1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >outlook2013升級_如何在Outlook 2013中建立和管理聯絡人

outlook2013升級_如何在Outlook 2013中建立和管理聯絡人



Address Book Close Up

Outlook isn’t much use if you don’t have contacts. Sure, you can enter email addresses as you go, but that’s time-consuming and error-prone. It’s better to have your contacts already in Outlook, so you can dash off a quick message in just a few clicks.

如果您沒有聯絡人,Outlook不會有太大用處。 當然,您可以隨時輸入電子郵件地址,但這既耗時又容易出錯。 最好在Outlook中已經有您的聯絡人,這樣您只需單擊幾下就可以繪製一條快速訊息。

In a recent article, we discussed how to get started using Outlook, and today we want to extend that to include working with contacts. Your contacts will be the center of your Outlook experience,those with whom you correspond and how you use the application.

在最近的文章中,我們討論瞭如何開始使用Outlook ,今天,我們希望將其擴充套件為包括使用聯絡人。 聯絡人將是Outlook體驗,與您通訊的物件以及如何使用該應用程式的中心。

As you might expect, you can do a lot of contact management with Outlook, and having an address book set up before you start using it makes a lot of sense.


建立通訊簿 (Creating an Address Book)

To begin managing your contacts, the first thing you want to do is open the People mode so you can get down to work. There’s quite a few ways to add contacts to your address book. In the beginning, you’re likely to

import your address book from another source like your webmail or other e-mail program.

要開始管理聯絡人,首先要做的是開啟“人員”模式,這樣您就可以開始工作了。 有很多方法可以將聯絡人新增到地址簿中。 一開始,您可能會從其他來源(例如Webmail或其他電子郵件程式)匯入地址簿

Note, for each email account you have, you’re going to have an address book. In this particular situation, we have a local address book for our local Outlook data file, and we have another one associated with ouremail account.

請注意,對於您擁有的每個電子郵件帳戶,您都會有一個通訊錄。 在這種特殊情況下,我們為本地Outlook資料檔案提供了一個本地通訊簿,並且還有另一個與我們的電子郵件帳戶相關聯的通訊錄。

In any event,let’s cover the basics so that if you don’t have an address book to import, you can start adding contacts manually. In the following screenshot we see a portion of our new address book, which is completely empty, for now.

無論如何,讓我們介紹一下基礎知識,這樣,如果您沒有要匯入的通訊錄,則可以開始手動新增聯絡人。 在下面的螢幕截圖中,我們看到了新地址簿的一部分,目前它是完全空白的。


To start, just click the “New Contact” button and it will open a new contact window. The first thing that may jump out at you is just how busy it appears but fear not, if you look past the many features on the Ribbon, you’ll see that it’s a pretty standard, run-of-the-mill contacts form.

要開始,只需單擊“新聯絡人”按鈕,它將開啟一個新的聯絡人視窗。 首先可能會引起您的注意的是它看上去有多忙,但請不要擔心,如果您檢視功能區上的許多功能,就會發現它是一種非常標準的常規聯絡人表格。

Let’s cut to the chase then and make a contact for How-To Geek by filling in the appropriate values. You can also add an image, which is unnecessary, but still a nice touch to the bland, boring address book.

然後讓我們開始追逐,並通過填寫適當的值來聯絡How-To Geek。 您還可以新增影象,雖然這是不必要的,但對於平淡無聊的通訊簿仍然是一種不錯的感覺。

After you’re done entering your contact or contacts, you will want to either click “Save & Close” or you can click “Save & New” to generate another contact. Let’s do that. We have a choice between creating a whole new contact or a new contact for the same company.

輸入完一個或多個聯絡人後,您將需要單擊“儲存並關閉”,也可以單擊“儲存並新建”以生成另一個聯絡人。 來做吧。 我們可以選擇建立一個新聯絡人還是為同一公司建立新聯絡人。

In this case, we’ll choose the latter to save time on typing, after which we’ll click “Save & Close” to reveal our new address book entries.


Not bad, we already have two contacts we can email but, man, is this time-consuming. It would be a lot easier if we could move contact information from another source to Outlook.

還不錯,我們已經有兩個可以通過電子郵件傳送的聯絡人,但是,這很耗時。 如果我們可以將聯絡資訊從另一個來源轉移到Outlook,將會容易得多。

If you use a webmail service or another, your contacts are most likely there and will need to be imported into Outlook. If you want to enter each contact one by one, then you’re most certainly welcome to do so, but we recommend importing your main contacts list, whether that is from Thunderbird, or Gmail, or another email service.

如果您使用Webmail服務或其他服務,則您的聯絡人很可能在那裡,將需要匯入到Outlook中。 如果您想要一個一個地輸入每個聯絡人,那麼當然可以歡迎您這樣做,但是我們建議您匯入主要聯絡人列表,無論是從Thunderbird或Gmail還是從另一個電子郵件服務匯入。

匯入和匯出聯絡人記錄 (Importing and Exporting Contact Records)

Regardless of whether you use Gmail or Yahoo Mail!, oryou have an email account from 1997 that you’ve carefully kept and maintained, contacts and all, inevitably you may need to put contacts into your Outlook contacts en masse.

無論您使用的是Gmail還是Yahoo Mail !,或者您擁有一個經過精心維護和維護的1997年以來的電子郵件帳戶,以及聯絡人和所有聯絡人,不可避免地,您可能需要將聯絡人大量新增到Outlook聯絡人中。

To do this, you canexport contacts from another source and then import them into Outlook. Normally this is easily accomplished by simply accessing the settings or options from your email account or client and then choosing the export contacts option.

為此,您可以從其他來源匯出聯絡人,然後將其匯入Outlook。 通常,只需從您的電子郵件帳戶或客戶端訪問設定或選項,然後選擇匯出聯絡人選項,即可輕鬆完成此操作。

Normally then, all you need to do is then import them into Outlook. This is a fairly straightforward process, and it will be similar in most email applications. We recommend you read our article, which explains how to export and import contacts into Outlook, and vice-versa.

通常,然後,您所需要做的就是將它們匯入Outlook。 這是一個相當簡單的過程,並且在大多數電子郵件應用程式中都將類似。 我們建議您閱讀我們的文章,該文章解釋瞭如何將聯絡人匯出和匯入Outlook ,反之亦然。

電子名片? 什麼是vCard? (vCard? What’s a vCard?)

You might have heard vCards (Virtual Card File or .VCF), maybe you’ve even received one or use one. vCards, are a standard electronic business card format that you can exchange with others such as through an email signature or attachment.

您可能聽說過vCard(虛擬卡檔案或.VCF),甚至可能收到了一個或使用過一個。 電子名片(vCard)是一種標準的電子名片格式,您可以通過電子郵件簽名或附件與他人交換。

Regardless, there are several ways that you can handle vCards in Outlook. The most likely scenario is where you might need to import a contact from or export to a vCard. How-To Geek has a complete description of this process, which will quickly bring you up to speed on that.

無論如何,您可以通過多種方式在Outlook中處理vCard。 最可能的情況是您可能需要從vCard匯入聯絡人或將聯絡人匯出到vCard。 《 How-To Geek》對此過程進行了完整的描述,這將使您快速入門。

Sometimes, you might have many vCards stored in a single vCard file. If you try to convert this file however, only the first vCard in the file will be imported. In order to overcome this limitation, you first need to convert to a .CSV file and then import that into Outlook. We recommend you read this article for a complete description of that process.

有時,您可能在單個vCard檔案中儲存了許多vCard。 但是,如果嘗試轉換此檔案,則僅匯入檔案中的第一個vCard。 為了克服此限制,您首先需要轉換為.CSV檔案,然後將其匯入Outlook。 我們建議您閱讀本文以獲取對該過程的完整描述。

Finally, you can export all your contacts to individual vCards or one single master vCard, as described in the previous paragraph. Once again, we have a great little tutorial on how to do this, so with that you should be up to speed on how to get you vCards in and out of Outlook with relative ease.

最後,您可以將所有聯絡人匯出到單個vCard或一個主vCard,如上一段所述。 再次,我們有一個很好的小教程,介紹瞭如何執行此操作,因此您應該相對較快地掌握如何將vCard插入和退出Outlook。

建立和管理聯絡人組 (Create and Manage Contact Groups)

Let’s discuss groups now since being able to quickly dash off a message to a select group of souls assures you don’t forget to include anyone and saves you from typing each name in the To: field.


To set up a contact group, click on “New Contact Group” on the Ribbon.


Once open, you will need to first decide what you want to call your group (here we name ours “CES 2015”) and then click “Add Members” and select “From Outlook Contacts.” You can also create a new contact on the fly, or choose another address book, such as if you wanted to include folks from your company’s directory.

開啟後,您首先需要確定要給組命名的名稱(在這裡我們將其命名為“ CES 2015”),然後單擊“新增成員”並選擇“來自Outlook聯絡人”。 您還可以即時建立新聯絡人,或選擇其他通訊錄,例如,如果要包括公司目錄中的人員。

From the list, we select our group members. Remember, you can select members by holding “CTRL” and left-clicking each member. Regardless, whenever you want to add new members, you select the name or names and click the “Members ->” button, which will add them to the group.

從列表中,我們選擇組成員。 請記住,您可以通過按住“ CTRL”並左鍵單擊每個成員來選擇成員。 無論如何,無論何時要新增新成員,都可以選擇一個或多個名稱,然後單擊“成員->”按鈕,這會將它們新增到組中。

When you’re finished, click “OK.”


You’ll be returned to the group management screen, where you can review the members of your new group and make other changes. For example, you can forward the group as a Vcard or Outlook contact, add notes about the group, email the entire group, or create a meeting with only those group members.

您將返回到組管理螢幕,在該螢幕上您可以檢視新組的成員並進行其他更改。 例如,您可以將組作為Vcard或Outlook聯絡人進行轉發,新增有關該組的註釋,向整個組傳送電子郵件或僅與那些組成員建立會議。

In our case, we’re just going to click “Save & Close” to officially create the group and return to the main Outlook window. We see now our new group in our contacts list, denoted by group icon. To the right, you can see the group’s member and there’s icons to which to perform actions. In this example, only the e-mail icon is available, as well as the “Edit” button.

在本例中,我們只需要單擊“儲存並關閉”即可正式建立該組並返回到Outlook主視窗。 現在,我們在聯絡人列表中看到了新的小組,由小組圖標表示。 在右側,您可以看到該組的成員以及要對其執行操作的圖示。 在此示例中,僅電子郵件圖示以及“編輯”按鈕可用。

You should note that the quickest way to email a group is to simply type the name of it in the To: field, so in this case, we could type “CES 2015” and Outlook would know to send the message to everyone in that group.

您應該注意,向群組傳送電子郵件的最快方法是在“收件人:”欄位中鍵入其名稱,因此,在這種情況下,我們可以輸入“ CES 2015”,Outlook便會知道將訊息傳送給該群組中的每個人。

人員選項 (People Options)

If you click on “File -> Options”, you can configure Outlook in a number of ways in several different categories.


Here are your people options. Unlike other categories in the Outlook options, the People options are few and pretty easy to sort out.

這是您的人員選項。 與Outlook選項中的其他類別不同,“人員”選項很少,而且很容易整理。

The options you’ll find here will let you decide how names are filed, whether to show an additional index, and to display online statuses and photographs.


Managing Outlook contacts is fairly simple, but as you’ve seen, you can do a great deal more to them to keep them properly maintained. It does lend a lot more to round out yourOutlook experience if you’ve got more information inyour contacts than just a name and email address.

管理Outlook聯絡人非常簡單,但是如您所見,您可以對它們進行更多處理,以保持它們的正確維護。 如果您在聯絡人中獲得的資訊不僅僅是姓名和電子郵件地址,它的確可以為您帶來更多的Outlook體驗。

That said, if you’re still partialto using something like Gmail as your primary email provider, then you can still use Outlook to help you manage your contacts, while keeping them synced with your Gmail account.


翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/203235/how-to-create-and-manage-contacts-in-outlook-2013/
