding process, in installing the client mod loader. Select “Install client” and ensure that the directory listing in the path box is the path to the Minecraft profile directory you want.

您將獲得三個選擇:安裝客戶端,安裝伺服器或解壓縮。 在更改過程的這一點上,我們有興趣安裝客戶端mod loader。 選擇“安裝客戶端”,並確保路徑框中列出的目錄是所需Minecraft配置檔案目錄的路徑。

The loader will grab files from the file repository and then announce a successful installation. Don’t be surprised if Windows pops up a program compatibility inquiry window and asks if the program installed correctly, the Forge installer confuses it a bit.

載入程式將從檔案儲存庫中獲取檔案,然後宣佈安裝成功。 如果Windows彈出程式相容性查詢視窗並詢問該程式是否正確安裝,Forge安裝程式會使其感到困惑,請不要感到驚訝。

After installation, you need to run the Minecraft Launcher and select the “Forge” profile:

安裝後,您需要執行Minecraft Launcher並選擇“ Forge”配置檔案:

Click “Play” and launch Minecraft. You do not need to actually play the game. You do need to successfully launch the game and check the main menu, though.

單擊“播放”並啟動Minecraft。 您不需要實際玩遊戲。 不過,您確實需要成功啟動遊戲並檢查主選單。

In a regular vanilla Minecraft install, there will only be one bit of text in the lower left corner: the game name and the version number. In a Forge-modded version of Minecraft there will be the game name and version plus four additional lines: the Minecraft Coder Pack, Forge Mod Loader, and Minecraft Forge version numbers plus the number of mods loaded and the number of mods active.

在常規的Minecraft常規安裝中,左下角只有一點文字:遊戲名稱和版本號。 在Minecraft的Forge修改版本中,會有遊戲名稱和版本以及四行附加內容:Minecraft編碼器包,Forge Mod載入程式和Minecraft Forge版本號加上已載入的mod數量和啟用的mod數量。

In addition to that, the “Minecraft Realms” button is reduced in size and paired with a new button “Mods.” If you click on the Mods button you’ll see all the installed mods (active or inactive).

除此之外,“ Minecraft Realms”按鈕的尺寸減小了,並與新按鈕“ Mods”配對。 如果單擊“ Mods”按鈕,您將看到所有已安裝的Mod(活動或非活動)。

On the left-hand side you’ll see all your mods. On the right hand side you’ll see a description of the mod that helps clarify what it does and often includes instructions. In addition there is a “Config” button and a “Disable” button under the mod list.

在左側,您會看到所有的mod。 在右側,您會看到該mod的描述,該描述有助於弄清它的功能,並且通常包括說明。 此外,mod列表下方還有一個“ Config”按鈕和一個“ Disable”按鈕。

The three default mods: Minecraft Coder Pack, Forge Mod Loader, and Minecraft Forge are core mods and cannot be disabled. Other mods can be toggled on and off. The “Config” button allows you to, when applicable, configure mod-specific settings. We’d strongly advise against making any changes to any of the core mods unless a very specific error or error log combined with research on the Forge forums leads you to a very specific configuration solution. The options are very arcane and in our years of modding we’ve never had to change even one of them.

這三個預設Mod:Minecraft Coder Pack,Forge Mod Loader和Minecraft Forge是核心Mod,無法禁用。 其他mod可以開啟和關閉。 如果適用,“配置”按鈕允許您配置特定於mod的設定。 我們強烈建議您不要對任何核心模組進行任何更改,除非非常具體的錯誤或錯誤日誌與Forge論壇上的研究相結合會為您提供非常具體的配置解決方案。 這些選項非常神祕,在我們進行改裝的這些年中,我們甚至不必更改其中之一。

In addition to simply confirming that Forge works properly by running it immediately after installation (and before attempting to install any mods) we also allowed Forge to do a little housekeeping (moving various files, creating directories, etc.).


安裝第一個Mod (Installing Your First Mod)

Installation confirmed, it’s time to install our first mod. While it’s tempting turn yourself into a My Little Pony, grab a Portal Gun, or radically expand your choice of in-game blocks right off the bat, we’re going to steer you toward installing the one mod that everyone (regardless of their love of Portal or My Little Pony) should install: Optifine.

安裝確認,是時候安裝我們的第一個mod。 雖然誘人將自己變成My Little Pony,抓住Portal Gun或從根本上擴充套件您在遊戲中的選擇範圍,但我們將引導您安裝每個人都可以使用的mod(無論他們的愛意如何) Portal或My Little Pony)應該安裝:Optifine。

Whether you play Minecraft on an old laptop or a beefy gaming rig, Optifine is a fantastic mod that does an extraordinary job improving the graphics performance in Minecraft. Even if you’re the most pure of the purist player, it’s foolish not to install it. Regardless of how much we love Minecraft, we’ll be the first to recognize that the code is a bit on the sloppy side and could use the optimizations that Optifine provides.

無論您是在舊膝上型電腦上玩Minecraft,還是在功能強大的遊戲平臺上玩遊戲,Optifine都是一款出色的mod,它在提高Minecraft的圖形效能方面做得非常出色。 即使您是最純粹的純粹播放器,也不安裝它是愚蠢的。 無論我們多麼熱愛Minecraft,我們都會第一個認識到程式碼有些草率,可以使用Optifine提供的優化。

To download Optifine, visit the official site. From the downloads section, grab a copy of the mod. Remember to grab a copy that matches your Minecraft version number. In our demonstration today, we’ll grab the 1.7.10 version to match the version of Minecraft and Forge we’re working with. While the majority of mods you’ll find are just one bundle like SomeCoolMod, you’ll notice that Optifine is subdivided into Ultra/Standard/Light for most Minecraft releases.

要下載Optifine,請訪問官方網站。 從下載部分中,獲取該mod的副本。 切記獲取與您的Minecraft版本號匹配的副本。 在今天的演示中,我們將獲取1.7.10版本以匹配我們正在使用的Minecraft和Forge的版本。 儘管您會發現大多數mod只是與SomeCoolMod一樣的一個捆綁包,但您會注意到,對於大多數Minecraft版本,Optifine細分為Ultra / Standard / Light。

As you might imagine, Ultra makes the most changes to your game and includes the most optimizations, standard takes a middle-of-the-road-approach and balances optimizations with performance considerations, and Light is designed for low-end desktop and laptop machines that are really struggling with Minecraft.


If you read the fine print, you’ll notice that Optifine Light has a note indicating it isn’t compatible with Forge. Not compatible with Forge? How is the mod installable without Forge? Optifine can actually be installed without forge as a totally standalone mod, which is extremely rare in the Minecraft modding world.

如果您閱讀精美印刷品,您會注意到Optifine Light帶有註釋,表明它與Forge不相容。 與Forge不相容? 如果沒有Forge,如何安裝mod? 實際上,Optifine無需鍛造即可安裝為完全獨立的mod,這在Minecraft改裝世界中極為罕見。

All three versions of Optifine can be run as a Java executable and they will create a new Minecraft profile called Optifine. This is a great option for players who want an absolute vanilla experience with improved graphics rendering (and no chance of using other mods) or for players with computers that struggle so much with any extra additions that Optifine is the only thing they want to install. We recommend against limiting yourself to just installing Optifine by itself; instead we’re going to add it to Forge’s mod list where it will load alongside the rest of mods.

所有三個版本的Optifine均可作為Java可執行檔案執行,它們將建立一個名為Optifine的新Minecraft配置檔案。 對於想要通過改進的圖形渲染獲得絕對原始體驗(並且沒有使用其他mod的機會)的玩家,或者對於那些在額外新增的附加功能上苦苦掙扎,而Optifine是他們唯一要安裝的遊戲的玩家來說,這是一個不錯的選擇。 我們建議不要將自己限制為僅自行安裝Optifine; 取而代之的是,我們將其新增到Forge的mod列表中,並與其他mod一起載入。

Mods come in two file container formats: .JAR and .ZIP. Optifine is a .JAR but if it were a .ZIP the procedure would be the same. You do not unpack the container; you simply place the container file into the /mods/ sub-folder of your Minecraft profile folder that was created during the Forge installation. After that, simply run Minecraft again and load one of your worlds.

Mod有兩種檔案容器格式:.JAR和.ZIP。 Optifine是.JAR,但如果是.ZIP,則過程將相同。 您無需開啟容器包裝; 您只需將容器檔案放入在Forge安裝過程中建立的Minecraft配置檔案資料夾的/ mods /子資料夾中。 之後,只需再次執行Minecraft並載入一個世界即可。

Once in your world, you can confirm the installation of Optifine by pressing F3 to load the on-screen debug interface like so:


Note the readout on the 3 line in the upper left corner. The end of the line has been annotated to include “Optifine_1.7.10_HD_A4”. Optifine is also listed in the mod list on the right-hand side of the screen. Optifine has been successfully loaded, we’re enjoying the automatic graphic rendering improvements that come with the mod, and all we had to do was download a file and then drag and it into a folder.

注意左上角3行的讀數。 該行的末尾已註釋為包括“ Optifine_1.7.10_HD_A4”。 Optifine也列在螢幕右側的模組列表中。 Optifine已成功載入,我們正在享受mod帶來的自動圖形渲染改進,我們所要做的就是下載檔案,然後將其拖動到資料夾中。

Press “ESC” to bring up the in-game menu, and then look in Options -> Video Settings, you’ll find that your Video Settings menu is radically expanded and includes very helpful mouse-over hint boxes. If you’re a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of settings there, don’t worry. Tomorrow’s lesson is focused completely on the benefits of Optifine and how to work your way through each of the video options to really maximize performance (and even fix some minor annoyances).

按“ ESC”調出遊戲選單,然後在“選項”->“視訊設定”中檢視,您會發現“視訊設定”選單已被徹底擴充套件,幷包含非常有用的滑鼠懸停提示框。 如果您對那裡的大量設定感到不知所措,請不要擔心。 明天的課程完全專注於Optifine的優勢,以及如何通過每個視訊選項來真正實現最佳效能(甚至解決一些小麻煩)。

In the meantime let’s talk about minimizing your mod-installing frustrations.


使用此清單消除Mod安裝的挫敗感 (Banish Mod Installation Frustrations with This Checklist)

In all our years of modding games, including Minecraft, the vast majority of any issues, frustrations, or headaches we’ve had can be directly traced back to us being too excited/hasty in our mod selection. We’ll save you a bunch of headaches and troubleshooting by providing this simple checklist.

在我們所有的改裝遊戲(包括Minecraft)中,我們遇到的絕大多數問題,挫折或頭痛都可以直接追溯到我們對裝備的選擇感到過於興奮/急躁。 通過提供此簡單清單,我們將為您省去許多麻煩和故障排除。

Before working through the checklist, take the time to write down or otherwise note the version of Minecraft you’re using as well as the version of Forge installed. Use this checklist for any new mod you’re considering installing.

在檢查清單之前,請花點時間寫下或以其他方式記下您正在使用的Minecraft的版本以及已安裝的Forge的版本。 對於要考慮安裝的任何新模組,請使用此清單。

  • Is the mod compatible with my current version of Minecraft or at least from the general release version? For example, we’re running 1.7.10, so is the mod indicated to work with 1.7.10 or at least with the general 1.7.x release?

    該模組是否與我當前的Minecraft版本相容,或者至少與一般發行版相容? 例如,我們正在執行1.7.10,那麼該mod是否可以在1.7.10或至少在常規1.7.x版本中使用?
  • Is the mod compatible with my current version of Forge? This is much less flexible than the general release version spread for Minecraft itself. For example, if a mod says it needs Forge version or higher, it means exactly that.

    該模組與我當前的Forge版本相容嗎? 這比Minecraft本身釋出的普通發行版的靈活性要差得多。 例如,如果一個mod表示它需要Forge版本10.13.0.1188或更高版本,則表示完全正確。
  • Does the mod documentation (always look for an official thread on the official Minecraft forums, if possible) indicate any conflicts with my current version of Minecraft, Forge, or any mods you have currently installed? e.g. Optifine, etc.

    mod文件(如果可能,總是在Minecraft官方論壇上尋找官方執行緒)是否指示與我當前版本的Minecraft,Forge或您當前安裝的任何mod有衝突? 例如Optifine等

Just by working your way through this simple three-point checklist you’ll save yourself from pretty much any modding headache. If you follow this checklist and you still run into a problem, the easiest way to start the troubleshooting process is to work backward from the most recently installed mod. Disable it from the Minecraft start menu (if Minecraft fully loads and the problems arise after you start playing the game) or, if the game won’t even load, remove the mod entirely from the /mod/ folder or rename the modname.JAR or modname.ZIP file to modename.OLD to disable it.

只需通過這個簡單的三點清單進行操作,您就可以避免任何麻煩。 如果您遵循此清單,但仍然遇到問題,則開始故障排除過程的最簡單方法是從最新安裝的mod向後進行。 從Minecraft的開始選單中禁用它(如果Minecraft已完全載入並且在您開始玩遊戲後出現問題),或者,如果遊戲甚至無法載入,請從/ mod /資料夾中完全刪除該mod或重新命名modname.JAR或將modname.ZIP檔案更改為modename.OLD以將其禁用。

In addition to disabling it to confirm the mod in question is the one causing the trouble, you can also look in the /logs/ folder, read the log, and look at what error was created when the mod in question crashed the game. Don’t be alarmed at how cryptic the log files usually are, just look for the last entry before the game crashed and then search for the contents of those last few lines on the Minecraft forums to look for other users who have posted questions about similar error codes.

除了禁用它以確認引起問題的mod是引起麻煩的原因之外,您還可以檢視/ logs /資料夾,閱讀日誌,並檢視當問題的mod使遊戲崩潰時造成的錯誤。 不必擔心日誌檔案通常是多麼的神祕,只需在遊戲崩潰之前查詢最後一個條目,然後在Minecraft論壇上搜索最後幾行的內容,以尋找其他發表了類似問題的使用者錯誤程式碼。

With Forge and Optifine under your belt you’re ready to tackle just about any Minecraft modding situation. Now is a great time to revisit the Where to Find Mods section above and search out cool mods to take for a spin.

有了Forge和Optifine,您就可以應對幾乎所有的Minecraft改裝情況。 現在是時候重新訪問上面的“在哪裡找到Mods”部分,並搜尋出色的mod進行試用。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/202633/how-to-install-minecraft-mods-to-customize-your-game/

minecraft mod