1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >新的ASP.NET網站啟動


A few weeks ago we introduced a beta of a freshly designed http://asp.net website. Today we launched it. Jon, myself, and the team that manages the site took lots of your feedback (lots from the comments of the Beta Blog Post) and did our best to incorporate as much as we could. This is just the start, and we've got lots of plans for the future including responsive design, more text content, localization, more HTML 5, HD Video, closed captioning and lots more.

幾周前,我們推出了一個全新設計的http://asp.net網站的Beta版。 今天我們啟動了它。 喬恩(Jon) ,我本人以及管理該網站的團隊(從Beta Blog Post評論中吸取了很多意見)都竭盡所能,並竭盡所能。 這僅僅是開始,我們對未來有很多計劃,包括響應式設計,更多文字內容,本地化,更多HTML 5,高清視訊,隱藏式字幕等等。

It is a big site with thousands and thousands of pages. However, a lot of those pages were hard to find. We're continuing to try to get folks what they need in fewer clicks.

這是一個擁有成千上萬頁的大型網站。 但是,其中很多頁面都很難找到。 我們將繼續努力,以減少點選次數來使人們獲得所需的東西。

There's new content for people getting started, including "choosing a technology" videos, the Big Green Button remains with a new download video as well as quick download links for the stuff you're always searching for.



Each top level page (Web Pages, Web Forms, MVC) has a 5 minute app building video and lots more getting stated content. You asked for more text tutorials and we heard you. In-depth tutorials on deployment, working with the Entity Framework, suggested open source projects to check out for each, books, samples, and more. And, you can always find out about the next version of ASP.NET at http://asp.net/vnext.

每個頂層頁面(網頁,Web窗體,MVC)都有一個5分鐘的應用程式構建視訊,還有更多內容得到陳述。 您要求提供更多的文字教程,我們聽到了您的聲音。 有關部署的深入教程(與Entity Framework一起使用)建議開放原始碼專案,以檢出每個專案,書籍,示例等。 並且,您始終可以在http://asp.net/vnext上找到有關下一版ASP.NET的資訊。

The new ASP.NET Navigation

The home page header is smaller, per your feedback, making room for more Daily Community Spotlight content as well as pinned announcements. There's a cleaned up Community page with easy to access RSS feeds, a quick navigator and lots more fresh community content packed onto the page. Tutorials are more organized like a living book now and are easier to follow. Tutorials can now appear as multi-part tutorials with better navigation. Forums got a nice facelift, as did the Wiki, and Weblogs. Each technology also includes a great free video course from Pluralsight. Feedback is always appreciated.

根據您的反饋,首頁標題較小,為更多的Daily Community Spotlight內容以及固定的公告留有空間。 有一個經過清理的社群頁面,其中包含易於訪問的RSS feed,快速導航器以及頁面上打包的更多新鮮社群內容。 教程現在變得更加井井有條,更易於閱讀。 教程現在可以顯示為具有更好導航的多部分教程。 論壇以及WikiWeblogs都進行了很好的改版。 每種技術還包括來自Pluralsight的精彩免費視訊課程。 反饋總是很感激。

Example Nerddinner Tutorial with Multi-part article navigation at right

Videos are larger, video downloads are simpler and links with table of contents are everywhere. All those videos you never could find actually do exist.

視訊更大,視訊下載更簡單,並且目錄無處不在。 您永遠找不到的所有那些視訊確實存在。

New video page includes more information and makes better use of space

The site is still powered by the Open Source CMS Umbraco and we're very happy with it. Jon Galloway worked tirelessly on this new site launch along with TerriM, ScottHu, SridharM, Samir and lots of other folks smarter than I. Jon digs into the new layout and "information architecture" over on his blog so check that out for more details on our thinking.

該站點仍由開源CMS Umbraco支援,我們對此感到非常滿意。 喬恩·加洛韋(Jon Galloway)與TerriM,ScottHu,SridharM,薩米爾(Samir)以及其他許多比我聰明的人在這個新網站上進行了不懈的努力。喬恩(Jon)在他的部落格中深入研究了新的佈局和“資訊架構”,因此請檢視有關的更多詳細資訊我們的想法。

yslow on aspnet aspnetaspnet and aspnetaspnet accounts up and firing on all cylinders. Join us on your favorite social network or 算出並在所有氣缸上點火。 加入我們喜歡的社交網路或 subscribe in your favorite reader and we''ll make sure all the fresh Jon Galloway-curated spotlight content is delivered to you as we get it. 訂閱喜歡的讀者,我們將確保在獲得Jon Galloway策劃的所有新鮮聚光燈內容後,將其交付給您。

I'm also pretty proud of how we're doing in YSlow. The perf on the site is great. The home page is under 100 lines of HTML5, the markup is clean, and we're aiming for similar results in other parts of the site. Soon we'll make the ASP.NET site's personal CDN cookieless and have straight "A's" on YSlow, which is no small feat.

我也為我們在YSlow的表現感到自豪。 該網站上的效能很棒。 主頁HTML5行少於100行,標記很乾淨,我們的目標是在網站的其他部分提供類似的結果。 很快,我們將使ASP.NET站點的個人CDN變為無cookie,並在YSlow上帶有直的“ A”,這可不是一件容易的事

We realize that the #1 piece of feedback from you all is that you don't like the ads. At this point, that's out of my hands, but I'm working with the team on providing less distracting and more reasonably designed ads. Most of the ads are for hosting or controls, and the vendors that get ads are happy with being on the site. We're also working with the bosses on how to ensure that the site is funded appropriately. You don't have to tell me...I get it. Feel free to vote on the ASP.NET User Voice site.

我們意識到,大家反饋的第一名是您不喜歡廣告。 在這一點上,這是我無法控制的,但是我正在與團隊合作,以提供較少干擾和更合理設計的廣告。 大多數廣告用於託管或控制元件,並且獲得廣告的供應商對網站上的內容感到滿意。 我們還與老闆合作,以確保該網站獲得適當的資金。 你不必告訴我...我明白了。 隨時在ASP.NET使用者語音網站上投票。

It's never finished, but it's getting there. We're really happy with the improved performance, better navigation, fresher and more relevant content. We've got more in store, so stay tuned.

它從未完成過,但是已經到了。 我們對改進的效能,更好的導航,更新鮮,更相關的內容感到非常滿意。 我們還有更多庫存,敬請期待。

Hope you like it.


關於斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·漢塞爾曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架構師,現在是演講者,顧問,父親,糖尿病患者和Microsoft員工。 他是一位失敗的單口相聲漫畫家,一個玉米種植者和一本書的作者。

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翻譯自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/new-aspnet-website-launched