1. 程式人生 > 實用技巧 >蘋果電腦登不上蘋果商店_附近沒有蘋果商店? 嘗試蘋果授權服務提供商

蘋果電腦登不上蘋果商店_附近沒有蘋果商店? 嘗試蘋果授權服務提供商



Apple Stores aren’t the only place where you can buy Apple products and get them serviced. There are tons of other stores that also offer a similar experience, which is great for those who live nowhere near an Apple Store.

Apple Store商店不是唯一可以購買Apple產品並獲得服務的地方。 還有許多其他商店也提供類似的體驗,這對於那些離Apple Store不遠的人來說非常有用。

You might have seen other places that serve almost as third-party Apple Stores, like Best Buy, B&H Photo, Walmart, and Target. These stores usually have a small dedicated section where they sell Apple products, as well as service them (depending on the store).

您可能已經看到過幾乎充當第三方Apple Store商店的其他地方,例如Best Buy,B&H Photo,Walmart和Target。 這些商店通常在專門的小區域內銷售蘋果產品併為其提供服務(取決於商店)。

However, you can usually also find smaller, locally-owned shops that provide the same service. These are all called Apple Authorized Service Providers (AASPs) and Resellers (AARs), and while they’re not genuine Apple Stores, they’re as close as it gets in certain areas.

但是,通常您也可以找到提供相同服務的較小的本地商店。 這些全都稱為Apple授權服務提供商(AASP)和經銷商(AAR),儘管它們不是真正的Apple Store,但在某些方面與它們相距甚遠。

It’s important to note the distinction between Authorized Service Providers and Authorized Resellers, though. The latter only sells Apple products. So places like Walmart, Target, and carrier stores are Authorized Resellers that sell Apple products in some capacity, but they don’t offer any repair services. Authorized Service Providers, on the other hand, can sell Apple products, as well as service and repair them (e.g. Best Buy, Simply Mac, etc.). We’ll mostly be discussing Authorized Service Providers in this post.

不過,請務必注意授權服務提供商和授權經銷商之間的區別。 後者僅銷售Apple產品。 因此,沃爾瑪(Walmart),塔吉特(Target)和運營商商店等地方都是授權經銷商,它們以某種容量出售Apple產品,但它們不提供任何維修服務。 另一方面,授權的服務提供商可以出售Apple產品以及對其進行維修和修理(例如Best Buy,Simply Mac等)。 在本文中,我們將主要討論授權服務提供商。

蘋果商店與蘋果授權商店 (Apple Stores vs. Apple Authorized Stores)

In a nutshell, Apple Authorized stores must meet certain requirements that Apple sets, similar to how they set requirements for third-party accessory makers. This ranges from minor things like location of the store and its business hours, all the way to very specific requirements like how the store is set up inside and even how organized the back room is.

簡而言之,Apple授權商店必須滿足Apple設定的某些要求,類似於他們為第三方配件製造商設定要求的方式。 從小範圍的事情,例如商店的位置及其營業時間,一直到非常具體的要求,例如商店的內部設定方式以及後室的組織方式。

Furthermore, employees at Apple Authorized locations receive the same training and certifications that regular Apple Store employees do. However, according to one Apple-certified technician that we spoke to, the consistency of the training and certifications varies from store to store, as sales representatives in particular aren’t necessarily required to obtain Apple certifications, but are at least encouraged to do so. Every Authorized Service Provider, though, is required to have at least one Apple Certified Mac Technician on staff no matter what.

此外,Apple授權地點的員工接受與Apple Store普通員工相同的培訓和認證。 但是,據我們採訪的一位經過Apple認證的技術人員說,培訓和認證的一致性因商店而異,因為不一定特別需要銷售代表獲得Apple認證,但至少應鼓勵這樣做。 。 但是,無論如何,每個授權服務提供商都必須至少配備一名Apple認證的Mac技術員。

Apple Authorized stores also have access to Apple resources, including genuine replacement parts, as well as product schematics and documents to help with repairs—no one else has access to this information, so this alone is quite valuable for Authorized Service Providers. However, iFixitoffers iPhone replacement parts that are from the same Chinese suppliers that Apple uses, and their guides are about as good as it gets without it being Apple-official.

Apple授權商店還可以訪問Apple資源,包括原裝更換零件以及產品示意圖和文件以幫助維修-沒有其他人可以訪問此資訊,因此僅此一項對授權服務提供商而言就非常有價值。 但是, iFixit提供的iPhone替換零件與Apple使用的中國供應商相同,其指南在沒有Apple官方授權的情況下也差不多。

iFixit.com offers tons of replacement parts (and tools) that are as genuine as it can get.

The biggest benefit of Apple Authorized locations, though, is that you likely have one in your area, whereas the nearest Apple Store could be a few hours away. This means that if you need to get your iPhone or Mac looked at, you don’t necessarily have to ship it off to Apple and be without it for an extended amount of time. Instead, you can just go to your local Authorized Service Providers and possibly score a same-day repair, depending on the issue.

但是,Apple授權地點的最大好處是您所在的地區可能只有一個,而最近的Apple Store可能要幾個小時的路程。 這意味著,如果您需要檢查iPhone或Mac,則不必將其交付給Apple,並且無需長時間使用。 取而代之的是,您可以去當地的授權服務提供商,並根據具體情況獲得當天的維修服務。

However, depending on the Authorized Service Provider, they mightnot have the necessary tools to service products as quickly as Apple can, and many repairs end up getting sent off to Apple anyway instead of being done in-house, with battery and screen replacements being the big exceptions.


那未經授權的獨立商店呢? (What About Unauthorized Independent Shops?)

With an Apple Authorized shop most likely located in your area anyway, is there a compelling reason to go to an unauthorized, independent shop instead of an Authorized Service Provider? Or should you just stay away from independent shops entirely?

無論如何,如果Apple授權商店很可能位於您所在的地區,那麼是否有令人信服的理由去未經授權的獨立商店而不是授權服務提供商? 還是您應該完全遠離獨立商店?

The answer to that is yes and no. Independent shops aren’t necessarily worse by any means, as far as the quality of service is concerned (of course, that can vary). But as mentioned above, these places don’t have access togenuine Apple replacement parts, which means any parts that are replaced on your iPhone might not be as good as the real thing, with the battery being the biggest concern. And don’t forget about all those iPhone users who got their screens replaced by an independent shop,only to receive the infamous Error 53 later on. This has since been fixed, but it proves the volatility of third-party components.

答案是否定的。 就服務質量而言,獨立商店不一定以任何方式惡化(當然,可能會有所不同)。 但是如上所述,這些地方無法使用Apple的原裝更換零件,這意味著在iPhone上更換的任何零件可能都不如真實零件,因此電池是最大的問題。 而且,不要忘了所有螢幕被獨立商店取代的iPhone使用者,後來才收到臭名昭著的Error 53 。 此問題已得到修復,但證明了第三方元件的易變性。

Granted, some independent shops scoop up genuine Apple parts by scrapping old iPhones for the parts that still work, but sometimes they’ll still just order non-Apple parts from various Chinese manufacturers. The good news is that some reputable shops will offer their own in-house warranty or guarantee for repairs, so you’re certainly not taking a humongous risk by going to an independent shop rather than an Authorized Service Provider, especially if you have an older iPhone that’s no longer covered under Apple’s warranty.

當然,一些獨立商店通過報廢仍能使用的舊iPhone來搶購Apple原裝零件,但有時他們仍會從多家中國製造商那裡訂購非Apple零件。 好訊息是,一些信譽良好的商店將提供自己的內部保修或維修保證,因此,您去一家獨立商店而非授權服務提供商肯定不會承擔巨大的風險,特別是如果您的店面較老iPhone不再屬於Apple的保修範圍。

Also, independent shops have way more flexibility and freedom when it comes to the kinds of repairs they can do (as well as how much they charge for those repairs). This is because Apple has a strict set of guidelines for repairs that the authorized providers must adhere to.

此外,獨立店有更多方式的靈活性和自由度,當涉及到的各種維修,他們可以做的(以及他們收取多少費用對於那些維修)。 這是因為Apple有一套嚴格的維修準則,授權提供者必須遵守這些準則。

For example, if the headphone jack goes kaput on your older iPhone, a repair is possible, but as the Apple-certified technician that we talked to puts it, “that puts a risk on the post-repair integrity—it’s more time consuming and has a larger possibility of failure.”


In that case, Apple would likely just scrap your iPhone and give you a replacement, whereas an independent shop would be able to perform the headphone jack repair and even charge you less for it (at the risk of using third-party components and a non-Apple-certified technician).


The same goes doubly for iPads, with our technician saying that “Apple only offers whole unit replacements for iPads no matter what the hardware issue. If you’ve ever seen an iPad that’s had a third-party screen replacement, you’ll know why Apple doesn’t waste time on these repairs.”

iPad的情況同樣如此,我們的技術人員說:“無論硬體問題如何,Apple都只能為iPad提供整機替代品。 如果您曾經看過更換了第三方螢幕的iPad,那麼您就會知道Apple為什麼不花時間進行這些維修。”

In the end, Apple Authorized locations are about as close as it gets to a genuine Apple Store, only you don’t have to drive three hours to it if you don’t live near one. They serve as the next-best option for those needing to get their broken Apple products looked at by an Apple-certified professional.

最後,Apple授權商店的位置與真正的Apple Store商店幾乎一樣,只要您不住在附近,就不必開車三個小時。 對於需要得到Apple認證的專業人員看壞其Apple產品的使用者來說,它們是第二好的選擇。

翻譯自: https://www.howtogeek.com/338710/no-apple-store-nearby-try-an-apple-authorized-service-provider/
